Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1993, p. 14

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Page 14. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. June 16. 1993 Limit n habiants o.forme.Pug.ly.Mano By Mike Kowalski Restrictions have been placed on the number of people permit- ted te live in a controversial Whitby lodging house. Town council Monday adopted a resolution which limits future owners of the now vacant Dur- ham Rest Home (forrnerly Pugs- ley Marier) te a maximum of 20 residents. Council's decision ensures that future owners will no longer be able te, cram four or flive people inte a roem built for one, as was often the case in the past.. Durham Rest Home had heen licensed for several years by 'the Town as a lodging h ou se and it served as a home te many out- patients from the Whitby Psychi- atrie Hospital. But earlier this year the build- ing was placed in receivership and is now being offered for sale by the trust company which assuxned control. At the time it closed, the home had only five or six residents. But in 1986, 41 people were AN INVITATION TO COMMENT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED COmSTEEL*LASCO AUTOMOBILE SHREDDER BY-PRODUCT LANDFILL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT SUBSECTION 7(l) NOTICE 0F COMPLETION 0F REVIEW An environmental assessment has been submitted by Ço-Steel*LASCO for a proposed Automobile Shredder By-Product Landfilil in the Town of Whitby. Co-SteeI-LASCO wishes to continue to shred automobiles, to use the scrap steel as raw material for their steel making facility. The purpose of the undertaking is to provide an environmentally acceptable method for managing automobile shredder by-product for a 20-year period. Before a decision is made on acceptance of this environmental assessment, you have the right to submit comments on the proposed undertaking, the environmental assessment and the review documents. You also have the right, subject to the discretion of the Minister, to require ahearing. HOW DO YOU GET THE INFORMATION YOU NEED? You mayinspect the documents during normal business heurs at the follewing Ontario Environmental Ministry offices: Environmental Assessment Branch 5th Floor, 250 Davisville Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4S 1 H2 (416) 440-3450 Central Region 7 Overlea Boulevard Toronto, Ontario M4H 1A8 (416) 424-3000 Copies are aise available at the clerks' off ices ef The Regional Municipality of Durham and the Town ef Whitby. Please submit your written comments and/or requests fer a hearing se they are received ne later than JuIy 13, 1993. Send them te: Prepesed Co-Steel*LASCO Landfill Environmental Assessment C.J. (Bud) Wildman Minister of Environment and Energv 12th Floor 135 St. Clair Avenue West Toronito, Ontario M4V 1 P5 TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS YOUR VIEWS if you make a submission or require a heaning before July 13, 1993, you wilI be notifled of any decisions about this envirorimental assessment. You will also have the opportunity to require a hearing on whether the undertaking itself should be approved. If you do not make a submission or require a hearing the matter may proceed without further notice to you. If no submission or requirernents for a heaning are received, the environimental assessment may be accepted and the undertaking approved with no further public notice, aflowing the Automobile Shredder By-Product Landfill to proceed. D Ontario living in the building, a "deplor- able situation» which will not be allowed again, promised council- lor Judi Logfel. In April, cýouncil served notice that it would repeal provisions of the bylaw governing lodging houses so that controls could be placed on the home. Staff advocated that the maxi- mumn capacity be set at 10 rosi- dents, but coundil accepted Long- field's amendment that the num- ber be raised to 20. Longfield said the higher figure would be more likely to interest a potential buyer. "We don't want it sitting around as a vacant building," she said. "A number of people have looked at it with respect te it being an apartinent building, but the cost has been astronomical.» Councillor Marcel Brunelle welcomed the decision. "Thank God, at last we're doing somnething about Pugsley Manor,» hie proclaimed. Brunelle said menibers of council inspected the building some years ago and "I stili cari t ALATEEN Is there a problem with alcoholism within your fanîily or friends. Do you want te talk about it? Alateen rneets every Tuesday night 7:30 te 8:30 p.m. at St. Mark's United Church House, corner of Byron and Coîborne