Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1993, p. 15

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BRO Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, June 16, 1993. Page 15 eY~ BROOKLIN RESIDENTS Roy Ormiston honoured for his many years of practice as (left) and Dr. Joseph McKinney reoently a family medical doctor and his work in received Canada 125 medals from Durham helping to get the village its first arena. riding MP Ross Stevenson. Ormiston, an Gordon WilIey, who helped establish internationally known Holstein breeder, was Durham College, was also nominated but recognized for his many years of work in was unable to attend. imiproving the breed. Dr. McKinney was Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press The Optimist Club of Brooklin recently received a féderal grant to run a ' Summer Start' program . The program has three parts in which each of the six students selected will take part. These include summer schoel, training sessions and a work placement. Each student is required te attend summer school, receiving credit in one or two courses. This part of the program coincides with the national 'Stay-in-School' initiative. As wvell, the students will undergo eight two-hour training sessions on maay aspects of employaient including job search and how Vo work effectively. TÉhe final portion of the project is a job placement where the students will be empleyed in a fleld of interest. "The program provides the opportunity for these students te continue their education as well as work in a job that really 'Swmmer Start' for students opportunity," explains ce- ordinator Jeif Schwartzenhauer. Nursery offers caImp progOrani Registration is underway at Brooklin Day Nursery for the summfer camp program that ruas June 28 te Sept. 4, 9 a.m. to -1 p.m., with extended hours available. The preschool camp (ages 2-1/2 Vo 5) is $85 per week, the 'big kids' camp (ages 6 te 10) is $75 per week. There will be weely themes as well as weekly field trips, special guests and a picnic/barbecue every Friday. AIl full-time staff are ECE graduates. information, cal O'Brien at 655-3864. Rosemary Penitentiar-y tour eye opener for Octagon Club mGoing face to face with a murderer who stabbed his best fiend geven times was quite awkward," said Octagon Club psident Steve Webb after touing Collins Bay Penitentiary, Kingston last Sunday. The imnate 'Dave' voluntarily told the group how he had spent ail of bis life, since age 16, in prison. "Whatever yeu do," he said, Jiunior golf tournament on Suntday A junior golf tournament will be held Sunday, June 20 at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club, sponsored by the Optimist Club of Brooklin. The tournainent is open to the first 45 registrants aged 8 to 17. Three winners of the tournaznent may be eligible to compete in the Central Ontario District Optinist Tournanient at the- Chedoke Grolf Club in Haxn.lton June 25. The winner of this tournament will go to San Diego, California to conipete in the Junior World of Golf Tournament. Registrants will compete in three age groups: 9 Vo 12, 13 te 14 and 15 Vo 17. Nine- Vo 12-year-olds will play nine holes only. The registration fee of $18 includes green fees and a barbecue. Registration forms are available from the Brooklin Bulletin Signs office at 76 Baldwin St. (corner of Way Street) or by calling Lesley or Brian at 655-4434. Plant heaIlh to be dfiscusseld The Brooklin Herticultural Society will hold its regujlar meeting on Wednasdlay, June 23 at 8 p.m. nt Brooklin United Church. 'Plant Health Care' will be discussed by Kevin Williams, arborficulturist. There will also be a rose show. RefrashrnentS. Lug-a-mug. AIl are welcomae. "stay eut of trouble or clean up your act now because this is ne way Vo live." During bis 30-minute talk, he explained that he could ne longer live in the general population and chose to live in solitary confinement for the remaining four years of bis sentence because ha feared for bis personal safety. He axplained to the group that there are ne rules when it cornes Vo dealing with ether prisoners. "If you turn your back on a guy you owa for cigarets, he is just as likely Vo stab you as Vo wait for payment," said ' Dave.' "Througheut the our of the pen, I raalized the heIl the prisoners were going threugh," said Webb. I hope Il'l neyer have te go back there unlese it is on a tour." Twelve Octagon members and five Optimist members were given the rare epportunity te tour the medium security prison, arranged by police.