Whitby Free Press, 19 May 1993, p. 33

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Whitby Froc Press, Wednesday, May 19, 1993, Page 33 CH -ILD CARE ROOMS AÀPARTMIENTSI HOMES HOMES SERVICES FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT I FOR RENT %p A% le- à M 121 ih - %UI.LîI - On TLJAcZT il!UAUJA - -irnc LOVING AND RELIABLE daycare available for infant in my home Piease calI 668-0748. LOVING MOT HER would love te provide quality care for your infant or toddler. Losof TLC - 430-9520. Specîatîzîng in Early Chîtdhood " For Pae o n. I I I FoEducatf ion Perrij House Day CareCentre l d. 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 WANTED WANTED - DAYCARE y car old boy attending McF arland Schooi. Cati after1 666-3782. for 6 Leslie 6 p.m. jPaper Products, i ncluding newspaper, *comprise 36 percent of the garbage placed iat curbsîde for pîckup each t. *week.AII Of it is recyclable. interlockiing stone- retaining watts wood toncing & decks A FREE GOMPETI TiVE ESTIMA TES Written Guarantee BRIAN'S Lawnmower Repair 721-2844 -725-8709 Free Pick U & Deliver LAWN MOWER SPECIAL TrUNE Up $4995 $4-9 +4parts POOL OPENINGS Pump off, Remnove cover, $60 COMPLETE OPENINGS, $110 ineludits *Pump off * Renove cover #Pumip set up Opening chemic-ils *Instalt diving board & 1bdders 666-3757 427-9524z BROOKLIN - LARGE, CLEAN, quiet. furnished room. Close te ail amenities. Suit mature mate. Parking. Avait abte now. 655-5539. ROOM IN A 3-BEDROOM bungalow. Use of living reom, TV, kit chon, washroem, iaund r facilities. Parking. Utilities inc uded, $450. Cati 725-7474, noon te 3:30 p.m.; 571-2051 att day. FURNISHED ROOM in oxocutive home. Kitchon and laundrty facilities, parking. $100/week. First andtlast. CatI Dobbic at 666-0200. SHARED ACCOMODATIN« AVAILABLE JULY 1 - Reom in house te share with 3 othecs. Utitities included. Washer/dryer. $350/monlh. Mature people onty. Also, avaitabte immedialely one smalt room in same home, $300. 430-7103. OSHAWA - Persons te share 4 bedroom townhouso. Full access. $450/month, inctudes utilities. Available June 15. Cati 668-9155. "The room for rent we had adver- tised rented affer running oniy one week. Most of the calls we had were from people whe said they'd seen the ad in the Whitby Free Press." H.V. STAR CARPENTRY Decks & Fencing interlocking Bricks Robe-rt 666-1969 14 yrs. e XP Swlmmlng Pool Openlngs Competitive Rates Boat The Rush - Book Now Weekends O.K. e 579-9533 The Mutual Group [ÎHERB TRAN calfor quotatiofl Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & reliremernt planning since 1986 CALL 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT. HUGE 3 BEDROOM apartment for rent. Beautifuf condition. Avaifable July/August. Cati 666-5056. CENTRAL WHITBY - LARGE 3-bedroom, bright & dlean. Broadloom throughout. App fiances inciuding dis hwash or. Covered parking. $825/month. Available July 1. 668-4643. ONE BEDROOM basement apart ment, separato entrance. Available June 1. $500/month. Cali 571-3076. ONE BEDROOM apartment available June 1. Parking and Laundry. Utilities ext ra. $S25fmonth, f irst and last. Cati 430-6109. CENTRAL WHITBY - 2 bedroom upper duplex. Parking and utilities included. $750/month. Dave 666-0635. WHITBY - Large one bedroom basement apartment. Close to Go. Firepiaco, appliancos, parking. $475 month plus hydro. June 1. Phono 668-1045 atter 6 p.m. ROSSLAND & THORNTON - 3-bedreem, main floor of houso. Carpet & steve. Patio. $900, includes utilities. One-bedroem basemont apt., $600, inctudos utiltios. 