Whitby Free Press, 23 Jun 1993, p. 14

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Page 14, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. June 23, 1993 FirstWitby newspapeqrulànow on microfilm at library Microfilm of Whitby's fist newspeper is now available for viewing et the Whitby Public Library. A bound file of the Wbitby Freeman, published from Jan. 2 te March 27, 1850, was recently discovered in Kingaten by the Ontario Archives, along with issues of the Town's second nevispaper, the Whitby Reporter, frem April 20, 1850 te Aug. 9, 1851. Towin of Whitby erchivist Brian Winter, who arranged for the microfilming of the pepers, describes thaecisccovery of The Freeman as "very significant, net only because it wes the fiast newpper ever published in Whitbybut aise because it was publishedfeor such a short time. 'Up tiil now, it vies not knewn if files hed survived the 143 years since it vies printed, and it seeined unlikely that they would ever b. found," he said. The Whitby Reporter from 1851 te 1853 wes fllmed in 1974 by the Ontario Archives, but the new fie contains soe issues te replace thosa that viere damaged in thae thar file, said Winter. Aise included in the icrofilm' madle availabla lest week et the lrayis a complote set of the WhtyChro6nicle for 1860 that had net been fllmed previously. These papers were loaned for fllming. by Paul Higgins, presîdent of Mother Parker's Tea and Cofféee mc., vihose grandfather, W.H?. .Higgins, was editor and publisher of The Chronicle. Higgins' papers were the regular weekly edition of The Chronicle, published- every Saturday. A semni-weekly edition, published on Tuesdays and Thursdays in 1859/60, was filmed in 1974 but the weekly edition vies unavailable et that time. The papers belonging te, Higgins are of particular importance, says Winter, beceuse they contein the account of the visit of -the Prince of Wales (leter King Edvierd VU) te Whitby on Sept. 7, 1860. Also included in the new set of film are numerous editions of the Gazette and Chronicle, published in Whitby from 1912 to1941. Ai files from 1918 te, 1941 were destroyed in a flue in 1946, said Winter, who basspent the lest 20 years discovoring individuel issues in private hands teflMl in the gap. 1On the new film are 17 issues fr-om 1940 and six issues of 1941, donated te the Wbitby Archives from the estate of the late Donald A. Wison who died in 1987. The film aise contains four issues of the Brooklin TMmes, a paperthat began publication in 1870. The issues, which are owned privately, are from the 1880s and represent the only copies ever found of this nevispaper, seid Winter. A number of other single issues of the .Witby Gazette and VWitby Conronicla have been filmed on the nevi reel of microfilm. The Whitby Public Library now bas a nearly-complete set of film of the Whitby Chronicla from its founding in 1857 to 1884 and numereus *single issues of its rival, the Whitby Gazette. The comfpiete ýfiles of The Gazette have *nover been found, said Winter. Among the single issues on the new film is one of the Whitby Gazette of' June 30, 1904 that contains the entire prograrn for the Ontario County Jubilee and Old Boys' Reunion, held in Whitby froin July 1 te 4 of thet eAr.unique item in. the. new material et the library is a single issue of the Whitby Frea Pres (net releted te the present paper in town), published on Dec. 4, 1880. It is believed that. this short-lived paper was an advertisinig venture printed by the editor of The Gazette, said Winter. Film for 1992 of the present VWitby Free Press is aIse availale et the library, bringing the copies of this newspeper up te date. WHITBY ARCHIVIST Brian Winters shows the Nov. 11, 1863 issue of the 'The Whitby Gazelle and Ontario County Expositor.' Whitby Archives has many issues of the Gazette, as welI as cherpaprs rom he ra. Photo bv Mark Reesor. Whitbv Fmen Press ~{ B KLTN }~ The Optimidst Club of Brooklin hosted the second annual Junior Optimist/Octagon international conference et the Brobolin Community Centre June 19. Governor Brock Heron of Brooklin presided at the meeting. Clubs represented et the conference included the Junior Photocopies, Fax Service, Custom Labels & Decals, Wedding Invitations, Business