Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1993, p. 18

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Page 18, Whitby Froo Press. Wodnesday. June 16, 1993 Under-16s winmississauga tournamen Whitby Rangers, laat yar's Canadian champions in under-14 boys' soccer, are proving to ha just as formidable in the under- 16 age division tbis season. Rangera recently won the Mis- sissauga international tourna- ment, and have but ona bass in nine gyames thus far this season. But manager Jim Macean suggests that the beat may ha yet to corne for the Whitby ide which bas a faw new faces com- pared to last yaar's teain. There are even more talented iridividuals on this year's team, sponsored by CUPE 1000, but they have yet to corne together as a team, says MacLean. Last year's squad was succeas- fui because of exceptional team play, he says, and he expects that team approach is not far off and will pay off in some upcom- ing major competitions. Rngers play an Ontario Cup game on June 26, the first step on wbat could ha a long road toward another national titie. Then in early July, Rangers play in the <Bobbje,' robably the hi et intentoatournament hïinCanada. As a tuneup, Rangers will play a team from Glasgow, Scotland in an exhibi- tion conteat before the Ilobbie, hald in Scarborough. And in late July, Rangera will beava Whitby to compete in the Keele international tournamant in England. The teani has been raising funds, through corporata dona- tions and social activities, to offset the coat of the trip. But the major fundraiser is a 'Raffle for a Skyhox' July il when the Toronto Blue Jaysplay Taxas at the Skydome.Tikt (cail Ian Burns at 668-7159 or Jiin MacLean at 436-9313) are $10, and firat prize is 10 seats in the box, second prize is six seats and third prize four seats (priza includes all food and complemen- tary bar). At the Mississauga tourna- ment, Whitby dafeated Mount Hamiton 3-0, Hamilton Croatia 4-0, Dixie 2-0, North York Azzuri 2-1, and in the final, Thornhill 6-1. In league play, Rangers defea- ted Scarborough Azzuri 5-0, Mal- vern 8-0 and Wexford 4-1. Their only bas hbas been to North York St. Bernard, 5-2. That teain, described by Whitby its only loss in Ontario Cup play last season. Ine team includes forwards Kevin Kerr, Neil Mair and Timmy Giliman the exceptional midfield of Jefl'ery MacLean (a 14-year-old wbo has had tryouts with Manchester United in Eng- land), Richard Bellew and Jaff Ormonde, defendens Yaw Don- ker, Kristian Gljuscic, Neil Per- ryman and Neil Sharp, and goa- lie Mark Burns. Head coach is Ian Burns and assistant coach is Asbleigh Wil- liamns. ...... .:.: .~or cntnu w.m..ng.way. Whitby Warriors continued their march toward the top of the Ontario junior A lacrosse league with two more wins in the past week. The key to succasa for War- rions -- strong third pariod play -- was again evident than in a 13-12 squeakar over Kitchener Braves last Fniday. Warriors had rallied from a 6-2 firat period deflicit to et to within one goal of Kitchener leading 8-7, entening the Lhirci period. With only 38 seconds remain- ing in the contest, Matt Shearar cored bis fourth goal ta give Warriors the win, their sixth in the p ast savan games. Warriors' record is aight wins and four lbases for the season as they battla for second place. Steve Taylor scored tbree goals while Mike Massey and Jason Croshie aach bad two for War- rions. Wayne Paddick and Gary Kane each scored a goal while Jonas Derks and Shaydon Santos each had three assista in the gaine in Kitchener. On Thursday, Warriors defea- ted last year's Minto Cup cham- pions, Six Nations, 11-9. The teama were tied 8-8 after two periods bafore Whitby pulled awa=i the third. Dkascored two goals and addad five assista to laad War- rions. Scott Macdonell had two goals and two assista and Jason Cros-' hie had two goals and an assist. Taylor, Jason Pitters, Jamie Wiliams, Shearer and Dan Ladouoeur had the other goals for Whitby who received strong goaltendingfrom Dave Power. Warriors will find out juat bow mucb they have improved this season wben they host first-place St. Catharines on Thursday, June 17. Game turne is 8:30 p.mn. The powerful St. Catharines tearn, as yet undefaated, wallo- ped Whitby 22-4 wben the two teamas met aarlier this season. Warriors will play in Burling- ton on Sunday night. ALEXANDER CORNMAN from thie Aurora club performs on the parallel bars at a pre-competitive boys' gymnastics meet held by Gemini Gymnastics in Whitby on Saturday. Photoby Maurice Piffher, Whithy Free Press Rai*ders capture under-13 tournament The Whidtby Raiders rap premier boys' undar-13 soccar taam, sponsoned hy the Bank of Montreal, won the Peterborough Invitational Soccer Tournament cbampionship over the Juna 12 ta 13 weekend. In divisional play, Raiders finisbed in first place witb four wins in as rnany garnes. In gaine one, Whitby defaated Peterborough 5-1. Mark Engalage bad two goals and single goals want ta Danny Mattin, Robbia Adarns and Matt Brady. Michael Schleiffer and James Wast-Bentley played an aggressive cantre-;nidfield and set up Whitby gor.