Whitby Free Press, 25 Aug 1993, p. 16

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Page 16, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Augusi 25,.1993 Junior citizen awardls .remcogm*ze outstanding youth Everyne's lie bas been teuchved and 'inspired at one time or another by the kindness or courage shown by a young person. AIl too often the valuable contributions mnade by fine young people go by without notice or recognition. For that reason, the Ontario Community Newspapers Association (OCNA) and Bell Canada co-ordinate and co-sponsor the Ontario Junior F1DAY NIGHT DANCE Branch 112, Royal Canadian Legion, 117 Byron St. S., Whitby holds Friday night dances throughout the summer. Doors open at 8:30 p.m. The cost is $4 per person. For more informa- tion, caîl 668-0330 TERRY FOX RUN Volunteers are needed te help organize the Terry Fox Run te be held in Whitbyr on Sunday, Sepat 19. Caîl Marilyn Peck at 666- 2888. UNITED SURVIVOIRS United Survivors Support Centre holds weekly meetings on Tuesdays, 1 te 4 pan., at the centre, 167 Simcoe Pt. S., Oshawa. The support* group, made up of past or present users of the mental health system or services, is open te all psychiatric consumer/survivors aged 18 and over. For more information, cal 436-8882 or drop by the office. The Optimist Club of Brooklin will hold youth art camp in Brooklin Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. The program includes three days of in-class instruction and a field trip to the Metro Toronto ZOO. Three artists fr-or Durhamn Region will instruct students in a wide variety of mediums, includin.pottery, crafts and Irene Harris has worked with numerous youth organizations including Brownies and Cube, doing a wide variety of crafts using aIl sorts of mediums. Barb Kimbaîl works with pottery and bas taught with the rharn Board of Education visual arts camp as well as the Optimist Club art camp. Richard Toms is a photographer and panter who has worked with the Newcastle visual arts camp. Registration for the art camp je $60 per student aged 7 to 13 Guidig registration Sept. 7 A~iLw ttm ul a-%i .. J.c1 (children aged 5), Brownies (age 6 to 8), Guides (age 9 to 11), Pathfinders (age 12 to 15) and Rangers (age 16 to 18) for the Brooklin, Ashburn and Myrtie area will take place on Sept. 7, 6:30Oto 8 p.m Registration will take place at Brooklin United Church on a first-come, first-served basis. Citizen of the Year Awards. Since their introduction 12 years ago, Junior Citizen awards have been presented te individuals and groups of young people- aged 6 te 18 who have overcome various physical or psychological difficulties, contri- buted te their community in a volunteer or leadership role, performed an act of heroism or exemplified the qualities and cbaracteristics of a'geod id.' As many as 12 individuals and one group are chosen eacb year as Ontario Junior Citizens. Whitby'e Chandia Hunter was one of those chosen last year, for the Why Active and Concerned Youth (WACY) organization she founded te, encourage youth discussion of issues such as drug and alcohol abuse. Recipients and their family members wîll be the guests of honour at the Junior Citizens luncheon that takes place during the March 1994 convention of OCNA. They will visit Queen's Park and have a family portrait taken along with the Lieutenant Governor, as well as receive a Junior Citizen pin, a $200 cash award and a plaque te recognize Non-profit communitygroups which arebased In Whitby or have a substantiai Whitoy membershtp may place their upcoming meetings or actilif s on this page at no cost. fflt mmin o go1i4n1W. be d.mtot *MoeIflg wo.~, WSwIOfl a NEW LIBRARY HOURS The' main branch of the Whitby Public iàbrary will be open until 9 p.m. on Fridaye (commencing Sept. 10) and Saturdays from 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. (commencing Sept. 11). For more information, call the library at 668-6531 or 668-6541. CORN ROAST Dan McTeague, Lihoral candi- date for Ontario riding, will host a corn roast on Labour Day, Monday, Sept. 6, 1 te 5 p.m., at Heydenshore Park, WAhit y. For more information caîl 427-6203. (second cbild in a family is $30). The fee iricludes ail materials, lunch each day and the field trip te, the zoo. To register, cali Jef Schwartzenhauer or Keitb Wick at 655-4434 or pick up a form from Video Image, 76 Baldwin St. in Broklin. Brooking to address Wl members By EiIeen Young The Brooklin Women s Inti- tute public relations meeting will ho held at Broeklin community centre on Sept. 15, 1:30 p.m. Conveners are Eileen Young and Ruth Agar. Motte will ho a 'A good book is the host of friende; the same teday and for- ever. Roll caîl will ho 'A recent book I have read, and its author.' Guest speaker will ho Ruth Brooking, former Brocklin resi- dent and retired librarian from the Oshawa Public Library. Hostesses will ho Aleta Camp- bell and Sarah Collins. Visiters are weloome. A morning for Mom Brooklin Mom's Morning offers mothers a chance te get eut one morning a week and socialize over coffee while. the littie ones Pla,<>klin Moies Morning meets Wednesdaysbeginni4ng Sept. 15, 9:15 te 11:15 a&mi, at Brocoklin United Churcb, Casselis Road. T'here are speakers craft sessions and outings provided for a registration fee. Babysitting je available. For more information, cafl ROTARY CLUB of Whitby Sunrise president Nick Baker (nt) and Barrie Lennox, president of Rotary Club of Whitby, are ready for the first annual 'Motorcycle Ride for the Prevention 0f ChiId Abuse' Sept*. 