Whitby Free Press, 21 Jul 1993, p. 5

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. JuIy 21,1993. Page 5 ARTICLE ON PAST PROBLEMS AT RP CRISIS CENTRE Diretor fears publicity could affct ftmding, serie she says.%n linp -- laaê uasnr other forms of sexual assault. The Publicity about the former pro- blems that the Oshawa Durham Rape Crisis Centre bas worked te, correct may negatively affect services provided, says the centre's executive director. Sandy Saunders says Iast week's Toronto newspaper story that labelled the rape crisis centre and others as "money pit night- mares" contained "accuracies" but was aid news, with ail pro- blems addressed ta the province's satisfaction. She says it is misleading that there were reports of promises of action since "appropriate" mea- sures have -aiready been taken, and the publicity might affect the services to sexual assault survi vors. "Our centre had serious financiai improprieties and administrative probiems in the past," says Saunders. 'Upon our request, the Solicitor General's Depatment piaced us under reiwdrng which time we addressed these probiems and oui- high standard of service has been maintained and improved." Mast such centres across Ontario only began to, receive significant provincial funding when the current goverrament came te power in 1990, she says. In 1989, the Oshawa Durham Rape Crisis Centre received $15,000 firn the province -- a sum that rose te $80,000 la 1990/91 and then te, more than $300,000 in 1991/92. WVe have been part of the community for 18 years now, explains Saunders. 'Mut up until 1990, we were strictly a volunteer effort, eisting on very little provincial funding plus whatever we couid i-aise ourseives. "With the i-amp-up of provincial funding came the need for our volunteer organization to rapidfly gain administrative and accounting sophistication." It aiso proved te, be an irresistibie target for a few unscrupulous employees, she says. Certain individuals were terminated after monetary discrepancies were discovered and sinoe then steps have been taken te, ensure compliance with financial reporting guidelines while legal and administrative procedures have been tightened, "The so-called furor arase long ago and appropriate action was taýken," says Saunders. "The province is satisfied with the way our centre is running; clients are receiving this crucial service and benefitting from provincial funding. 1 just hope that dredging up this aid report doesn't jeopardize aur funding for the sake of the sexual assault survivors who rely on i. She says most people know about the centre's 24-hour rape Oshawa Durham handled 3,000 calls. But few are aware of the many other services provided to, the community, says Saunders. These include preventative education regnrding sexual assault, individualized incest survivor counselling sessions and survivor-directed groups. Also provided is a privately funded program for children aged 2 1/2 to 15 -- both boys and girls -- Who are survivors of incest or group. Also from their. own fundraising, the centre has become active in test case litigation by stressing protection of the rights of witnesses -- who in most cases are victimis. This year, the Oshawa Durhamn Rape Crisis Centre hopes te raise $80,000 through its own fundraising activities such as weekiy bingos, nevada cards, dances, casino nights and other events. Abolish Senate: Jackln The NDP candidate for Ontario riding, Lynn Jacklin, has called for the abolition of the Senate, calling it a "costly perk-filled patronage system that daes littie gaod for Canadians." She called an people in the riding te start a grassroots caxnpaign against the Senate and announced a 1-800 number te order their own "Aboish The Senate" its. The number te cal "The recent spate Of appointinents te the uneiected, unaccountabie Senate and the incredible sight of senators voting te grant themselves the now rescinded $6,000 pay i-aise bas shaken Canadians' faith in the value of the Senate," said Jackiin. She said instead of the triple E Senate, We should have the 1rpl Your best ailinclusive youj'rc anl old tîand orscttUng out on your maiden voyage, Marlin is the ri rst port you should cati in on wMien selectrng your mrise. Our expert crews arc rccognized as the bcst in the business when it cornesLo guiding you thlrough u i larmil iar matLers. Always on the lookout for the best value, our experts have selected these great cruise dea"ls! 1I Jd lis help you d'oose thle perfect cruise vacation. And enjoy smooth sailing ahead. .......... . 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