Ïs with accurata passes. Stefar, Nicota made the defensiva play of the garne, cbasing down a potential second goal hy Peterborough, just before it crossed the goal line. McCulloch swims to 3 victories Robyn McCulloch of the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club won threavants at the Youtb Cup swim meat in North Yark racently. McCulloch won the 100m and 200m backstroka and 200m in- dividual medley for 12-yaar-old irls. Sha was also third in 200m butterfly and 400m medley. McCulloch bas qualifiad for naxt year's national youth chani- pions rnps in tbree avents. Sha is ranked first in Canada in the 200m medley in ber cate- gory, is rankad second in 200m backstroke and fifth in 100m backstroka. She is considerad a strongf con- tender for the Ontarioa aI-sar taam that will ha selected fnom the provincial chanipionships this summer. Asbleigh Crawdar af the Whitby club was first in 100m backstroke for girls agad 13-14 at the North York competition that includad 60 clubs and 650 swim- mars. Crowden is rankad first in Canada in 100m backstroka for youtb swimmars and rankad second in 200m backatroka. Sha racently won the Canadian champianshipin the 100m avent. Erik Van Dijk won the 100mn braaststrolce for boys aged 13-14 at North York. Ha racantly rea- ched the finals in the avent at the Canadian championsbips and will compete in the senior nationals in Edmonton in July. CENTRAL REGION Whitby swimmars had sevaral fxrst-placa finishes at the central region C chaxnpionships hosted by the Whitby club June 5 and 6. Jamia Dl Mastro dominated tha boys aged 8 and undar divi- sion, winnxng seven avents and finisbing second in two othars. Kelly Robins won the 200m individual medley and 50m back- stroke for girls aged 13 and over and Mattbew Del Mastro won the 25m freestyle and 25m but- tarfly forhboys aged 9 and 10. Lindsay Pratt won the 50m butterfly and 50m freestyle for girls aged 9 and 10. Other Whitby swimmers who had f-irst-place finishes wara Kel- sey Benning, 100m freestyle for girls agad 9 and 10; Robert Laba, 5O0m breastatroka, boys agad 9 and 10; Jannifar Anderson, 200m medley, girls aged il and 12; Mattbew Rempel, 50m freestyla, boys agad il and 12; Emily Herdinan, l100m braaststroke, girls aged 13 and aven. excelletwefencetrecord an- wiclnt ove nCobrecoadtend-r BrndonrCedarur.codad te Brhdoteausrongsuport frome fhulbacks rn ainuyporadyo Bnylant HBan, iota adyot Brdarntson. ic adSct Scoriong o ih a Engalag fowith twoan Top Akinbiyi. their toughest opposition in Thornhill. At haîf-time the score was deadlockad 0-0. In the dying minutas of the game, Whitby was awardad a penalty shot. In dramatîc fashion, Adainson blastad the winner, Cedar again earning tbe abutout. In gaine four, Whithy dominated Ajax 6-1. Mark Cassidy had a banner gaine with three goals, including ona from a penalty kick, while single goals want ta Mat.in, Engelage and Daniel Dammer. In the cbampionship gaine, Whitby again payed Peterhorough and the result was a dloser, 3-1 victory. Whitb marksmen wera Engelaga with bis sixth goal of the taurnamant, Alinbiyi and Zoli Tengelics. Tangelic's goal came on a perfectly placed penalty shot. Under-1 is blank Ajax to Win 'Challenge' A three-goal performance by Andy Methven powered the Wihitby under-li Malta Falcons to a 4-0 win over Ajax and the championship of the Peterborough Challenge Soceer Tournament this past weekend. Matthew Morgan completed the scoring for the Falcons and Neil Hubley earned the shutout in goal, his third of the tournarnent. Whitby finished firat after round-robin play with wins of 2-0 over Oshawa Turul,' 9-0 over Peterboroughf, 5-1 over Markham and a 3-3ý'ie with Ajax. The flit'al saw a very focused Whitby side shut down the Ajax attack with strong backfield play from Brett Allen, Scott McWilliams, Derek Orr, Alex Richardson and Adam Teather and outstanding niidfield play from Ryan Bombina, Danny Caird and Methven. The forwards for the under-lis -- David Crabhe, Mike Hall, Corey Kiender, Matt Morgan, Steve Porco, Robbie Reid and Stuart Turpin -- used good speed and teaniwork to keep the opposition on their beels throughout the game. Scoring for the Malta Falcons on the weekend were Methven with eight, Morgan with five, Porco with thrae, Bombino and Raid with two each and Caird, Kiender and Turpin each with singles. Hubley eamned three shutout. Mike Sigswortb of Whitby won the under-19 division of the Kfing City triathlon June 6. Iai Taylor of Whitby was founth in the sarne category. Both Sigsworth and Taylor fin- ishad in the top 20 overaîl in the field of more than 600, including professional triathletes. Sîgsworth, 17, was Ontario Champion last year in the aged 15-16 division, He la unbeatan in the under-19 division ini thre races so far this season. Taylor has been fourth in two races. The King City event consisted of a 500mn swirn (reduced from 1,000 metres due to 58-degrea Fahrenheit water temperature), 30km cycling and 8km run. 1

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