Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1993, p. 30

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Page 30, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 16, 1993 Whitby Free Press 668-611il1 Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm* Fax 668-0594 J I.......EGL...A I~ \ rn Wolf cubs hold air show The annual Whitby Wolf Cub camp was held recently nt Heber Down Conservation Aren. Nearly 200 youth and adult leaders set up for three days of activities under the theme 'air show.! The highlight of the weekend was the thrill of flying in a hot air balloon Sunday merning. Leader Cris Douglas arranged for the balloon through P 'dit Master LUI. The balloon & groups of 10 youth up te a heipit of 100 feet te observe the canipground. Other activities încluded model airplanes, hiking, crafts and field games. The Wolf Cub prograni of Scouts Canada is designed te interest children aged 8, 9 and 10. The programn includes a mixture of games, crafts, music, stories, acting, outdoor activities, CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY, JULY 5, 1993 @ 8:15 P.M. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be held by the Planning and Development Committee et Council et the Corporation et the Town et Whitby te consider a proposed amendment te the Whitby Officiai Plan, file number OPA 87-067/W and rezening application, file number Z-459-87 as submitted by Michael Zygecki Limited. The subject rerty is located on the wost side et Gardon Street, south etteCo as shown on the sketch below. j -j ' i72.1, r I The purpose of the Amendment is te seek the addition et a high density residential des ignation by way et amendment te Maps 'l' and VJ of the Whitby Official Plan and rezone the subject property te permit an apartment dwelling. The purpose et the abeve-noted meeting is te inform the public with regard te the details of the Officiai Plan Amendment and attord interested persons the opportunity te make representatien therete. lnterested persons may inspeot additional information relating te the above application in the Planning Department, Level 7, Whitby Municipj Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LUN 2M8 during regular working heurs, Monday te Friday, or may contact the Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING star and badge work. Anyone interested in getting involved in the Welf Cub program, contact Dave Smith at 725-6473. Beaver log jam held Hundreds of Beavers and their leaders attended a Beaver Log Jamn at Harmnony Valley Conservation Area in Oshawa recently. The day of activities was erganized for Whitby youth aged 5 te 7 involved in Scouts Canada's Beaver program. Activities included games of skill, lunch, a parade of flags, a safety _. .presEnptaten _ by McDonald's and a closing camp- fire. "The organizers went te a lot of work te make the day enjoyable for everyone," said leader Noreen Wild. "Last year we had to, rush through because of the threat of main, but this year it was perfect." Some of the morning activities included crafts, sponge tees, bubble-bursting, basebail, ' spear' throwing and a huge parachute. FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD Patricia and her Big Sister Jaddie received 'new do's' on Satu.rday, June 5 at Signature Hair Studio in Whitby. They bath received a free makeover, as Patricia is the senior grand pnze wnner of a writing contest, in which ail litfle sisters were d'tlîenged ta write about 'My mnost favounite moment vwith my Big Sister.' Plho> m by Roua,8m«.WyFin Pros 1 .......CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY ..........PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY, JULY 59,1993 @ 8:30 P.M. Meeting Hlall, Whitby MuniciËpai Building '"75 Rossland Road E ast Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting wilI be held by the Planning and Development Committea of Council of the Corporation ef the Town et Whitby te consider three proposed amendments te the Whitby Off icia] Plan, file numbers OPA 89-16/D/W (Veltri & Son Ltd.), OPA 90-028/D/W (Paul Daigle>. OPA 90-0291D1W (Jinny Slyfield). The sub)ect lands' are located in Part et Lots 18, 19 and 20, Concession 1, as shown on the sketch below. M E. P.BJ C SUB JCT 0-fPERD PROPER -OPA 90-029/ /1W OPA 90-028 D/WSUBJEC JINN Y SLVFIEL7 LE PROPERTY OPA 89- 16/O/W - VELTRI à SON LTD. HIGHWAY 401 The purpese et the Amendment is te redesignate the subject roerdes as Residential and Maler Open Spaoe and te add a Medium ensity rosidential symbol in Environmental Area #24 te accommodate a low and medium density residential development. Further te the introductory public information meetings held on June 18, 1990 and September 8, 1992, Planninq staff are -bringing torward the actuaf Amendment necessary te implement the propesed development. The purpose et the above-noted meeting is te intorm the public with regard te the details et the Amendment and afford interested persens the opportunity te make representatien thereto. lnterested persons may inspect additional information relating te the above application in the Planning Department, Level 7, Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Rad East, Whitby, OntarieoLUN 2M8 during regular working heurs, Monday te Fniday, or may contact the Planning Department by te! ephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING Mutual Group begfins organ donation progrm The Mutual Group bas launched <By Mutuail Consent,' a progam ame at breaking' b~r to organ donation, in the Oshawa area. "One of the greatest tragedies is that many organs are wasted because people are simply not aware of the critical need for donors or they do net take the necessary steps te become a donor, such as signing a card or discussing their wishes with family members," says Dr. Khris Sachdeva, chair of the organ donor committee. At Ieast 20 te 30 per cent of the people on transplant waiting lists die before asuitable organ can be found -- despite the fact that each year approximately 6,000 potential organ doners die. An Angus Reid survey, commissioned by the Mutual Group last fali, shows that 80 per cent of Canadians would donate their organs for transplant but close te half have neyer signed an organ donor card. 'By Mutual Consent is designed te help people understand the need for organ donation and te encourage themn te sign an organ donor card and discuss their wishes with family, niembers. Our agents and staf will be involved in spreading the message," says Ed Romaniuk, Oshawa branch chair for the Mutual Group. A brochure eutlines the need for organ transplants and identifies some of the barriers te organ donation and what steps incividuals should take te ensure their wishes regarding organ donation are followeëL Two plastic cards are aIse included, both te be signed by donor and next of kmn: one for the donor and the other te be carried by the closest relative. The theme, 'By Mutual Consent,' was chosen te, remind the public that organ donation should be discussed with family members se, that everyone 15 aware of an individual's preferences. Organizations re<presented at the launch inclu ed Durham Regional Police, the Whitby Pire Department, St. John Ambulance for both Oshawa and Wihitby, Ontario Previncial Police, Wh-itbY CaneraI Hospital, Oshawa Organ Donor Committee and the Oshawa West lions Club. The Mutual Group is working in partnership with organizations and individuals working in transplantation te develop the program that is te be established in communities acrees the

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