Whitby Free Press, 14 Jul 1993, p. 8

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s Pag 8, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. July 14, 1993 wh b busie:e Security watch contin*ues at Family Kartway By Mike Kowalski Security guards continue to kdee a close watch on the Family Katway amusement centre. But th e reason for the popular Whitby touriet attraction being kept under surveillance remains a mystery. Neither the owner, nor the trust company which holde the mortgage on t he 33-acre park on Hwy. 12, will discuse the matter. By Mike Kowalski The former head of a Whitby company whicb swindled mil lions of dollars was back in court on Monday. Pia Fox (formnerly Williamson) was remanded in cuetody to July 19 for possible disposition of iDD DURHAM National Trust official Lindsay Morrison would not comment due to the on going financial and leg ds ue between her comn- parxy anXpark owner Gary Soni- chetti. Sorichetti, whose family has owned Family Kartway since 1990, did not return a telephone cail from TheFree Press. For the past several weeks, charges laid in connection witb ber role as owner of tbe now defunct Consortium Group of Companies. Crown attorney Scott Hutchi- son informed the court that pre- trial discussions between bimself and defence counsel Oscar Mul- NOTICE TO MOTORISTS Ontario A TRAFFIC REMINDER FOR MOTORISTS USING THE HARMONY ROAD EXIT IN OSHAWA FROM THE EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND LANES 0F HIGHWAY 401 Work will be commencing on or about July 26, 1993 t0 widen Reglonal Road 22 ( Bloor Street ) inluding the 401 overpass from Regional Road 33 Harmony Road ) to Regional Road 58 ( Farewell Street> and the'associated intersections, ln the City of Oshawa. The work wil result ln restrloted trafflo movements affectlng' westbound motorste at Harmony Road. This trafflo wil be detoured via Harmony Road, Olive Avenue and Wilson Road. The Bloor StreetI Hwy No. 401 overpass wil remain open for eastbound motorists at Farewell Street. Westbound Hwy No. 401 trafflo, normally exiting at Harmony Road, for westbound Bloor Street, are advised to use the Rison Road Exit for destinations on Bloor Street and Farewell Street. Night work within the Hwy. No. 401 corridor in conjunction with this contruot. will reduce traffic, f0 0one lane in each direction and require the closure of the eastbound and westbound on ramps et this location. The Ministry and the Region requests the co-operation of the motorists while improvement works are underway and regrets any inconvenience this work may cause. Should there be any questions regarding this project, please contact the following between the hours of 8,30 AM - 430 PM, Monday through Friday. Mr. M.S. Lenters. P.Eng. Project Engîneer Durham Region Works Department 888-7121 security guards have been stationed on a regular basis acrose the road from the park, which includes Canada's largeet go-kart track. A u ard on duty admitted he was there to observe proceedines at the park, but rc'ferred The Free Press to hie employer. The security f"irm -- Intelli- garde International Inc. -- would not comment and directed The lerbeck have been productive and he was hopeful that a decision on how te proceed may be made next wee. Fox, 37, was charged by RCMP last year with four counts of fraud, tbeft over $1,000 and cri- minaI breach of trust. More than 800 people, most of whom live in Durham Region, invested $15 million in real estate deals Fox's company clai- med to have bad in Oshawa, Muekoka and.the Caribbean. Fox who was extradited to Canada fromn England'two weeke ago, founded the company with her late busband Laèhlan Wil- liameon in 1990. Fox, who ba seince remarried, had a lifetime trading ban im- posed on her by the Ontario Securities Commission for ber role in the scam. In addition, Fox, who had eva- ded authorities until ber arreet in London, England in March, muet answer to a conviction for illegally selling securities. She was fined $350,000 and sentenced te 21 monthe in jail in June 1992. Fox neyer appeared for that Ontario court trial and was liv- ing in Florida prior to ber fleeing to-England. Free Prees to M. Wilson & Co. Auctioneers & Liquidaters. Contacted three weeks ago, company spokesman Harvey Greber refused to comment, stat- ing he was «not at liberty" to discuss the matter. National Trust official Morri- son could shed no further light on the situation last Thursday. "The matter is before the courts and I'm not at liberty to discuse what's going on," said Morrison. "It'e aIl part of the ongoing dispute," she said. Earlier this 'year National Trust took stops to ftoreclose on the park'e mortgage. Gates were padlocked and a security guard was posted inside the fence. But in April, Sorichetti clai- med that alI issues which led the trust company to foreclose had .