Page 14, Whitby Free Press, Wednosday, June 9, 1993 SATURDAY was a washout for midway booth operators, including a gtum-Iookiflg Richard Winstanley, who runs 'The Troll Game.' JOHN CROOK demonstrates his mini-steam-eflgifle setup to Brian Degeer and son Rodney. Fair a success despite Saturday ramn SARA MACDONALD is 1993; Miss 'B' is held byi this year's 'Little mother Gorete. Miss Brooklin FAIR photos by Mark Reesor JULIE INNES (lef) and Jenny Somerville hold on ti9ht as theyre slung toward the grounïd on the loop-o-plane. B yCheryl-Ann MaeCUf Bo Carson, chair of the truck and tractor pull committee, describes Friday night's event as "the best truck pull ever." According to Carson, the rea- son f'or the near record-breaking attendance was the feature attraction, the good lineup of pullers and the track condition due to good weather. The feature attraction of the truck pull was Art Arfons, his daughter, Dusty, and Arfons' Green Monster. However, the demolition derby was not quite se successful. The derby, held on rainy Saturday, didn't have much of a crowd turnout. "It was still exciting," says chair of the demolition derby committee, Eldon Werry. "After the first few minutes the mud settled down. They have to wet down the track anywaZ se that the cars can't go too fast. Werry adds that even though fair attendance was low on Saturday, it wvas more than JUDY MEICALFE has a littie trouble convincing 'Lady Deriner' to step into the da hours were extended to 7 pm. from 5 p .m. on Sunday. Others who hield events on Saturday could only describe it as "£wet.Y This was the opinion of Rose Reid, chair of the horse pull. "The judges were good sports," says Reid, adding that ail of the volunteers and competitors were "istili smiling and laughing.» Amber Frost, chair of the baby show aise held on Saturday, says that "it went well." Winners of this year's littie Little Mr. Brooklin and Little Miss Brooklin titles were Mit- chell Fleming and Sara Mac- Donald respectively. Because the event was held indoors there was a good tur- nout. President of the Brooklin Spring Fair, Bon Grandy descri- bed Saturday's ramn as «horrible," but notes that on the whole he believes that the fair was successful. limelight at the beef show Sunday. 1