Whitby Free Press, 1 Sep 1993, p. 17

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 1. 1993, Page 17 Machiitseuupgrad kills in Wlitby Unemloyent Insuanc re Machinists and journeymen may now upgrade their current status through the Durham College Whitby campus. The doors te the Whitby facility open in September and seats are stili available in the tooling techniques and computer numerical control program. The teoling techniques course runs for 36 weeks and is geared tewards individuals with machining experience. TYpical jobs available upen completion of the course are tool. and die maker, mouldrnaker and advanced machinist in manufacturing. Computer numerical control (CNC) is for qualified journeymnen te meet the new manufacturing requiremerits. Journeymnen can update their skills and gain an edge on the competition of this Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police arson squad are asking for the publi's help in solving a break, enter and commit arson offonco that occurred in Ajax on Saturday, March 13. Just after 4 a.mn., flames were observod coming from Hupaco Wood Products at 540 Finley Ave.Atrhefrwa extinguished, investigation show that entry had been g ai*ned te the business by breaking a windew in the front door eading te the office area. Drawers and file cabinets were broken inte. The suspects aise gained entry te the main plant and removed two car batteries from the forklift machines. Several teol boxes and various toil were aise stolen. Arson investigators determined that two separate fires were lit, one in the office and the other inside the plant. Total damage te the building is estimated at $80,000 and damage te the contents, $40. Crime Steppors will pay iup te $1,000 for information leading te the arrost of thoso invelved in this offence. Cal 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS). As a caller yeu will not have te idontify yourself or have te go te court. A code number will be *- eantGrntAold i*@the c ord . - S * te Durhmgin evrimne inTorronoght nond-tesrots. Wrice'd hela cmeanecrievrn. t elhirpol n Agreienr ecormy.str heCim top Thgat'of th messae on a sre pamphet 85eIncirath com ni.Thebased minegrupsuppoed by over 30x organiti onabuionessesandgov e ent Mtro.Dtsrgalmi ereducrIe the amountO coaminanshafrOnhousiod products entering t e Rvionm n Mostof he .3 i lonlopîe ivingointMetrocbylnd Cusei toxic roducsf Thtsaot Duhampepl nd aClotroftDurham-buifn meentalor toethewcan(make andierne.terduto people whocn heye. Ti umr omnt us theaguse f xics n n othroazardouh ooi products.gos Weha eae rnwokhps tersoffer ,healviit. speoll, there areendisplay ninomto etrsars h iy fTo aethe txic c r y th Txihallengebysplreuinteuche toxic substhan. hent otiayoushfoidntiftsel productseby reing the labone aeul orsedigwt cideMosndicthe2a3pmiron o l ivgta il. i e, ad he u failirdsmbols a oisoorrpoiveanex love an d lammabute. It adtryathaleeoe ciess ng sbking odariear, rleon juc ands op fakesadgvrmnsalars er aeWoin o:ee pr to vin tegadfoencarts usater dc Tar es spray onenraton vente arwaitoheur anwip Ovkesour with aluinge bking efsodind te r.hs loggedsuain:spourene-haîf c yu bakisoden the prdain, followednbytehabe cup hievinegardsand coverwith stoper. Wiat a5 minuotes nd fluhtith bAoîng watefuer Funlitureols-poish:one parrtv, losjie and two arts. Wntaing: fiecs hoap n akpes uan okn upainga Imnsecici ad: mixfltke tbepon.opfiks( dWtrgnt)ws: ne1/ ps wear and fdepse acte a. tesoospracomunit roups, neghb wtohoand fieo wth an apulîcz hecm igitrog esltes cter. unit 1paersind uleinbfdsh. F orinformatior. Uea rleiora vlunter's s kit cla the drain. n a (16 et. 1 te 41/4 has weedcr ddoseaifcedeaek.S, e go txc-free i '93.an ir truh esetes 20-week course. "There is a large demand. for tradespeople in the workforce and with some upgrading, individuals cari gain an edge. Skilled trades are what* employers are asking for," commented Sandra Bennett, director of student services, Simcoe. Sponsorship is available for cipients. For more information on courses at the Whitby Campus, caIl 721-2000, ext. 2534. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY .... ....CLERK'S DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING SMOKING BY-LAW MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,1993 @ 8:00 P.M. Committee Room 1, Whitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby 15 considering passing a bylwt eulate smoking in public places. The by-law would be based on a model smoklng ylwpeae b h oa unicipality ef Durham. PUBLIC PLACEs pROpoSED TO BR RIJLATED Bingo Halls, Blliard Halls and Bowling Aile ys No more than 50%Y of the public portion of these premises could be designated for the purposes of smoking. Buses Smoking in any school bus, public bus or Handi Transit bus would be prohibited. Day Nurseries Smoking in any day nursery wouîd be prohibitod. Eatlng Establishments No, more than 30% of the useable floor space of any eating establishment could be designated for the purpose of smoking. The area so desugnated would be required to be a contiguous unit separate from the non-smoking area. Elevators, Escalators and Stalrways Smoking in an elevator or on an escalator or stairway in any building; exoept in a private residence, would be prohibited. Fînanclal Institutions Smoking in the public portion of any financial institution would bo prohibited. Hardresslng Parleurs and Barberahops Smoking in the public portion of any hairdrossing parlour or barborshop would bo prohibited. Hospîtals and Health Care Faclîtles Smoking in any hospital or heatth care facility would be prohibited except for patient care areas and only if (a> the smoker was a patient and (b) the designated smoking area was fully enclosed and separately ventilated to the outdoors. Laundromats Smoking in the public portion of any laundromat would be prohibited. Municipal Buildings lncludlng Recreational Facililties Smoking in any municipal building, including any municipal recreational facility, wouîd be prohibited. Places of Publie Assenibly Smoking would be allowed in a designated smoking area of an y place of public assembîy provided that (a) the designated smoking area was fully enclosed and separately ventilated to the outside, (b) the smoking area did not exoeed 25% of the indoor floor area, and (c> the designated smoking areaýwas not required by the public for access or thoroughf are. Receptlon Areas Smoking in any reoeption area in an establishment or office would be prohibited. Retail Stores Smoking in the indoor public portion of any retail shop would be prohibited. Service Unes Smoking in any service lino on any promises would be prohibited. Shopping Mails Smoking in any common area of any shopping maIl would be prohibited exoept in a part of an eating establishment designated for the purpose of smoking. Taxlcabs Smoking in any taxicab would be prohibited. Theatres Smoking in any theatre would be prohibited exoept where smoking was an element of a stage production, in which case, stage performers would be permitted to smoke on stage. The proprietor of a dinner theatre would be allowed to designate not more than 30% of the eating area of the dinner theatre for the purpose of smoking. HEALTH WARNING SIGNS Proprietc'ïs would be required to post heaith warning signs conspicuously so as to be clearly visible from ail areas vhere smoking was permitted in accordance with the by-law. SEGNS The proprietor of every building. vehicle.or area in which smoking was prohibited by th-e by-law would be requirecl. to ensure that signs were conspicuously posted so as to be clearly visible and legible from aIl parts of the area where smoking was prohibited. Where an area was desig nated, in accorciance with the provisions of the by-Iaw, to permit smoking in such area, the proprietor would be required to post one or more signs in any such area where smoki ng was permitted, marked "SMOKING IN THIS AREA ONLY." OBLIGATION 0F PROPRIETOR The proprietor would be required to inform a person who was smoking in an area where smoking was prohibitod tJat the smoking activity was in violation of the law. Any proprietor who failed onr neglected to perform this duty would be guilty of an offence.

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