Whitby Free Press, 14 Jul 1993, p. 23

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WVhitby Free Press. Wednesday, July 14, 1993, Page 23 AUCTIONSj CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAVI JULV 16 AT 6 P.M. 3 MILES EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 THE PROPERTY 0F FLORENCE SHIER 0F WILFRID PLUS OTHERS Fiat te wal cupboard, pin e blanke t box, spinning wheel, butchers block. gramaphone. press back rocker, cofiee & end table, chesterfields, wooden kitchen chairs, modern dressers & chests of drawers, oak desk, oak sideboard, almond Hot Point autematic washer & dryer, almond Hot Point 2 door refrigerator & 30 in. electric stove, Hitachi apart ment size washer, 6 reinished cane seated chairs, sing le door retrigerator, Starr 180 electric weîder, 36 in. Sthil chainsaw, bench. drill press, Mag nettic Vee Blok, crattsman tool box, workmate wo rk bench, buzz saw, qty. good air & hand toots, qty. china glass, antiques, household & collectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS R.R. #1, LITTLE BRITA IN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183. MACGREGOR AUCTION SALE ESTATE OF THE LATE FOREST DILLING SUNDAY JULY 18 AT il A.M. (VIÉWING 10 A.M) AGRICULTURE BUILDING, ORONO FAIRGROUNDS TAKE 401 TO 115/35 HWY& NORTH,10 KM Sale to include Duncan Phyt e drop beat table & 4 chairs, 6 pce. & 4 pce. bedroom sets, misc. old dressers &, chests of drawers, cedar chest (exc>, jaml cupboard, pie safle, washstand ,pine lift top desk, Ilarge selection et chairs & rockers Qioopback, sets, arrow- back, wingback, etc.), French Provincial couch, chairs & tables, oul lamps,- Meakin 4 pce. wash set, old christmas decorations, antique cine model 8 Kodak camera (orig. & working), binoculars, old pictures & trames, eld table & floor lamps, games, old books (volune 1 & 2 picturesque Canada 1882). selection ot older glass & china, kitchen collectables, plus small appliances, pots, panecmi. jewelery, bodding & linons, leather craft material, vacuums, lawn- mower, misc. tools & hardware, p lus a large selection ot cages (as Mr. Dilling was active in bird banding), aise a selection ot limited edit ion & decorative art prints. This Estate auction teatures a large & varied off erin g et articles from general household effects to rare. & unique coilectables with many treasures stili to be unpacked. A must-be-there event for one & ail. Cail for ail your auction needs. (Next auction July 25). MACGREGOR AUCTIONS MIKE MACGREGOR 416-987-5402 JUNIOR WEST 416-983-5556 jobsOntarlo e'Capit al boulotOntario eConstruction Invitation to Preq'ualify INVITATION TO PREQUALIFY AS MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SUB-CONTRACTORS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION 0F THE NEW WHITBY pSyCHIATRIC HOSPITAL UN WHITBY, ONTARIO FOR TH-E MINISTRY 0F HEALTH PROJECT NO.: MOH-74598/ 026M/ 027M Management Board Secretariat invites, for the purpose et prequalification, submissions trom Mechanical and Electrical Sub-Con tractors with relevant experience who are interested in providing Sub-contracting services te frequalified Generai Contractors for the construction et the new Psychiatrie Hspta in Whitby, Ontario. mhe General Centractors scope et work l9 brlefly t4escrlbed as tellowa: " Construction et a new psychiatrie hospita, compiex having a gress tleer area et appreximately 46,500m2 on Gordon Street at the shores et Lake Ontario- " Phasing et construction, demelition et existing buildings and relocation et existing servies; *Site werk inciudîng retaining walls and asphaît paving te parking areas, roadway and landscaig. *The construction valeof the total general centract is approximately $79 million. Mechanîcat Sub -Centractor's scope et werk Includes: *New water suppiy services, sanitary drainage system and storm water drainage System; *Mechanici HVAC system consisting et 6,000 kW heating plant, 1,500 kW steam plant and 980 ton ceoling plant with a 5,700 ton heur ioe storage plant; *Complete air andwater distribution system ; *Plumbing sstem complote with plumbing fixtures, domestic hot and cold water distribution and drainage; *Sprinkler and standipipe systems throughout cemplete withlire pumps, ernker heads and lire distribution;, irc digital controis censisting cf centrai cernputer equipment with *distributed processing units controiling the mechnical and electrical systems; * The construction value cf the mechanical sub-contract is approximateiy $18 million. Electrîcal Sub-Contractor's scope et work Includes: " 44KV line on Gordon Street connected te 44KV/13.8KV high voltage substatien with teeders te secondary 13.8KV/600V substatiens; "Stand by diesel generator; " Distribution: normal and emergency power distributed via FDP and CDP panels; "Auxiliary systems