Fun and learning combined injunior firefighters program BKahryn M e'ureey Whîtby'sjuniorfirefighter Program was, once again, a ba- iflZlecpc;:ram? consisting of four oewek sessions, teaches fire safe tt 176 students aged il an d 1r2. Students learn about fire ePupment and clothing, take a first aid course, participate in fire drills, and in sisnulated fires iearn te save themselves and others. There is aise a waterbali com- g etition in which students learn ewte use a fire hose. It was fun using the fire extinguishers and tyîng people te, strech ers," said il -year-old Robert White. The waterball game was a faveurite for his 12-year-oid sis- ter Leslie. "It was great, realiy fun." The programn that has run for feur weeks every July for 21 years is set up te be fun whiie aise teaching the importance of fire safety. Snce t he progr am, was begun, based on a simlar programn in Minneapolis, Minn., there have neyer been any serieus problems, says instructor Drew Armstreng. 'We've had miner injuries, but nething majer.» Tes department often roceiv1s and previeus junior fireRîghters stating the programi is fun and valuabie. At the end ef the program there is a studcnt graduation ceremeny and a demonstration for parents and friends. -Armstrong pints eut that although students have a variety of choices for their final demonst- ration, the most popular activity is the simulated'burning house, or Usmokeheuse," borrowed fremn the Claringten fire departinent. Armstrong says nen-toxic, arti- ficial smoke makes the burning house soenarie more reaiistic for junior firefighters iearning what to do in a f ire. Social con fract FROM PAGE 1 pose a three-year wage freeze and require wrkers te, take up te 12 days of unpaid leave a year. Each of the eight secters iden- tified in the social contract legis- lation had its own spending tar- get. Whitby's share of the $275 million municipal sector target was $573,000. Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, August 4,.1993, Page 3 SOCALCNRT Region waits to hear from *non By Mike Kowalski Durham Region officiais are waiting to hear what their union employees think of the Region's social contract offer. As of last F'riday, neither of the two unions involved had res- ponded to the Region's proposa, said Terry Stevens, Durh am's personnel commissioner. Officiais of the Canadian Union of Publiic Eniployees (CUPE) and the Ontarioe-Nurses Association (ONA) were stili stu- dying the offer, Stevens said. CUPE represents more than 1,500 inside and outside workers as well as staff at three homes for the aged. The ONA repre- sents about 55 Durham public health nurses. Stevens said the deai is the same one offered te about 350 management employees last ,.eek. A three-year wage freeze voiuntary leav-es of absence anc1 net filing vacant positions are some of the key items in the Region's proposai. Durham's share of the $275 million municipai secter target was originailly $3.9 million. But as a resuit of a secteral agreement reached between the government and Association of Municipalities of Ontario, this figure dropped te $3.1 million. Trýunk sewer FROM PAGE 1 The province wiil provide a grant te cover 15 per cent ef the cest of the trunk sewer. 1 Detailed design work for local sntrsewers in Brooklin is =newy That projeet is expec- ted te cost $10.5 million --almost 57 per cent of that amount te be paid. through grants frem the province. In late fali this year a public information centre wiii be estabi- ished by the Region and Town te provide details of the installation of local sewers over the next two or three years. In 1988, a provincial report indicated a community-wide sewag e pollution problem in Brooklin, and found a link bet- ween bacterial contamination of Lynde Creek, sterm water dis- charge and maifunctioning pri- vate sewage systems in Brooklin. A FIREFIGHTER rescues a victim tram a mock burning house in a demonstration p ut on Friday by junior tiret ight- ers at the Thickson and Manining firehail. More than 170 il -and-1 2 year olds participated in the junior firefighter program this year. Photo by Mark Reesor, WhItby Free Press Resident, police offcer' escaplve charging pit bulis Two pit bull terriers caused some anxieus moments for an Erickson Drive man and a Dur- ham Regienal Police offlicer who responded te his caîl for help. The man heard seme dogs barking around 8 a.m. Monday and saw two dogs in his back- y ard, olice say. H e waited until they l eft and went outside te close the gate but the degs retur- ned and charged him. He managed te get inside the yard and slim the gate, escaping with only scratches te his left armi, but was unable te block the gate and had te struggle to keep it closed as the dogs were jump- ing up against it and barking at him. A neighbour spotted his pre- dicament and jumped ever the fence te, help him and they get the gate secured. An officer arrived on the scene areund '3:30 a.m., parked her car and net seeing any degs, started waliing teward the heuse when the dogs came bounding eut from ..... between two houses and chargedPE N IAPR N I her. P R N IL P R N I The officer ran te her cruiser doo, iibe u o te ruk al M ms Ajg and, net having time te open the -alM msj g ador thiedon the fsigt nu- 'Many colours to Excellent grounc iang heneroIof bc ascrapling r-choose f rom.' for the shade iher n e an erpi(Lrrit 10 plants petrcust her knees.p> c>t 40"pot Reg. 9 The father ef the dog's owner later managed to subdue the animais and get them back home. He was charged under the$ Animai Control Act. a The dogs were left with the9 5 1 0 ewner. Their fate wiii be deter- mined when the case goes te.....PRETG RDENGUD FlKeep your tomatoes healthy and productive with iquid DflRD Ift Vi EftD~fertilizer high in potassium. Use Plant Products1-5 RYIMN ~tfI1~MII1Ifft#30 vegotable fertilizer or Wilsons 10-10-27 phostrogen. ROTAY CAH CLENDR$ n Detructive inseots are very active in the 1 st few hours' Prize Numers for July 24 - 0ale dusk. identification is important belore you choose 1050 2167 0057 1284 your method of control. r 2168 2984 0 785 n3 Provide water and shelter for visiting birds in your back Visit Vandermeer Nursery for friendly service and _______Garden______ Grýeat Garden Value TO 013LANTHAM BLUE STAR A&L DNDA 1 RASPBERRIES JUNIPER A PRODUCTIVE __ UIMOINDING ST .vARIETY WITH 'JUNIPER W[T1 TASTY SWEET BR1IT BLUE (TeSba ; RED BERRIES FOLIAGE Submarin Buildig) ?,J: 1iA. O GAL. POT REG. $1 .95 ec REG.$950 ec fHITBY AUTTO GLA.S specia1ists Md. Fleg. 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