Whitby Free Press, 7 Jul 1993, p. 26

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ParmPA htê., rApOrps-q. Wedndavu.Iu7.1993 .... .....________________________________.__ ________....__________________________..._____________________..._______________ PAIR 20575X14 B.F. Goodrich DINING ROOM SUITE. 8 chairs, COUCH-3 SEATER, pull out GUTHRIE: The farnily of Bill and NOT-ICE TO CREDITORS mi1A nwrdii. eraod hutch. Pins. New$20, sacrifice _e ih mtres ra o Jackie Guthrie invite yuta attend mud &AIl daimsiagainst theoEstate condition. 430-2075. 1978 GMC. 3/4 ton 4 wheel drive pick up with cp Running condition. Needs body work and minor mechanîcal work. $1,000. Firm. 668-1893. INeed a car - Credit probtems? " Lease to own any make or moôdel Cash for trade - Oel now for lm quotasI LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 683-6230 -Jeff Ail sizes. Installation and Computer Balancing also available WHITBV TIRIE 103 Dundas St. E.E~fL corner 0oU wy. 12 a& Hwy. 2>) ' Phan. 430-8900 I.... M::Wft Mme .... .I MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE 683-9725 ~ PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 1986 BASS BOAT 16.5 ft. with 35 h.p. Mercury. Trollinq motor, f ish finder, etc. $3»30. 8 fishing boat or dinghy $250. 1.5 gas troîling motr $50430-0643. PROP & SKEG REPAIRS. Fast servico-fibrsglass. material, boat paints-da it yourself Vidca & Books-Oshawa Glass Fibre, 341 Durham Court, Oshawa. 579-1433. 1992 VAMAHA Wave Runner, $3,900 plus 1987 Kawasaki jet ski, $1,850. 668-4104. $995. Admiral solt-cleanlng stove, white, 7 yoars aId. $250. Both items in excellent condition. 436-9251. CHINA FOR SALE: Rayai Albert "Blossomtims" pattern.1if ull place sstting i. 2 dinner plates. Must b. seen - mint condition, hardi y used. Retails for $270, asking only $110. 430-1051. GARDEN TRACTOR, snow glow, cultivator, disks & plow. Excellent condition. Caîl 668-6991. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haîf rice. Largo selection. MoKeen Furnituro, 524 Simcoo St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. Sewing Macins Repairs A#l Makes Comnplete Tune-up $39.95 Reondidoned Sewing Machines 0Wfrotit$59.00 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE .-571-1385 '400 Kng St W. Oshawa 4 SHEEPSKIN seat cavers. Fit Mazda 323-BMW 3 series type seats. Pair Hella driving. liglits. Misc. ghardware, limes, winches, Iamps, etc. from 30' salîboat. Phone 416-666-3169. KENMORE washsr and drysr. Good warkimg condition. $450/pair. 668-4104. APARTMVENT SIZE PIANO. Buit by Mason + Risch. 1968. Cherry finish. Recent appraisalof $2,000. Phono 416-666-3169. KENMORE Fridge + stave. Good condition. $325. CalI 666-5458 or 668-7159. COMODORE 64 computeor. Includos keyboard, disk drive, prinerjoy -stickç, mowpower pack, Collection of classical, modern, Rock'n'RoIl. 668-3640. Ploase beave message. MARSHALL 50 watt head and 100 watt cabinet. $1,000. Phone Mike at 697-2943. NOMA rear-bag lawnmower plus cast-iron bathtub. $100 each o.b.o. Also, antique school desk. $40. 668-0070. INTERIOR DOORS & bi-fold doors. Various sizes. Electric chain saw. Counter tops, sinks & tub enclosure doors. Glass & mirror. 579-9167. LADIES' 10 SPEED BIKE $75 o.b.o. Portable car phone $200. Caîl Krista 666-3307. MATTRESSES and boxsprings at half prico. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. SELUNG EVERYTHING from silverware ta appliances, ta fumniture, ta plants, ta lawn chairs, etc, Toc many ta list. Askç for E.J. 668-8956. FIREWOOD. Excellent quaiity hardwaod, seasoned, very. dry, split. honest measurement, summer prices, f ree deîivory. W. cars for your heat. 416-753-2246. GOLD FRIDGE + STOVE. $250. Almond washer and d or, 3 years aid. $350. Cail 668-537 AIR CONDITIONER. Usod 1 year. 6000 BTU's. $150. Cail 430-9807. CRAFTSMAN electronic 10m radiai armn saw. $450. Busy-Bee 8u jainer. $300. Bath in excellent condition. CalI 655-5227. "Much ta my pleasure, I recoived 9 phone calîs.the very f irst day my ______________________ ver 70 games. vWord processiu'y ads ram,-and -as a irosut, soidovr z ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ispc0tprgam.20.a 1ileîhad advertisod within ono I IIQ TAR 430608.woek.n C.C. MORTGAGES as low as 5.75% .... ... o.a.c. Caîl Michael 668-7200. .........CE$ Anubis lnvestmonts Ltd. Sorvimg i SR IE Ontario since 1972. ............