- constable Mitch Martin of the Durham Regienal Police. "After passing through securi'cy and three iron gates, we were in amongst the general population of the prison," said Brian Wick, oe of the Optimist advisors. 'You have ne idea how intimidating that can bo. "The our took us right inte the cell block area occupied by the prseners," said Wick. 9The celîs were only about six by 10 feet, and they had two prisoners in each one, along with ail of their personal possessions," said Wick. The cell area was described as being very old, dark and hostile, with ne privacy for the occupants. The protective custedy and disciplinary celîs were even worse, with solid steel doors. The doors had a small oponing through which meals are passed. These pisoners are only allowed Strawberries in Grass Park 'Strawberries in Grass Park' will be held in Brooklin on Thursday, June 24, 7 te 9 pan. The event, at which straw- berry shortcake is served by Brooklin United Church Women (UCW), annually attracts many visitors. There will be entertainrnentby the Whitby Brass Band and the Oshawa-Whitby Olde Time Fid- To mark 'World No Tebacco Day' (May 31), the Lung Association of Durham Region recently recognized 10 area service clubs and organizations for designating their meetings as 'smoke-free.' One of those receiving a citation was Brooklin's Independent Order of Oddfellows, Beethoven Lodge #165. In a survey conducted in late 1992, 117 Durham Region groups were polled by the Lung Association te determine which effered smoke-free meetings. Environniental tobacco sînoke (particularly during dinner meetings), is known te be a deterrent te some potential new members, says the association. dle Club. Cost is $4 for adults, $2 for those aged 12 and under, free for pre-scheolers. Second helpings ara half-prira. Tickets are availabla from any UCW member or call the church office at 655-4 141. In the event of rain the event will be helil in the Christian Education building. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 12 1 . Robert Alexander Hutchison (18 2-961> was public scolispector for south Ontario County from 1913 te 1943. 2. A second floor was added te each of the wings of the Court House in 1910. 3. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church is celebrating its 1 6th anniversary in 1993. 4. Laura Coolidge Brown (1870-1965) was re lated te American President Calvin Coolidge. "Jail is worse in reality than I had ever expected," said Shannon Spanger, one of the youth members. "1V was a real eye-openng experience -te sec it first-hand. The sleeping quarters weren't fit for rats," said Spanger. "Tlhe prisoners were controlled like guinea pigs, belîs tell theai when and where te move te. "Lt is intiniidating being called pretty littIe boys by the prisoners," said Spanger. The tour took the group through the cafeteria, gyrnnasium and outdoors te the exercise yard. The tour was led by Mary Morrisette, the only female warden at the prison. Fellowing the tour, Morrisette described some experiences she bas had while working at the penitentiary. groups and how difficult it would be te, avoid trouble if you were an ininate. However, she said the prisoners were generally respectful of the correctional officers working inside. Photocopies, Fax Service, Custom.Labels & Decals, WdigInvitations, BZiness Cards, Complete Sign Production BROOKLIN BULLETIN 76 Baldwin Street, Brooklln Fax 655-3715 Cali 655-4434 - 60 Door f 70 Spocie JuIy 1Oth& 1 Luther Vipoi Make youi' own Admission $2.00 Under 12 - FREE Iize'd Exhibitors lU th 1Oa.m.- 5 p.m. nd Mamorlai Aron& fat Feature" Strawberny Shortcake MEMORIAI. ARC"A é~~wyo¶ DR., GIRISH HATTAY Family Dentistry -New Patients Welcome -Insurance Plans Accepted -Days, Evenings & Saturday Appointments Available/ - Emergency Cais Accepted (during office hours) 701 ROSSLAND RD. E. SUITE 207 (Rossland Garden Plaza) 8 N 6604 COMMUNITY PHARMACY 4 q~~<' ~ <~a~a.i.i A~# s", ~f~Vf~I ~p .wp~r~¶ #~ '..,,'yi~ ~ ~V'V~8 'p 4.~< *11 .1.1 o.a.s .~..1aWa s ~ w.., :Il

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