e ~y1e Whitby Free Press, Weclnesclay, JuIy 28.1993, Page Il WHITBY YACHT CLUB Creightons 12 iiBermuda race By Mark Reesor Two Witby Yacht Club mein- bers placed one-two in their class in the Bermuda 1-2 race last month. The 30 competitors in the race sail their boats alone from New- port, Rhode Island to Bermuda, a distance of about 630 miles; a week later they head back with one other person, thus the naine. Bevan Creighton beat out the eight boats in his class on the so leg,sailing his 33-foot 'Mon- trose V' made by Hans Chris- tian, to bermuda in a time of 309 hours, 47 minutes. Wife Barb joined hlm on the return trip, in which thoy were second. The Bermuda 1-2 is a qualifier for the 'British Oxygen - Chal- lenge' around-the-wonld race, an ddraws professional and amia- teur competitors. Bevan says any time you're sailing through the Gulf Streamn, it's always a challenge. "The Gulf Stream is a tough place to go through because you neyer know what te expect... the warmn water affects the weather in the area, so a lot of time you get strong winds, big waves and a lot of electrical storms.» Bevan says they encountered gale force winds on the trip back te Rhode Island, and combined with the strong Gulf Streamn currents, "it was really rough goig through there.» It was s0 rough, one of;the boats broke its boom, adds Barb. When you're sailing on.- the ocean, you have te concentrate on balancing the sails te the wind, says Bevan, "but in a race, you're still trying te go as fast as y ou can, so it's a compromise. You're always on the edge of whether you have too, much sail u or not.... in a race you're aways pushingit.» If you p ut up too, much sail, y ou stand the chance of getting kcnoked down or ripping your sails. «It's an awful strain on the boat, the more sails you have up, and it's an awful strain on you, because the motion is much worse7 says Bevan. "Instead of just giding through the waves, you're slamming into the waves." .You don't sleep very well dur- ing a race, says Bevan, who uses an egg timer as an alarm dlock. "I set that every 20 minutes and that's how I sleep.* I wake up every 20 minutes and have a look around'" WHITBY YACHT CLUB members Bey and Barb Creighton pose aboard their 33-foot boat «Montrose y'which they recently sailed to victory in a race from Rhode Island to Bermuda and back. Photo by Mark Reesci, Whltby Free Press Oné of the things ho looks for are large commercial ships which could run down -a small boat without even seeing it. "The rule of thumb la that in 20 minutes, something that you don't see (because it's) over the horizon, will be at you, if you were on a collision course,» explains Barb. Although the Montrose V has an 'aute-heln,' which steers on a compass course, «you still have te be constantly adjusting the salIs because the auto-helmn doesn't help you if the wind shifts Theatre workshops offered There la stilI space available in the Stages theatre workshops in August. Interniediate workshops, for ages il te 13, are in Whitby and Newcastle. Senior workshops, for ages 14 te 17, are in Oshawa and New- castle. Junior workshops, for ages 7 te 9, are at six locations. Stages brochures are available at the library or information centre, or caîl 416-623-8657 for registration information. around,» says Bevan. Although the race has its dangers, Bevan says ""the scariest part of the whole thing was coming back across Lake Ontario. W e left late Friday night and there was thunder and lightning ail around us. The lightning was hitting the water and the thunder was banging away; I found that more scary than anything.» Photocopies, Fax Service, Custom Labels & Decals, Wedding Invitations, Business Cards, Complete Sign Production GOODISON & GLANFORD PAINTING & DECORATING ,INTER IOR/EXTERIOR - RESI DENTIAL/COMMERCIAL PAINTING'e SPRAYING'- PAPER HANGINGS REASONABLE RATES - FREE ESTIMATES 683-4026 -J PRIME COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE In downtown Port Perry approx. 3000 sq. ft. Air conditioned. Lots of private parking. Suitable for retail or restaurant development in the downtown core. Reasonable longterm lease available. Cati 436-3025