Page 34, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, May 19. 1993 ARTICLES FOfl SALE PATIO FURNITURE, 30 sets displayod. Lowest prices guaran- teed. Att items sold separatoty. Adams Liquidators, Whit by Mi, 1615 Dundas St. E., Whîtby, 404-2815. r Sewing Machine Rpairs Ail AMakes Compote Tune up $39.95 Rocondboned Sowing Machinos f rom $59.0 TOPUNE SEW)NG CENTRE 571-1385 400 King St.W. Osjhawa MATTRESSES and boxsprings at hatl price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Smcoo St. S.. Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. 12 CUBIC FT. FREEZER. Like new, $250. Univorsat Gym, $500. Smoked giass, 1Y x 2', $1 per shoot. Catl 430-1852. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, soctionats, less than hait price. Large solection. McKeen F urnit uro, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. NEC LAPTOP with modem, printer and software, $1000. Commodore 64 disk drive, back and white T.V. and software, $275. Cai M îke and/or ceave message at 668-565 1. JUICE round. Market, Osh awa. cheese ý ast ries FOR WINE, Avaitabto al 650 Taunton Aiso, fruit & moat trays. for ait ý7. ait year Romano Rd. W., baskets, Caakes & occasions. AUTOSITRMUCKS FOR SALE FIBERGLASS TRUCK CAP f rom standard-bed Mazda B2000 p cu.Fibroboc modet with ibrass door & siding sido windows. $575. 430-2075. 1980 DODGE MIRADA. Navy biue, 6 cyinder. power Steering, power brakos, AM, FM. Runs wetl. $750 obo. 668-4959. 1985 DODGE ARIES wagon. Navy blue, power stoering, power brakos, air, AM, FM. Good condition. $1200 obo. 668-4959. 1987 OLDSMOBILE Cutiass Ciera. 4 door, auto P/S, P/13, air, Sood condition. Wili soul certificd. 3.500. 666-2136. INeed a car - Credit problems? " Lease Io own any nruke or=mda " Cash for Eade ali unow for frea quotas LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 436-9837 - Jef ARTICLES ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE -FOR SALE] AIR CONDITIONER, 10,oo6d B.T.U. Good condition. Stîli under warranty. Cati afler 8 p.m. 430-9407. SOLO-FLEX body-building machine, cost $2,000, excellent condition, asking $900. 430-0222. 10, SATELLITE SYSTEM, Star Track 8 - usod onty 1 year - $1400. Can arrange for installation. Gary ai 293-6220. McCLARY 14 cubic ft. freezer. Moving, must seit. Best ofor. 430-6772 beforo 3 p.m. SOFA & CHAIR, ight brown. Excellent condition, $300. Cati 668-5298. MOUNTAIN BIKE - $35, Desl< and chair - $45, TI-99-4/A computer and accessories - $75, fluto - $55. Cati 579-8298. TAKE ADVANTAGE of our 98 p r cent coverago of Whitby when buy ing or set ing yo ur wares. Whitby Free Press. 668-0594. BOATS & SUPPLIES 12-FT. ALUMINUM BOAT and traiter, 9.5 Evinrude, $975 o.b.o. Cati 723-4876. 12 FT. SPRING 60K aluminum boat. Good shape. $650. Cati 668-0584. INSURANCE ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record or suspension of icense? Perhaps we can hetp. Phone 666-2090. MOTORCYCLRSIRrS 1982 VAMAHA MAXIM. New exhaust and tires. Saddtebags, windshiold and one helmet. Excellent condition. $1200 f irm. Cati James at 852-3183. 3 BED TENT CAMPER. New canvas. Asking $750 o.b.o. Cati Dave at 668-5520. 1980 CORSAIR 35 fi. trailor, 2 tipouts, fuit dock, 20 ft. X 8 fi. Fiorida room, iandscaped lot. Burleigh Faits i(Hwy. 28). Cati 579-4937 aler 5:30 p.m. for information. 1MOTORCYCLE SUa % à rANCE, 1! IMITATION FIREPLACE with al essentials. Very reasonable. Cali 668-0620. SOFA (9' LONG> and chair. Red velvet, excellent condition. 728-5207 (9 arn. - 7 p.m.) or 655-4394 atter 7 p.mi. WEDDING DRESS and headpiece, size 16-18, $500 obo. 1984 Marcury Marquis - $500 obo. 430-0458. MICRO WAVE, SANYO, $75. VCR, Generat Eloctric, $50. Truck cab, 8' x 4', $400. Cati 404-9958. FIREPLACE INSERT - Brass and black with glass doors. Paid $800, seil for $200. Cati 668-3202. Used Furniture, Collec tables Ai-d Antiques. Clarke 8th Linc, cast of 1IIwy 115. Ope'n: Sat. 9-5 Stin. 12-5 983-5926 OPENING A BUSINESS? For sale ... best off or: Meridian Norstar telophono systemn for business. 