include addressabie ire alarm system, hghtnng protection system and security; *Lig hting wth automated lighting contvoi and occupancy sensors. The construction value ci the electrical sub-centract is appro'xîmately $7.5 million. t s anticipated that the prject will be bid in the Fali cf 1993, foiiewed by the award et contract. Occupancy is scheduled fer the Fal et 1996. Mechanical and Electrical Sub-Contractors whe can prove their experience in the successful completion cf major mechanicai and electrical sub-centracts cf a simrilar type, sîze, ccmplexity as the above project are invited te submit prequalitication packages on the torms avaîlabie trem the. PUBLIC TENDERS OFFICE Management Board Secretarlat Roem Ml-48 Macdonald Block 900 bay Street Toronte Ontario M7A 1 N3 Telephene: (416) 3Ï7-2571 Fax: (416) 327-2575 Please request No.:, 026M (Mechanical> 027M (Electrical) Mechanical and electrical prequalification packages must be submitted in separate sealed envelopes. Combined submissiens wili net be accepted. Completed prequalification packages wili be evaluated, and those Mechanicai and Eletrcal Sub-Contracters meeting the selection *criteria will then be invited te submit bids te prequalified General Contractors through the Bid Depesitery System. Preq ualificatien submissions will bu received until 3:00 p.m. lecal tîmre, Trhursday, JuIy 29, 1993, at the Public Tenders Office isted above. Management Board Secretariat reserves the right te accept or reject any or all respondents based on information received. For further information, please contact: Mr. Ekki Bunten, Preject Manager Preject Management Branch, Managernent Board Secretaniat 720 Bay Street, 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 1 K2 Telephone: (416) 326-4858 Fax: (416) 326-4871 Managemrent Board Secretariat aIse intends te. prequalify General jobsO tario Capital bouo*naroConstruction Invitation to Prequalify INVITATION TO PREQUALIFV AS A GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR THE CONSTRUCTION 0F TH-E NEW WHITBY PSVCHIATRIC HOSPITAL IN-WHITIBY, ONTARIO FOR THE MINISTRY 0F HEALTH PROJECT NO.:MOH-74598/ 025M The purpose of this invitation is te peqality Generali Contracters who have the relevant expenience and whpoare interested in 'rvding enera3l contracting services for the construction of the new WhyPsychiatric Hospital iocated in Whitby, Ontario. The scepe et werk la brlefly déecrlbed es tollews: " Construction of a new psychiatrie hospia complex having gross floor area of appreximateiy 46,500m2 on Goeon Street at the shores et Lake Ontario; " Phasing et construction, demelitien et existing buildings anmd releocation et existing services;: " Site werk inciuding retaining walls and asphaît paving te parking areas, readwa 's aninscaping; " New eectriîcal services, water suppiy services, sanitary drainage system and sterm water drainage system with retention pendi. It is anticipated that the project wiil be bid in the Fali et M993, toliewed by an award. Occupancy et the new complex is scheduled for the Fali et 1996. Generai Contractors who can prove their experience in the management, construction and completion et major institutional prejects et a simirar type, size and complexity with a construction value et apprexîmately $79 million are invited te submit prequalification packages on Ce ftems avaîlable frem the: PUBLIC TENDERS OFFICE Management Beard Seeretarlat Roem M1-48 Macdonald Block 900 bay Street Toronto Ontario M7A 1N3 Telephone: (416) 3à7-2571 Fax: (416> 327-2575 Please request Ne.: 025M The cmpletd sttemens wil be valu tet establish the capabiiity o the înterested General Contracters, and those frms qualîlying wil then be invited te submit bids.' Pequaliicaton submissions on the specifed orms wil be receved until 3:0 pM. local tîme, Thursday, Ju ly 29, 1993, at the Public Tenders Office listed above. Management Board Secretariat reserves the right te accept or reject any or ail respondents based on information received. For turther information, please contact: Mr. Ekki Bunten, Project Manager Project Management Branch, Management Board Secretariat 720 Bay Street, 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 1 K2 Telephone: (416) 326-4858 Fax: (416) 326-4871 Management Board Secretariat aise intends te prequalify mechanical and electrîcai sub-contractors by means et separate prequalitication packages. The Ontario Government supports equitable emplcyment practices in the private secter and encourages you te take an active role in achieving the geais et Empicyment Equity. (5DOntario SHOP UN THE C LASSIFI EDS! You'II save time and money if you shop the ads in the Classified section first! It'S the place to find the big bargains you're looking for.

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