Page 8, Whitby Free Press, Wednosday, June 30, 1993 Stevenson: Senate decision 'appalig getting rid of there, says Durham MIP Ross Stevenson. 'ITis is an appalling move, demonstrating a total disregard for current economic conditions and the finaricial circumstances of a great many average Canadiane," ho said. "On several occasions rve made it clear that Id prefer te see the Senate abolished. Tis By voting te pay themselves an additional $6,000 expense allowance, senators have given another excellent reason for 0 LWid 2 dozen per wustomer Lwihth tsà upon L Ofor expres Tuesday July 6,1993 - M 1hd dozen per cwstomer Bun S ge$r 1380 Hopkins Street Whitby 666-1 177-- FOR SALE m DAPHNE'S Ladies Fashion Store Downtown Port Perry's PRIME RETAIL LOCATION. Purchase' includes inventory, leaseholds, established uines. Premises are air conditioned, carpeted and have excellent leaseholds. Long term lease available. A good opportunity for an entrepreneurial owner/ operator. Cail 436-3025 ADVERTISING POLICY The Whilby Free Press is a business whlch derives almost ail its revenue from advertising in one form or another. For obvious self-interest, we want aur clients' advertising ta work. Our 1aic is ta reach as many homes in Whitby as passible (usuatly more than 99%) adtprvde local high-interest content that ensures that people read the papor and henco te advertising as weil. We urge readers ta patronize aur advertisers in order that we can provido even botter coverago in the future. We also stress creativi iy. We will provide our professional expenienoe ta advise dlients on ways ta make their advertisilg more effecti ve, but for a product that canna t be reposesed.thee ae n guraneos. We strive ta avoid errors. but when we make them a corrctionwiii emade ign sbsequent issue or a discount offered. Theo newspapers legal Iiabdty is oniy for theo actual spaoe occupied by thie error. Adveftmsng is sold accarding ta tie space it occupies. No additional charge is made for artwork or tayaut and henco trie newspaper retains trie copyrit on ail its onginal worl'. Thie newspaper reserves tie rigrt ta refuse adverlising which it flnds objectionabie or detimn ta I ts business. Iatest action only confirme and strengthens my feelings. "In censtitutional discussions, some smaller provinces advocate a more powerful Senate. While I can understand their concerne, I aiso believe most people would agree that Canada has too much governnient, and that abolishing the Senate would be a welcome step in the right direciton." Stevenson made personal EVELYN BACON (centre) won a hand- made birdhouse made b y Avicare volun- teers Phyllis Ma gvas (rig ht) and husband George in a fund raising contest ta aid the proposais te the Minisýe of Finance, before both last December's economic statement and the April 1993 budget, that ail MPs and Senators should talce a 10 per cent cut in pay and allowanoes. The Durham MP says anyone wanting te complain should cal the Senate directly on its toll-free telephone number, 1-800- 267-7361. bird rehab centre. MacKay Animal Clinlo vet Walt Ingwersen drew the winning ticket; the clinic sotd tickets for the draw which raised $230. Photo by Mark Reesar, Whltby Free Press Run yUr dishwasCh r only - -whtb 21- when it is full. w flWhh Jul 8-9.u10 For more informat ion cal! die BIA 666-4189 Soetens to hold Canada Day party Ontarlo riding MP René Soetens will again hold hie annual Canada Day celebration on Julyl1. Ail are welcomne at the event, which will be held from il a.m. te 2 his constituency off'c Iatdat 103 OId Kingston Rd., Pickering Village, Ajax, (phone 686-0432). I have held this event in the past with great success," said Soetens. It has proven to be fun for the whole fainily and a wonderful way te show pride in your commuriity. "There are hot doge, pop and a special Canada Day cake, as well as keepsakes for the children." Dan McTeague officially opened hie office on June 27 in Pickering Village at 60 Randal Dr., west of Church Street on the south side of i-ghway 2tKingston Road. A large group of Liberals helped te kick off the event. The office will be the headquarters in preparation for the upcomning fgederal election. The office will serve as a focus for Liberal activities in Pickering, Ajax and Whitby. Answers to Whitby Trivia' from page 4 1 . John ýamn Perry's residenco on the site of the former swimming pool in Kismen Park was f loodlit on July 1, 1867. 2. Whitby's f irst Town hall was at the southwest corner of Brock and Trent streets from 1857 to 1879. It was later a vinegair facto ry and was destroyed by f ire in 1900. 3. The unmarked graves of f ive railway wreck victims are along the north side of St. John's Anglica Cemetery at Port Whitby. 4. The Whitby Le gion Hall was built in 1944-45 and additions were made to it in 1949,1955 and 1982. * *Renâ? Soetens, M.P., welcomes you to:I4* CELEBRATE CANADA DAY!, foin me in celebrating Canada Day rDcl from 11:00 a.m. to 2:0OOp.m. ý at my Constituency Office C 103 Old Kingston Road, j Pickering Village, Ajax. ~ Hope to see you there! ý