2 phone sets, conforencing, hands- froe speakers, headset interface, alternato language capabilitios, spoed diat, message contre, and many more featuros. For furthor info, cali (416) 666-8083. LANDSCAPING. SERVICES TOP SOIL, sand, limostono scroenings and triple mix for sale. Aiso, truck and driver for household wastoe removat. Reasonable rates. Cal 668-7829. SPANKYS PROPERTY Mainten- ance. Grass cutting to gonoral maintenance. Tree brush, garbaqo, etc. Resident ial! commercial. .Phone Jim at 668-6803. ANSWERING MACHINE for sale. Sanyo TAS 340 with remote message retriovat. Takos fuit sized cassettes. Like new. $50. 430-1051 teave message. CHEST 0F DRAWERS $25, breakfast table with 2 chairs $25, beautifut 9 x 12 carpot with underiay $40, baby's swing, 12» fan. 668-3975. TWIN SIZE BED with wooden hoadboard, $100. Cail 666-5540. GIRLS 20" BICYCLE for sale, excellent condition. Ridden approximatety 6 times. Paid $120, seli for $60. 668-8403. WEAVING LOOM. 45" Nilus Il jack type, foiding. Aiso white enamiet cast iron cookstove with ovorhead warming oven. 1940' s. 655-8977. 4 PIECE SECTIONAL $229. Corner desk $85. Off ice desk $125. Executivo chair $49. Face cord dry f irewood $60. 4 noar-new tires 2 x 15, 2 x 14. Cati 430-1087. 9 PCE. FRUITWOOD dining roomn suite, 4 'V2' x 9' state pool t able with accessories. Cati 668-6983. CLASSlFMEDRATES ive $6.00 for 20 worde prepaid Cati now to place your ad. 6686111 SERVICESLADCPN DALE'S TREE SERVICE :ý:SERVICE5 .Cidtfinn ,*DP rnnn Rroketran heh.c Cati 728-4587 anytime. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, gass seeding, sodding, Spring dlean- ups. Renovat ions of g9ardons, rock gardons, plant ing, firowood. Free ostimatos. Dutchway Land- scaping. (416) 649-3183. Increase 'i our Home's Value. Landscape This Spring with.. MR. TRIM LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICES /Ickk :~iTelephoi J623-971 Membe (of ~~--434-942 LandcapeOntarfo [me Il à à Insect contrai PR Free estimates SRY Lic. prof essionais Work guaranteed Lxlo 10% seniors' discount SERViONG DuRHAm REGION SINCE 196M 433-7484 J INTERLOCK REPAIR & SEAL. Re-level sunken areas, spruce Up old jobs, instail pisa steps, etc. Reasonable rates. Quality work. 668-2742. DO VOUR OWN Landscaping. Birch clumps and singles, mountain ash and blue spruce. Phone 655-8088. TREE CUTTING & trimming.* Fuiiy insured. Free est imates. 433-7140, or 725-3609. FOUR SEASONS Landscaping, Gardening services. Fe nces, decks, siodding, oavestrough cteaning, retaining walîs, iawn cutting, tree removai. 10% seniors' discount. Cati (416> 428-1305. 1 had a very good response to my ad - a lot of phone catis." E.M. [I Wtutby Free Press * 668-0594 * Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm * Fax 668-069 USED TIRES Ait suzes Installation anid Computer Baiancing aiso avaîfabte WHITBY-TI RIE 4 103 Dundas St.E. lorner of kwy. 12 Hwy. 2) Phone 430-8900 L Pruning of Winter Tree Damage Complete Landscape Design And Installation Services LEEDLE LANDSCAPING Ladc Otro6n5,5-8500( FOUNDATION PLANTING . NTERLOCKING STONE 1 L- COMING E VENTS 4TH ANNUAL CRAFT SHOW& Sale, Saturday, June 12 & Sunday June 13, 10 a.m. to 5 .m., al tho Scugog Arena, nortý. side of Reach St. (Durham Rd. 8), just wost of Port Porry. Free parking. Admission: $2.50.'adulls, $Vchildren Lunder ago 12, froc). Reireshments. For more information, caI (416) 985-7346. LOST & FOUND~ LOST: LADY'S BLACK WALLET wîth photos & memoriums. Cati 668-2205. WANTED WANTED TO BUY - Kids used hockey equipment. Cai 666-0387. TAKE ADVANTAGE of our 98 per cent covorag e of Whitby when buying or set ting your wares. Whitby Free Press. 668-0594. APPLIANCES LICENSED TECHNICIAN at Erroi's Appliance Repair. Ai major appliances, inctuding gas appli- ancos. We buy used! Ail parts ý uaranteeck one year. Monday to