Whitby Free Press, 14 Jul 1993, p. 3

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I t I Items from 7hitby Council agenda(s) Monday, July 12,19M3 Etecommenda- 'ions from the Planning and Development Committee 1 Recommenda- tions from the Operations Committee That $99,800 be spent to reconstruct Anderson Street, about 1,200 metres north of Taunton Road. The work is belng done in conjunction wlth the Installation of sanitary sewers to serve Brooklln. The project Is antlclpated to cost $1 99,600. The Ontarlo Mlnlstry of Transportation will pay haîf the cost, with the remainder coming f rom surplus tender money and/or lot levies. Carried That Garrard Road between Dryden Boulevard and the future Shore Avenue be reconstructed to a f ully urbanîzed road, sublect to Fram Construction proceed- ing with phase two of its subdivision. Total cost Is forecast at $284,21 5, with Fram paying $1 35,465; $47,405 coming f rom developer contributions and the remalning $101 ,345 f rom the development reserve fund. Carriedl That a $115,118 tender f rom Bennett Paving of Oshawa for the resurfacing of Lupin Drive f rom Dunlop to Hutchîson streets and Bell Drive f rom Dundas Street to Michael Boulevard be accepted. Cie Unfinished Business That a rezonlng application f rom Eastglen Properties for a wholesale car auction tacillty at 202 South Blair St. be approved . About 40 lobs are expected te be created by the business, Carried I r- 1 Adajacent to the terrace is the common green which could be used for civic functions and art exhibits. However, the cornerstone of the project will be an 800-seat outdoor amphitheatre proposed to be built near the centre of the park. Based on 1990 estimates, the park will cost $1.3 million. This figure is exclusive of the aniphitheatre and an irrigation systeni which would be used to water the various gardens within the park. Work being done this year will involve site preparation, grading, tree relocation, the walkways and plantings. How extensive the next phase will be, and how soon it niay be done, will ultimately depend on the Town's finances, Cordick stressed. Although plans cail for an amphitheatre and other ela- Whitby Fieu Press Wednesday juiy 14 1993 Page 3 By Mike Kowalski Work is well underway on a garden park that wilI eventually be part of Whitby's municipal complex. The first phase of 'WVhitby Civic Gardens' is expected to be com pleted b y the fall, says Brian Cordick, Whitby's manager of parks and facilities. Approved by Town council two yvears ago, the park will be loca- ted on 5.2 acres of land im- mediately south of Whitby's municial office building on Rossland Road. To be developed in stages over the next several years, t he park will dramatically alter the appearance of the grounds sur- rounding the municipal office. According to the master con- cept plan adopted by council, the park will consist of a series of gardens2 pedestrian walkways, a terraced c anopy, a "common green" and exhibit area. The terrace will feature dis- play walls for mounting civic awards, a small reflecting pool, and water jet. 1 013 Dundas St. E..IS bayirnarine Bidig That applications to amend the Whtby and Durham Region officiai plans to permit a 258-unit subdivision on a 33-acre site near Thickson Road and Burns Street be approvedi. The site, consisting of three separate properties owned by Veltri and Son Ltd., Paul Daigle and Jinny Slytield, lies between an Ontario Hydro power corridor to the north and Canadian Pacific rail line to the south. Now deslgnated IndustrIal, residents have petitioned council over the years to change the designatlon to residential. Carried That a plan of subdivision f rom Victoria Wood Development Corp. for 31 street townhouses on a 1.2 ha. site on Mcouay Boulevard, riorth of Bonacord Avenue, be approved. Carreci age.nda I* atc/es & 'hreas ARE MOT OUT 0 F BUSINESS! £ *for information caiL. ~430-2736 I Watcfi or Grand !KçOpeinfg inSe tmberI Work underway on muniipalgarden Park borate features, Cordick noted that "sometinies things deviate!' One com ponent could be left ou t an d repi aced with something else if the new feature does not detract froni the overall appearance, he explained. As a staff report notes, the idea for a municipal gardens stemmed froni an "«over designa- tion" of parkland in the agree- ment for the nearby Bradley North subdivision. Tie developer, the Grand Oak Group, was repinsible for onlyta portion of the site, but agreedto integrate its required design work within the municipality's plans for the ove-all area. This will be thne fifth park that Grand Oak has developed in Whitby, Cordick said. The others include Bradley Park, a small park near Pilking- ton Crescent and two parks in the townhouse com plex on the northeast corner of firock Street and Manning Road. Children of Chernobyl mn Whitby Two of the 'Children of Cher- nobyl' were scheduled to be spe- cial guests at a meeting of the Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise this morning. Under the 'Children' project, young children who have suf- fered the effects of radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster visit North Anierica in the summer for a six-week period. In Durlharn Regioni, there are 18 children, alhosted by local families. The two girls attending the Rotary meeting were to discuss their experiences. They were t'O be accompanied by theïr Oshawa host parent, Bruce Mather, and a transiator. DEDCTILEWITl-tTHIS D Whitby Auto Glass uses an incredible niew process to HTB AUOGA repair windshield 117AUO1LA stone chips. V!spcait And ycur insurancelI company wilI waive OM your deduclible on _____________________ stone repairs tb keep wIth mO*s:,tnsuraflce comPaie insurance cost down. with this coupon a'titme cf urhe TOU f ree 1-800-668-9247 .668-m O 3* mo erl ume *ai 411 Dundas S . .Whitby Good News Local News THE WHITBY FREE PRESS ()110 2975 171.8. 1984 1690 "2778 2120: T)Bare patches in the lawn may start to show due te ' grubs or chinch bugs. Apply CIL Lawn Doctor to control unsightly damage. Cut back delphinium affer they finish blooming. This wiII help them to flower a second time in September. There is stili time to s0W radishes and lettuce for a late crop. F1Visit Vandermeer Nurser for friendîy service and A helptul advice. Great Gardon Valuel GetGre aL ANNUÀALS La-Iisect Insantviid olor. Doctor Instnt vvidcolo r.1For effective contrai of grubs, sod COLEUS, webwyrm. chincli bugs and ani.j BEGONIAS 1-&9 IMPATIENS. Reg. $1.35 cN M 3 6"kgpot.Reg.$269 à.

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