__ __ ___ _ ]Financial dCorporalon MORTGAGES . 1st &2nd's in95% -.DebtCo oidatin *Pimo Rates * pre.0euabfý1ng 571-2M8 or 686&2936 (Tor lino) AIE O HAVING TROUBLE gstting ato insuranco becase of âge, poor driving record or suspension of licenso? Porhaps wo can help. Phono 666-2090. INTERLOCK REPAIR & SEAL Re-level sunken aroas, spruco up oid jobs, instaîl pîsa stops, etc. Reasonable rates. Quaîity work. 668-2742. TREE CUTTING & trimming. Fully isurod. Free ostimates. 433-7140, or 725-3609. SPANKY'S PROPERTY Main- tenance. Grass cutting ta goneral maintenance. Treo brush, garbage disposai. Residontiacomnborcial. Phono Jim at 668-6803. FOUR SEASONS Landscaping, Gardeming services. Fonces, decks, soddim9q. eavestrough cleaig retaining walls, lawn cutting, tree romoval. 10%/ seniors' discount. Cal (416) 428-1305. WASHER/DRYER. Apartmemt size. Gond condition. $175. Cal 668-2164. "LEAVE VOUR CARES at home with us.* Prof essional pot/homo sitters are fully bondod & insured. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - 3-bedraam, fuhly f urished, air conditkied mobile homes. Pools. hot tubs, beaches, attractions. Childrsn welcams. $275 weekly. Photos. 683-5503. af thepi Ot edde muing nnrsay ouf 11, 1993,t2 - 5 p.m at Berro.y. Couni ty93Centrep.. tBt Wih Onlyl BEST WISHES for a Happy Bfirhday or Anniversary. The classifieds are a special way to send greetingsl Cali 668-6111 .. . . . . . KELLY+ MIKE BOZINIS of Whitby are happy ta announce the arrivaj of their second daughter Meghan Tara on June 8, 1993 at 10:17 p.m. weighing 5 Ibs. 8 V2 oz. A darîing sister for Kayla. Proud grandparonts are Mrs. Lla Gray and Mr. +Mrs. Stephen Bozinis. CLOSINO DOWN SALE. St. Peters Nursery Sohoal. Saturday, July 10, 10 a.m. 204 Wellington St., Whitby. First street west of Cochrane Hwy. 2. 0f Interest to Daycares à Nursery Sohools. of JAN JAKUBIAK, late of the Town of Whitby who died on or about March 14, 1993 must be fiîed with the undersigned on or bofore the 3Oth day of JuIy, 1993, aftor which date the Estate wilI be distributed having regard only ta the dlaims of whlch the Executors then shahl have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 3Oth day of June, 1993. JOSEF NEUBAUER Barrster & Solicitor 74 Simcoe Street South Suite 303 Oshawa, Ontario 1-17N1! LOST - Small, orange, maie aduit cat. Cornes ta the name Minnie. 932 Greenwoad Cr., Whit8y (Burns & Annes St. area). Cali 666-1530. TOO MANY KWYEN? WANT A PIJPPYI Check Mh.Clasilfeda 1or thaspeclalpet, or to find diat ipoeaihome. 66"-111 PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, choque received before deadîine) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61+ 390 GST) 150 each additional word; (140t + 10 GST) BULLED WORD ADS $8,25 for 20 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST AUCTIONS 930 per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge: $1 3.86; PLUS GST DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Mds with borders, pictures or graphics> Regular display rates apply - 990 per agate uine ,Minimum size 1 column inch $13.86 CONTINUOU1 S RUNt DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $10.89 PER COLUMVN INCH. G.S.T. is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated DEADLUNE Monday noon pnor to Wednesdlay publication. 668-6111 Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiII not b. hiable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost af the space occupied by the error up ta a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or reject ail advertisements. whitbyFe rs 6-11' tk or:Mrdy.i Frily d0ar o :0P Fax 6680594 I ri M-aqu du, vvnlwy rreu rrubs, "bruitubuay, UU&Y 1 0 a U&Fý r immbýl 1 1- - 1

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