streets, Whitby, for support and understanding. Al welcome. For more information caIl 728-1020. CIIARITY BAZAAR A charity bazaar in aid of Bosnian children will be held on Saturday, June 19, 10 a.m. te 8 p.m., at the Metro East lrade Centre, 1899 Brock Rd., Pickering (Highway 401 east te Brock Road North). Stails are available at reasonable prices. For more information, cail Jafer Rizvi (287-9735) or Hamid Rizvi (858-8428). ONE PARENT FAMILIES Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association will meet on Tuesday, June 22, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Settiement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa for coffee, cards and conversation. Al are welcome. For- more information, cali 436-5089 or 728-1011. BARBECUE Whitby Community Care will hold a fundraising barbecue at Franklin's Frozen Foods on Brock Street North, Whitby, on Saturday, June 26, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. ANNUAL MEETING Ajax-Pickering and Whitby Association of Community Living will hold the annua] genera meeting on Menday, June 21, 8 p.m., at St. Mark~s United Church, 201 Centre St., Whitby (corner of Centre and Colborne streets). Guest speaker Joseph Cawthorpe, executive directer of Brampton-Caledon Community iàving, wilI discuss 'Wbat happens te your vuinerable son or daughter once you are gne or cari ne longer ager To reserve (by June 15) cal 427-3300, ext. 236. Refreshments will be served. G1IANDVIEW MEETING The Grandview Rehabilitation & Treatmnent Centre, 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshawa will hold the annual general meeting and official opening of the new playground on Thursday, June 17 at 4:30 p.m. Guest speaker John Lord will discuss 'Familles and Professionals: New Ways of Working Together.' *believe what 1 saw there. "Who could imagine they would put four or five people in a room. and cram them mn like sardines?» Brunelle said area home- owners, who have endured a host of problems stemming from too many eliving in an inade- uat aiiy illswelcome the decision. Ufl pleases me to no end that we're finally putting a stop te it,7 hie said. Councillor Joe Drumni concur- red, but he warned counicil that hie expects both staff and Dur- ham Region health officiais te monitor the situation en a regu- lar basis if a new licence is granted. Asslault charges A 31-year-old female Whitby Psychiatric Hospital patient faces charges of assault level one after attacking a fellow patient. Police say she aIse înjured a maie and female nurse w ho tried te break up the fight. None of the injuries were serious. CRAFTIBAKE/YARD SALE The Senior Citizens Tenants Association will hold a craft/bake/yard sale on Saturday, June 19, 9 a.m., at 102 Rossland Rd. W., WVhitby (just west of i-ghway 12). For more information on the fundraiser, eall 666-3763. YARD SALE Club 22, tenants of Perry Ter- race, will hold a yard sale on Saturday, June 19, 9 a.m. te 3 p.m., at 220 Perry St.. GIANT GARAGE SALE The In-ta Kids Dance Troupe of Whitby will hold a giant garage sale on Saturday, June 19, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m., at the Whitby Curling Club, 815 Brock St. N. There will be toys, books, clothes, household items and a bake table. DAY CAMP Registration for pre-camp (aged 3 te, 5) or day camp (ages 6 te 13) at Palmerston Community School will be held on Thursday June 17, Tuesday, June 22 and Thursday, June 24, 7:30 te 8:30 pmat the school. For more information caîl 666-0959. CAR WASII The Ajax-Pickering and Whitby Association for Community Living sumrmer program staff will hold a car wash on Saturday, June 19 at Esso Gas Station, 1355 Kingston Rd, Pickering (acrees fromn the Pickcering Town Centre). The cost is $5 per car. TAXATION To flnd eut what yeu cari do about being overtaxed and/or unempleyed join Reforni PartY candidate Don Sullivan on Thursday, June 17, 7:30 p.m., at Pickering Central Library, 1 The Esplanade, Pickering. Admisson is free. Ail are welcome. For more inlformation, caI686-0278. BIBLE SCHOOL 'Living in God's Creation' is the theme ef vacation bible sehool at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 209 Cochrane St., Whitby. classes for children, age 4 te, Grade 6, are July 12 te 16 froni 9 te 11:45 a.m. Lively music, craft activities, snack times and recreation will be interwoven with the Bible themes. R-eister or g t more information at St. Anlew's ' Praise Park'previe%% on Tuesdny, June 22 S» Wednesday, June 23 fron 7 te 9 p.m. or by calling the church office at 668-4022 any weekday rnorning- 1 1

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