Page 28, Whitby Free Press, Wednesdav. June 16.,1993 I. .H O.ES. A.T.C..... UT---E FOR RENTS.O.A...OR.SA......SA. 5 VEAR OLD BUNGALOW. 3 bedroom, large dock overlooking lake. 10 mintes north of Port Perry. Finished family room. 1 - 3 pce. and 1 - 4 pce. bath. $1,000/month. First and last and rferences required. Cati Phil or Sandi anytime or leave message. 986-5558. THREE BEDROOM and don, g round floor. Backyard. No pets. Available im mediately. Reforences. First and Last. Days, Toronto Pager 337-3455, evonings, Whitby 430-7298. SMALLER, SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE in northwest section of Whitby. For information cal 728-5484 or 644-5146. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Century Home, detached, fully fenced yard, private drive, garage. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Smail pets welcome. $895 plus utilities. Availablo July 1. Caîl 668-3640. BRADLUEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset Blvd. (Brook StiManning Rd.) * 3 Bedrooms * 11/2 Baths * 5 Appliances *Central Air * Garage *Paved Driveway - 3 Models t f - On Site Management - Easy Access to "IGO" - Rents Start at $1 ,00 per month 668-1389 K. C. McCal Propsrty Management 666-5794 - 924-1100 RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main stroot location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 o.m. MEDICAL/PROFESSIONAL OFFICE. 625 sq. ft., downtown Whitby. Ground floor, loads of parking, private entrance and washroom. 666-3833. MORTGAGES as Iow as 5.75%/1 o.a.c. CatI Michael 668-7200. Anubis Investments Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1972. 571ai-280orp298(or.tio) WHITBY - Downtown storage available for collector car, bat or like. $75 monthly. Avauiable July 1. 668-3640, leave message please. 70 ACRES, 5 ACRES. Hydro, phono, school bus. Build home, cottage. Near several lakes. Southwest of Burks Falls. VTB. 1-705-636-0426.. 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE for rent. Hour north of Bancroft. 1-613-757-2564 evenings. ON BOB LAKE, MINDEN. Sleops 6 - 8, hot water and bath. Safe swimming from smooth rocki shore. 12' aluminum boat included.i $500/week. JuIy and August. 10 H.P. $50 extra. Phono 432-2368. .O A . S....... 11990-15'W' SKEETER Bass boat. Fishing package, wot weil for f ish, 2 high swiveî chairs, electric troîling motor, f ish finder, etc. 70 H.P. Evinrude, EZ loader trailer. Excellent condition. Less than 25 hours. $9,995 666-2066. 1983 VAMAHA VIRAGO. 750 cc. Low kilometres. New exhaust. $750 as is, $1.100 certif ied. 668-1186. MOTORCYC LE INSU RANCE S683-9725 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 1980 CHRYSLER LEBARON. $750 Caîl 576-2010. 1987 FORD F150. PIS, PIB, 118,000 km's. 4.9 litre on .4 speed with overdrive. Goot ruck. $3.500 certif ied. 668-2742. FIBERGLASS TRUCK CAP from standard-bed Mazda B2000 pickup. Fibrobec modol with ferglass door & sliding side windows. $575. 430-2075. Al sizes. Installation and Computer Balancing also avaîlable 103 Dundas StEF ~ (f (er of Hwy. 12 &I-Iwy. 2) Phoneo.430-8900 SNeed a car - Credit problems? *Casm br =7do =0Cl1owfor faît quotas LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 436-9837 - Joli BRASS AND GLASS coffee tables. Brass and glass mini tables $8. Lamp shades $15 each. Phone 668-0620. 1FRESH COOKED LOBSTERS $45.00 Doz. 3/4 lb. scalops, hrimpj Delivery date Saturday, June 19. Order no later than Thurs., June 18 - 12 noon. - alKen or Donna at OPENING A BUSINESS? For sale ... best off or: Meidian Norstar telophono systom for business. 2 phono sets, conferencing, hands- f ree speakers, headset Interface, altornato language capabilitios, spoed dial, message centre, and many more featuros. For furthor info, cai (416) 666-8083. KEYBOARD HOHNER PSK75. Top of the line. Like now. Valued at $1200. Asking $700 o.b.o. Cati 668-3495 anytimo. MATTRESSES and boxsprings at haîf price. MoKeen Furnituro. 