725-7474 or 571-2051. ONE-BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment. Available îmmediately. Large living reem, kitchen. Fridge, stovo, utilitios includod. Close to school, shopping. $595. First & ast. 610 Stwart St., Whitby, 668-0629. REAL ESTATE INVEST IN THIS BEAUTIFUL, scenic, 4-acre hardwood estate building lot. Permits, hydre, phone on proport y. Sharbot Lake. 668-5272 alter 6 p.m. VTBM $39,900. OMMERCIAL SPACE FO RUT OR SAME RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main stroot location, downtown Whitby. Croative rt4ntal arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place te go when yeur bank says "NO." Servîng Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUB IS INVEST MENTS. F 71an2880 orp296(oratin Three-bedroom, finished family room, one 3-pc. & one 4-pc. bath. Large deck Iooking onto lake. 15 minutes norih of Port Perry. $1,OO/month, plus utiities. References required. First & last. Available July 15. Cati Phil or Sandi, 986-5558 anytime. (if flot home, leave message & telephone number.) B3RADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset Bivd. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) - 3 Bedrooms - 11/2 Baths - 5 Appliances- - Central Air - Garage - Paved Driveway - 3 Models - On Site Management - Easy Access to "GO" - Rents Start at $1 ,000 per month 668-1389 K. C. McCaiI Property Managemnent 666-5794 - 924-1100 for ront. 3 + 1 bedroom, famiiy room, 4 pce. plus 2 pce. bathroem. 4 appliances. $950/month + utililies. First and last. Rferences. Available July 1, 1993. CatI after 4 p.m. 666-2346. . 1 received 65 phono calis abota heuse 1 was self ingr" B.O. HOMES -FOR SALEI PRIVATE - 2 family home in the heart of Whitby. 4 bedroomns, 3 bat hs, 2 kitchens. Separate ontrances. 40' x 150' lot. 4 car driveway. $175,900. CatI 666-5056. No agents please. WHITBY - Legai duplex with addi- tional basement apt. Lew price. PICKERING - 3-bedroom homo with full in-iaw basement apt. Large assumnable mortgage. Self or rent with option te purchase. NORTH OSHAW A - 3-bedreom bungalow with basement apart- mont. Cati Dave 666-0635. AUCTIONEERS The peopleo f whitby and surrounding areas enjoy atitnding auction sales. Let tfem knoW. about your n80f sale by advertisig ln the mo6 wrdely read pages In Whitby - The Whitby Free Press, ciassifieds. cali: 668-6111 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE - -IrFS FAST - ITSEASYI ONE CAL ONE BILL DES I ALL. FLEA MARKETS TRAMPOLINES VENDORS \WANIEi - f ii lriîallc fixa rnirkni JiMP IN 10 5IJMMýEFI %Wl tiiA 1'lIIJNi) Groif location Open ail ynar loin our mainm of JUMPKING iraînpoliiîe Fjtîînss anufi for Ilin witRC,1l) (519) 623-0540 ontire tamily $551100 iicluirins- paditig O)IIqfîririg Ete-ptrses(51) f638 I364(1or (519)> EMPLOYMENT SERVICES oIR 2026. emrployors Iocaily nIlor îîalmiîially for as ifle as $20 rot r irorinaiîonr ail bn-ifeie 1800 26R3 lOBS or bom r(4 16) 020 IOlI1S FOR SALE INVISIBLE r ENCING -. hieoriginal and proveir doq corîtairrînni systeiri Ovor 250,000 dogq stand bexiiird Invisible rerciîîg Indoor arnd outldoor sysinrnss Gîjarxnlxed 1-800-661- 6286. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Er FOUNDATION seeks voltmolee)r If0o ordjinale international i oudenf exchange prograin Worm w/youmîg pemople, explore new ciltitîes, lravel Experîsns paild. For îîîfirrrration, rail Kaffîleen Mnyer 1.100.263- CHINA N(.IFIi1AKF C IIIA SAI Fi ltiiic discourls o citrpnf patleriisi Delivnrurd wel.paclred, îrrer ortîrîce isi on ycrPritire palprri - Alexri iurs n ex1300 203.-5196 (rip and savp) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAIJADIAN C()MPANjy OAPIBL-Y E XPANDIIJG han lie firidu'ing anîd pîxîrrioro toinI ofie '90s Dîstrîbîrlors ueedexi irnrnoedixlely Miiiinur'r nvç,tineiit $995 redtorai Mýusic nid Vixixo Club 1-800-263- 900 F Ot3 SALE tVloJmI1IA iFiIEtnF)IY snvu ilviFarnfioro aiePa. Nova Scolfia Buy rq so fay p inn p-c oni" m-illion antîîaily Fiea-rsn for splliq fieilti Plirrrrn (00) 447. 2130 1 nue ' 'i GFIOiJtJO FLElMNîtiIo sellirg. reetlings. 1loosi i1no-, gru-urritAir x-rî il prorJîicis, Biyers cibi uixpitiJing.rralîcriiw#Iiei FREEF rrforrralion pacl-agr f 8110(1,51-4637, rier Io rans,;lit o PEFISONALS WcO)ULO YOU LIV-E te coriespoiid wîl)î corr îî, rpin arrîagAx' Ashgro)je P O lOi n, Pn ~ C VO1F ipAOPîisu s Sf FI.LJiUN SFridoeif wfy nuiread irîcure peuple Iîuy mi i rocîrînrf i F linfor qîmalîfy, ifogrify arnd servicei Cal) uns four speciai puices on f lay Sfoîagun fbîîîîdicî t 800-668-8653 BESI BUILDING inicES S iru utrtîlwaIi Typnmoftrfuoruset - 32x54 $7.744. 40e?? $11.(390: 50xgO $16,622.,C(ol026 $25,315 - olluer sizes avaitafîlo - Finalt Sping cirir.rre Paragon - 24 f ours 1I-800-263-8,19lif SELLING AF FACTCOFIY GOS) Iwo 400i6' fop-q.atily wuod/stee)nîiIîî.rînviir pîckxii up, lft-corrue-firs) sinrvxif, PAII ICCII Sf FF) I BiJti IJCS 11(324tiîcîîr -, f1 Roîo on 2200 A-Z PF1E-CUl', BfJfLDIilGl NU n arîri. storage. Corrîrrercia), îîîduîsýliaî tiersypeýs. stnel/wood, qeiorisef. ciaIîiiiiiij Foi tîîîn valure. action & atiisrsers - W«illy (41 (;) r,2(, t 7934 FREF biociiorps Clîpsa;ývu EDUCATION BE A S)JCCESSFUL WF111FR wîtî our geaf iîome-sIitdy couirse Cal) for a FfF E fiilK f- 800-267-18?q. IiieWrîlînrj Scfiî.îoil, 192 313 MrArfiiur Ave , Ottawa, Feit K 11l Off? ENVIRONMENTAL PIlODUCIS UNIQUtE PIlODUCI VJSiE.Ci))F rN5ý CI 0II lS vsîlfiiçirt dtiiuii.crrîîîîî i fraiction of uosts îvrîîînialyîiiIlu Satis.Iactio)ri gaaieîiiîîiJius)îniî xrelcoriîe Parii()c uc iirîiîi 11110 1 Iii1 FAXiPtliore (51q) 843 41po CAREER TRAINING LE AtiI AliilotiF r ni aifilim Soulfiwesterrî SrIitoru ) Air rîeuîiJ jxl Cîass Jini> fi 23 Iriiorriatioui, coliîar. So)ulsivetrri Cilrrio SzicofilAuci-lîieiîtiîg n Fnil #5. stmr ri~ ri,,,11.5 u' / 1511) 517 2115 REAL ESTATE GO t A CAM.PGFfOIJN1Jruîn jeliiii fîrinsiar ' nil lfrilAri'ui. Imm. rx-a,ir clnerîngiîruse Cii f'l-îSae xiia-nal t il1A00423 "X,7 (24ts Il Yiur ad cmuid nppenr in rortnnrîify newgpatpcra inOnfatio, or righi ecrolor Conx(, rr' ntty i .nividikni prvince Spore it Lirîîled, go Catlt nus Newsp.rper Toila>' o reacl a wder anLadurelne Aro tCeRoqos E-rrrerhp !Cr8 Ontechano 50r atadvesanruomunrMe ewspape Associations M Ctrl O ntroa .ldaro5 ewcpr -56 fr2 omrs -AilC)aar AewsparSw 30fr2 o Ail Carud5ýnesea 5-$107l 2wp.pcse. - A81.121 Mftarior 2wopWrd.-ýS350 lorý25 -foý For hirtr*iInformation pimSs cail tie WNtby Free Press Cbasifeds.- 66-594 whitht, Prpç.Pres *Office Hou rs: Moncay to Fridayp 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm0 * Fax. .668-059 0 66i8-0594 -à 1 1 ;i 1

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