25. Organizers are hoping the event, sponsored by Rotary, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, will attract 1,000 motorcyclists. They'll leave from SkyDome at 8:45 a.m. and ride to Fort Henry in Kingston. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whihby Free Pres PARENT AND TOTF St. Mark's Parent and Tot meets Tuesdays, 9:10 te 11:10 a.m. Ea.ch seven-week session offers qualified care and appropriate arcivity for infants and childrer. up te age 6. A separate parent's programn includes guest speakers, crafts, outings and social time. Registration f'-es cover ail child care, materials, refreshments, craft supplies and speaker fees. Registration for faîl is limited and hogins immediately. For informa- tion, calI Lynda at 430-1375. ONE PARENT FAMILLES North Oshawa One Parent Families will hold a socal eengat Woodview Community CnrCadillic Avenue, Oshawa on Saturday, Aug. 28. New members and guests welcome. For more information, cal 721-1876 or 436-0728. <VENDORS WANTED Vendors are wanted for a giant flea market and craft sale te ho held at Whitby General Hospital, south paring lot, on Saturday, Sept. 18, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. (rain or shine). Space is available on a firet-come, first-aerved basis. Coet is $10 per spot. Applications are available at the bospital, 668-6831, ext. 1323. ONE PARENT FAMIES Oshawa Chapter One Parent Familles Association will meet Tuesday, Aug. 31, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Sttement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa for ceffee, carda and conversation. New members and gueste are welcome. For more information, calI 436-5089 or 728-1011. PRE-SCHOOL PLAY GROUF Fun for pre-schoolers! A break for mom! Roots & Wings bas stonies, crafts, games. Cberu play centres include kitchen, sandbex, playdough, easel. Attend one or more sessions per week. Monda y te Thursday, 9 te 1:30 a.m. Friday, 9 a.m. te 2:30p.m. Caîl Melody at 668- 1928. POUICE REUNION Fermer members and friends of the Oshawa Police Departinent will bold a renon, including a bot buffet dinner and dance, Saturda, Sept. 25 at Col. R.S. McLaugbLin Armouries, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. The cost je $20. Anyone willing te ]end photographe or other memorabilia for the occasion are asked te call Fred Jobns at Durhami Regional Police, 17 division, 579-1520, ext. 204, or 723-5947. TIckets maybe obtained by callng theabv numbers ,iIwha their accomplishment. Nominations for the 1993 Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards will be accepted until Oct. 31. Nomidnation forms and further information about the Junior Citizens prograro can be obtained from the Wihitby Free Press, an OCNA memnber newspaper, or by contacting OCNA at (416) 844-0184. VICTORIAN SOCIAL The Rose of Durham, a non-profit support group for teenage farnilies, will hold a Victorian Social on Sept. 19, 2 te, 4 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavillon, Witby. There will be a fashion show featuring styles from Ms. Emnma Designs. Door and raffle prizes will include tickets te ' Showboat,' the Blue J ays, Maple Leafs, 'Harvey' and a Royal Doulton figuine. Tickets are $20- per person and- may be purchased from the Rose of Durham, 221 King St. E., Oshawa or by calling Ms. Emma Designs, Wihitby at 666-9368. Refreshments will ho availablo. FALL SPANISH PROGRAMS The Spanish Heritage Language programn, sponsored by the Durham Board of Education in co-operation with the Spanish Canadian Cultural Societywill begin Sept. 14 at Central Collegiate (Tuesdays) and Henry Street Hligh School (Wednesdays), 5-30 te 7:30 p.m. Beginning Sept. 18, the Durhami separate school board will hold Spanish classes on Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. te noon, at St. Christopher Catholie School. Students in Kindergarten te Grade 8 may attend. No Hispanic backcground is necessary. Classes will include reading, writing and vocalizing. To enrol, cali Mica Arnold' at 579-2334. Fal 93 Continuing Learniing conversa- tional Spanish courses will be available. For evening classes cal 579-1990; for weekend classes cali 579-2334. The Oshawa Seniors' Centre wiIj hold Spanish courses on Monda», 4 te 6 p.m., and Fridays, 9 te 112 a.m. CalI 576-6712 to enrol. Adult pro- grains require enrolment fees. LiING WITH CANCER Living. With Cancer support groupa will meet Monday, Aug. 30. The aduits, fiends and family group will meet from 7 te, 9 p.m. at the Ajax Cricket Club, located on the northeast corner of Monarcli and Clements avenues. Groups for parents of children with cancer, and children aged 7 te 17 dealing with cancer personally or with a parent or sibling, will meet from 7 te 8:30 p?.1m. at Holy Trinity Church, 91 Kings Crescent, Ajax. For more inomtoc- Lynn Nazarko at 686-1516. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 5 -:4e{. BROOKLLN .}- Youth art camp offered by Optimists Photocopies, Fax Service, Custom Labels & Decais, Wedding Invitations, Business Cards, Complete Sign Production 76 Baldwinl Street, Brooklln Fax 655-5191 Cal 6555-4434 at Breck and Dundas Streets was a drug store for 96 years (1l873-1969).

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