524 Simcoo St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. LEATHER SOFA SET. Loveseat, chair and sofa. Italian leather. Excellent quality. Relocating. 665-3833 evonings only. 1 KITCHEN TABLE - 1 etectric lawnmower, T.V. cabinet with glass front. Phone 668-4674. OAK WALL UNIT, 3 piece. Asking $1000, firm. Caîl anytime, 436-0881. BABY ITEMS - Crib (white), mattress, crib accessories (yellow & green), playpen, girl's clothing from 0 - 2 V ears. *Call B Matheson 430-7289. AIR CONDITIONER, 10,000 B.T.U. Good condition. StilI under warranty. Caîl after 8 p.m. 430-9407. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT for sale. 4 and 2 seator tables. Gas stove and fridge. Table stands with tops. 668-5553. 6 DRAWER DRESSER with mirror, kitchen cupboard, coffe table, baby carrnage, beautiful telephone table, chrome table and chairs. Cati 668-3975. COMODORE 64 COMPUTER with keyf:oard. disk drive, printer, joy stick, new power pack, over 70 gamos. Word processing is pocket program. $350. Cai 430-7608. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haîf price.u Large selection. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. FILTER OUEEN VACUUM. Like new condition. Just -completely serviced. $300. 428-1659. I Sewing Machine Repairs A# AibMkes * Complote Tune.up $39.95 * Reo<enditiened SewingMachines 10 ($590 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE SNACK BAR WANTED. Establishod catering and snack bar company Iooking to rent space at Flea Market, Auction Hall, etc. Cati 430-6683. THE 29TH ANNUAL ANTIQUE Show & Sale, sponsored by the ladies of Prince Edward Curling Club, Picton, Ont. will be held in Picton at the Fairgrounds, Main St. E. on Friday, June 18 (6-10 p.m.>, Saturday, June 19 (10 a.m.-7 p.m.> & Sunday, J une 20 (il a.m.-4 p.m.). Admission is $225 (GSI included). Lunch availablo. BEST WISHES for a Happy Bdrhday or Anniversary. The dlassifieds are a specia way to send greetngsl Cal 668-6111 ALLIN o&ALftL I V LJ -___ JUNE 21, 1943 Congratulations on your Golden Weddlng Annlversary I571-1385 u UUfli 400Ail our love and best wshes, 40lIng St. W. Oshawa Chuck, Elly and Evanl* 'LEAVE YOUR CARES at home ...... . . with us.* Professional p et/home RVC SER I S I sitters are fully bonded & insured. ....... Customn Homewatch International. 666-5353. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - 3-bedroom, fuliy furnished, air conditioned mobile homes, Pools, hot tubs, bea,.hes, attractions. Children weicijme. $275 weekiy. Photos. 683-5503. UICENSED TECHNICIAN at Errol's Appliance Repair. Ail major appliances, incîuding gas appli- ances. We' buy usecil Ail parts g uaranteed one y ear. Monday to Saturday, 432-7734. I---------- I ARE VoU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090. TREE CUTTING & trimming. FuIIy insured. Free estimates. 433-7140, or 725-3609. - FOUR SEASONS Landscaping, Gardening services. Fonces, docks, soddinq, eavestrough cleaning, retainlng wals, lawn cutting, tree removal, 10% seniors' discount. Caîl (416) 428-1305. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass soeding, soddingSpni* clean-ups. Renovations o' arns rock gardons, planting. f îrewood. Free estimates. Dutchway Land- scaping. (416) 649-3183. 1>,p INTERLOCK REPAIR & SEAL Re-lovel sunkon areas, spruce Up old jobs, instaîl pisa stops, etc. Regsonable rates. Quality work. SPANKY'S PROPERTY Main- tenance, Grass cutting to gonorai maintenance. Troe brush, garbape disposai. Rosidontîia/commerciaî. Phono Jim at 668-6803. MOE MOWS LAWNS. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Going on vacation? Mloos Lawn Care 430-8927, evenings. Increase Your Home's Value. Landscape Ibis Spring with... MR. TRIM LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICES Telephone Smember of 434-9428 LmpeOntario WhityFre ?'es * 68-111~. ffk Hors:~ondy t Frday 9:0 an t 5:0 pn *Fax 668-0594