Cards, Compete Sign Production BROOKUN BULfLEIN 76 BadWtn Street, Brooklin Fax 6554715 Cali 655-44341 Optilmiat Club of Brooklin, Octegon Club of Newicastle Village and Octegon Club of Welland. The conference was organized te receive reports from various clubs on their activities, te discuss community service and fundreising prejects and te elect new Central Ontario-district offioers. Kortney Selleck, of thie Junior Optimiat Club of Brooklin, vies elected lieutenant governor te represent junior optimidst clubs in Central Ontario. Selleck is e student et Meadowrest Public School. The Octegon Club of Brooklin was presented with the Dave flubais trophy for outstending club activities during the past year- Strawberries in GrassPark- 'Straviberries in Grass Park' wili be held in Brooklin on Thursday, Juna 24, 7 te 9 p.m. The event, et which strevi- berry shortcaka is served by Broôklin United Church Women (UCW), ennuelly ettracts many visitera. There vill ha antertainmentby the Whitby Brasa Band end the Oshavewahitby Olde Timae Fid- dIa Club. Coat is $4 for edults, $2 for those eged 12 and under, free for pra-achoolers. Second helpings are haîf-price. ickets are evailebla from eny UCW member or cail the church office et 655-4141. In the avent of rein, the avent wiii b. held in the Christian Education building. LaNm saleis fundh A lavin sala the Arthritis S in Brooklin oi 26. Proceeds fro held et 22 Bs a.m. te 5 PMI scierodermafa, The sale ncl et 5p.M., 17 in touirnamerit Sevanteen youth vieraent Thunderbird Golf and Country Club on Sunday for the sixth annuel Optimnist junior golf teurnament. Although the teurnament was weshed eut by e torrential thunderstorm, aIl were able te complete 13 boes. Winners in the ae 9 te 12 category were David Rowe (63) of Steuffville and, Darryl Jenmings (76) ofWVhitby. Winners in the ae 13 to 14 cetegery viere Derek Gillespie (57) of Whitby and Dan Ricica (69), aise from WVhitby. Winners in the ege 15 te, 17 category viere Bilan Wilkins (54) of Oshawia and Ed Maunders (55) of Port Perry. The three winners wiii go on te the Central Ontario Optimniat district teurnament June 25 et Chedoke Golf Club in Hamilten. Compost mm how it works Byv Brookil Master Gardaners A rich, clark, soil-like materiel, compost is formed when microspic bacteria thet live in soui and viestes begin toeaet ewey et orgenic matter,-- causing the compost pile te héat up. Once enough heat is- genereted, the vieste sterts tobreak devin., The amount of time it talcas'for compost te form depends on what is in the pile and how regularly it is turned. It is very importent te keap the pile mois;t, but net wet. The meteriel shouîd be tur-ned ovar avery two or three weeksý, or vihen it becomes comnpacted or bas an odeur. oily food, meat or bones. These items cen ettract animaIs te the compost pile. Patate stemis and tomate plants should net b. put into the compost pile, nor should weeds that htva gene te seed. These items could contaminete the compost and cause disease end weed problema. nhe compost heep cen be as imple as ea mall, three-sided bin or as fency as a covarad, multi-bin unit. A composter cen b. made with lumeber or e plastic gerbage container drilled with hoes. Next time ,yeu are in a hardware store or garden centre, Comnpost materials check eut some of the raiser Materials that cen be comnmercially aveilable units te, composted include leaves, wood see bow they are constructed. You te raise funds for ash from fireplaces or wood can meke your own or purchase a ýociety wii be held stoves, coff.'e grounds, tee bags, reedy-madè unit. The main thing n Saturday June gardon clippings, fit and is te, get started and tep into a vegetable wastes and eggshells. source of excellent garden rm the sale te be Crushing egg shelas and material, at the saine time aldwin St. !rom 9 chopping leaves helps speed up roducing wtiste. n., will go te the the breakdown process. For answers te your gerdening md. Do net include materials iuch questions, write te Brooklin biudes a raffle draw as pet vaste, charcal -or cool Master Gerdenersý, Box 695, 49 o 6 . "1~,i-Y PrWcsfats, mols Or Uxfridge, Ont. L9P iMl. Jr. ptiists Ocagons hold dstrict conference

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