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thevalue of building permits issued JP Whitby in June in- creased lby almost 15 per cent over last year's total. Figures released by the Town's public works departmnent in- dicate that 85 building permits having a value' of $7.2 million were processed last month. This comp ares to the June 1992 total of 104 permits witb a value of $6.2 million. The residential sector accoun- ted for the major share of last month's figures with 64 permits having a value of $6.9 million. The institutional sector fol- lowed with eight permits at $173,200. Commercial was next with six permits ($64,500) and industrial, three permits at $11,000. For the year to date, Whitby has issued 304 permits having a value of $44.03 million. This is 3.31 per cent higher PRIME COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE In downtown Port Perry approx. 3000 sq. ft. Air conditioned. Lots of private parking. Suitable for retail or restaurant development in the downtown core. Reasonable longterm lease available. Cali 436-3025 ADVERTISING POLUCY The Whitby Free Press is a business which derives almost ail lis revenue from advertising in one form or another. For obvious self-interest. we want our clients' advertising 10 work. Our policy is 10 reach as many homes in Whitby as possible (usually more than 99%) and to provide local high-interest content that ensures that people read the paper and hence the advertising as well. We urge readers to patronize our advertsers un order that we can provde even better coverage in the future. We also stress creaivi ly. We will provide our professional expenience toi advise dients on ways to make their advertising more effect've. but for a product that cannot be repossessed. there are no guarantees. We stnive toý avoid errors, but when we make them. a correction will be made in a subsequent issue or a discount off ered. The newspapers legaf îability is only for the actual space occupied by the error. Advertising s sold according btfute space it occupies. No atidiional charge is made for artwork or layout and hence the newspaper retains the copyright on ail ils oniginal work- The newspaper reserves the right 10 refuse, advertising which il finds objectionable or detrimental 10 ils business. been settled and the park was back in business. However, one month later, National Trust placed advertise- mente in two Toronto newspa- ers which stated that Family Kartway je for sale. Sorichetti insisted the park was not for sale and that National Trust had ne right to do what it did. Morrison said the dispute is now in the hande of a judge, wbo will determine the next step. Morrison would not say what the judge is being asked to decide, but in an earlier inter- view see aid ewnerehip of the park is one of the issues to be decided by the court. Last week, Morrison said it "would appear", that Sorichetti will be allowed to operate Family Kartway until a decision is made. than the 434 p ermits ($42.6 mil- lion) processed by the Town dur- ing the fiïrst six months of 1992. Besidential leads this year's cumulative total with $26.8 mil- lion, followed by commercial, $9.9 million; institutional, $6.1 million; industrial, $1.04 million, and agricultural,. $20.000. In a prep ared statement, Mayor Tom Edwards said the June report is encouraging" in that the montb was 14.91 per cent greater than June 1992 and that 1993 figures continue to be above last year's total. "'The fact that we continue to increase over the previous year indicates that the Town of Whitby is still a good place in which to s pend investment capi- tal," said Edwards. Building permit fees collected by the Town in June were $69,342 and for the year, $437,09 1. Leafplayers at mail card show A Sportscard and Memorabilia Show, with appearancesby Maple Leaf players, will be held at the WJhitbv Mail July 15 to 17. Dealers specializing in card collecting and other sports-related items wilI be at the mal during mnail hours. On hand te sign free autographs will be Mike Krusheinysld, Thursday, July 15, 6 te 8 p.m.; Darryl Shannon, F'riday, July 16, 6 te 8 p.m.; and Peter Zezel, Saturday, July 17, 2 to 4p.m. Funny money at Don's Two counterfeit Canadian $50 bills turned up at Don's No Frilîs grocery store on Brock Street South Saturday aftemnoon. Police have a description of the person who passed the bille and are continuing their investiga- tion. Trent Un iversity at Durham College FaiI-Winter Session More than 35 courses are offered wveekday evenings or Saturday mor i ng. Registration deadline: * 15 IuIy for fuli-timne * 13 August for a-ime informnation: I15 luiv, 5:00Xto u)n 1: .,~ Oshuva Pulilu t librnauduîuuriujn, For uniorniio un or aW. itIrch(r' .ll (416) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229. WilliamSon case rmne

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