B usiness opportunities iCuba, says chamber's Kealey By Cheryl-Ann MacKeafl Investnient oppertunities exist in Cuba for local businesses that wish te explore them, says a Whitby Chamber of Commerce member whe was rerently part ef Canadian trade mission te the Maunr. Kealey was chosen te, attend the two-week mission in Havana and Santiago. Kealey, who for several years worked as an advisor te a former Prime Minister and a former Premier, says he was pleased to have been given the epportunity te go to Cuba te represent a business interest. "I'm very proud that the Chamber of Commerce wiIl be represented. We are, in fact, the recognized voice of business and there are a number of invest- ment and commercial opportuni- ties for business professionals whe wish te exploi-e them," says Kealey. The Cuban Institute of * People's Friendship, in associa- t ion with the Cuban Ministry of External Affairs and its Council for Econemic Cooperation and Development, are su ppeting noted academics and business people to aid Cubans with busi- j ness decisiens se that they can deal more successfully with ceun- tries with free market ecenomies. "I neyer got any sun. 1 neyer g'et te, sit on the beach ... I werked bard -- 18 hours a day," says Chamiber holds 6collecting seminar A seminar 'Collection for Pro- fit,' will be field by the Whitby Chamber of Commerce on Tues- day, June 22. the seminar wiIl provide infor- mation te help members collect acceunts receivable and explore alternatives such as collection agencies. Cenducting the seminar will be Paul Scott, president of Collec- tion Recovei-y Systems. The seminar will be held from 8:30 te 9:30 a.m. at the chamber offlice, 128 Brock St. S., Whitby. For more information call the chamber. Kealey about his visit. The sponsors supported an academic representative and a business representative. Kealey served as the business representative for Whitby and says that "It was actually quite Tedelegation was led by MPDr. Jim Henderson, an authority on tourism. The delegation consisted of about 20 Canadians from universities, community colleges and private businesses, each representing corporations or organizations with a notable aca- demie or business background. Kealey is on the Whitby cham- ber board of directors and has been a member of the govern- ment relations and public rela- tions committees. In past delegations, members have worked losely with Cuban officiaIs in an attempt te help the country diversify its economj and institute economic stand-e s with Canada. The delegation met with senior government officiais during the two-week visit which culminated with a meeting with President Fidel Castre. Kealey also discussed arrange- ments with Cuban officiaIs lfor the intreduction of an environ- mental technolegy which ho has developed. Kealey also discussed a techno- logy transfer, the idea of trading commercially with Cuba and the idea of altering native sources of energy. He aIse represented the inter- ests of a large Canadian infras- tructure corporation which hopes te, initiate strong links with the Cuban government as a result of Kealey>s visit. Benefits resu tin gy from the mission, hie says, include the fact that the Whitby chamber will have a say in trade agreements with Cuba. Kealey also adds that the trade mission gave him the opportunity te "understand how titis country. works, te see accurately th eir desire to do business, and te be a part of an emerging trend -- there are enorynous econemic advantages fer Canadians. "It was an amazing trip ... It was the fact that a small town like Whitby" represented the entire country. WHITBY'S Golden Griddle restaurant has Tessier with employees Sara Cross won its eighth award in the chain's 'mys- (centre) and Melissa NewelI. tery quest' contest. That's owner Roger Photo by Mark Iteesor, Whltby Free Press Ontario's empoment cemmissiener wi Il be speaker at a meeting on ........... ...... .* :. . . .c..onfeque day...n..i..e..... gu est Tiiurs- Club to hold golf seramble The Durham Business & Pro- fessional Women's Club will hold their 'golf scramble' on June 23. The nine-hele scramble, fol- lowed by dinner, wiIl be held at Deer Creek Golf & Country Club in Ajax. Golf begins at 3:30 p.m., recep- tien at 6:15 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. Cost is $35 for members, $40 for non-members (fer dinner only, $25 for members, $30 for non-members). juanita Westmoreland-Traore will speak at a conference held by the Municip~al Employment Equity Network. She will discuss Bill 79 and will make an anneuncement about public education on employmnent equity. The conference will be held at the Pickeringrec complex. The Oshawa & District Real Estate Board hockey committee is presenting $3,750 to the Cana- dian Cancer Socety today In the past il year s, t h eboard has donated more than $68,000 to the Society. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 2 1. Almonds was a settlement named after James Almond, an American who settled there in 1837. 2. The large building at 508 John St. W. (nertheast cerner et John and Palace streets) was St. John's Roman Catholio Church f rom 1902 te 1958. 3. Rev. Dr. Robert Thornton ý 18061875> was the first resbyterian minister in Whitby in 1833, and was a leader in education et young people. 4. The hilI at Brock Street and Rossland Road was called Farquharson's Hill in the i850s after an early settler, John Farquharsen. Since the 1 880s, it has been called Rice's Hill, after John Rice, another settler. WHITBY LIONS CLUB member Garnet Iawn mower, Joe Gutzmnan got a weed White draws an entry in the club's recent eater and Krystyna Roussywith hedge- fundraising draw. B. Hart won first prize, a clippers. Pht yMrResWit FePes PhL yMr esr htyFe rs CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY 1993 FINAL TAX NOTICE 'The third instalment of taxes for 1993 is due anid payable June 15, 1993. Taxes may be paid at any Whtby bank without collection charges. or at thé, Municipal Office. 575 Rosslarld Road East, Whitby, Ontario. ln addition, taxes may be paid by tlephone through TO Bankine or Canada Trust EasyLine. If you have not reoeived a tax bill and you are responsible for paymnent. please contact the Tax Department at 668-5803 to obtain the necessary information. If paymerit is not reoeived by the due date, penalty will be added on the i-st day of default and the iist day ot each calendlar month so long as non-payment continues, at the rate of 1-1/4 per cent per month, or part thereof. LYNN PIKE SUPER VSOR 0F REVENUE Page 8, Whithy Free Press, Wednesday, June 9. 1993 whitby business