Whitby Free Press, 1 Sep 1993, p. 24

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Page 24, Whihby Free Press, Wednesday. September 1, 1993 PRIIVATE TUTORJING AVAILABLE. NURSERY SCHOOL SPACES DAYOARE in my home. Mother of FURNISHED ROOM in executive ANDERSON/DUNDAS. 1 bed- Qualifiod toachers. K - 8 - ail availablo at Small World and Good 3. Qualified toacher. Ages 3 and home. Kitchen and laundry room, private entrance, pool subjects. High school english. To Frionds N.S. JA.M. and P.M. up. GardenlManning/Brock area. facilities,e~ring. 100/week. First laundry, parking.' Non-smoker. enol l60633.proQrarns>. Sho eisCil6693.adaat i Dbit 666-0200. Rot erences.' $550 inclusive. enrol. aîl6-063. suhOl egin Cal 66-935. nd ast 50668-5464. GUITAR LESSONS.- Beinners and advanced. Acoustic or electric. Cal Lou 666-1979. LAMINATIE TO PRESERVE and protect your Posters, Cortificates, Educational Material, etc. Several film thicknesses. Also available - cerlox binding. Cail: 666-2182. WANT TO LEARN the guitar? Begin nowl Local, highly qualifiod teachor with years of oxperionce taking students for classical, folk/rock. Phono 430-0935. C(C) OSHAWA 10 DRI VINO « aw *728-0091 Fui! Drivers Education Courses SEPTEMBER llth Saturdays 4 week course SEPTEMBER l4th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course OCTOBER 9th Saturdays 4 week course OCTOBER l2th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course - PR VA TE LESSONS- HIGH SCHOOL DRIVERS ED. IS ALIVE AND WELL FOR 93/94 Registrations at your local high school Cali 728-0091 for further details REGISrERED & APPROVEO BY TII ONTAFIO SAFEWY LEAGUE BRUANS Lawnmower Rep>air 721-2844 - 725-8709 Free PickUp & Douiver LAWN MOWER rPEC'AL TUNE UP +parts Sepýtomber i8. UaI 668-5504. LOVING MOTHER willing to p rovide daycare in my home. Nutrtious lunches and snacks. Close to St. Bernard Sohool. Falnygbook & Dryden area. DAYCARE IN BROOKWOOD. Rosponsiblo mother of 2 children will care for your child/children In my homo, providing a nurturing and happy environment. Close to St. Matthews & Ormiston sohools. Caîl Joan 430-6375. T.L.C. in my homo. Mother of 2. Hot moals and snacks. References availablo. Thickson & Rossland aroa. Caîl 435-0828. MOTHER 0F 2 with 10 ears daycaro oxperience and ,CE degroo would love to care for your 2 yrs.+ child n my homo. Activitios, outings and nutritious lunches. Call Kim at 430-6671. BROOKWOOD - Part-timo or beforo & attor school care available in my home. Walk to schools. Snacks, roceipts & references. 666-9382. MOTHER 0F TWO, ages 3 & 6 will provido childcaro in my homo. Tentative caro, suporvised activitios, nutritious meals & snacks are provided. 1 am on the bus route to St. Theresa's & within walking distance of Leslie McFarlane & Pringle Creek schools. 1 will also provide transportation for A.M. kindergarten to F.M. Heard & Glendu schools. Income tax rocoipts provided & referonces. Caîl Lynda, 666-1203. Manning/Garden. MOTHER 0F TWO in downtown Whitby (Brock & Mar area) would liko to provide care7 for your child in a safe, loving, non-smoking onvironmont. Lots of activities and nutritious lunches. 666-2092. in sed one rtainig walls -wood fencing & dec1ks r666-9690 The Mutual Group HEBTRAN cali for quotabon PART-TIME BABYSITTER available in your home beginning September 7. Any a go. Wb. Call 668-8754. REUABLE, LOVING, home daycare alle. Gard&Vnisland. Ail ages welcome. Non-smoker. Close to sohools. Cail 668-7654. MOTHERCRAFT CAREGIVER spocializing with infants and pro-schoo fer s. Worry-free dlaycare for your small one in our home. Mary 430-8148. FANTASTIC HOME DAYCARE available in Whitby noar 40VGo station. Lots of attention, crafts, activitios & toys. Non-smoking/no poits. A f un & 1oving onvironmont or your child. 668,-82,3. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 NANNY REQUIRED. Live out, Whitby. Caîl 430-2166 after 6 p.m. MY NAME IS Christopher and 1 am 2 years old. 1 p lay in a f enced back yard and h ave a special playrom with lots of toys. 1 go out walking with Mommy everyday. 1 live very close to St. Theresa/Pringle Creek schools. My Mommy is very experiencod with lots of TL. Vory reasonable rates. Roceipts, rot erences. 668-5464. MOTHER with E.C.E. oxperionce, will provido good quality daycaro for your child. Nutritious meals, outdoor activities, crafts (ago appropriate). A home away o homoe References availabe (E.A. Fairman area>. Caîl Wendy 668-4125. MOM 0F TWINS has asthma aware environment with yummyl moals & lots of fun. Next to Co. J.E Farewell school. Cal 430-2238. We PrivMe KoneD"yCaoe The systom that provides... *Unscheduied home visits ensure quality care for your child " Fully trained provders receive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays " Complo«te tnsurance coverage " Income tax receipts Chiidren six weoks and Up " Full or part-lime For more Information caîl: 686m3995 a ioensed Agency FURNISHED. 2 large rooms 4 rbath in Executive home, WAest hàby Kithen and laundry facilities. Parking. First/last. Suit mature worklng feomais. 430-7547. WHITBY. 2 large bedsittirig rooms. Share kitchen & 4 piece bath. Parking, private entrance. $90 per week, utilities includod. 666-5417. FEMALE to share a 2 bodroom partially furnished basement apart- ment. Non-smoker. $85/weekly. Phono 430-2984. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELV. Roommato wanted to sharo 4 bedroom house. Laundr facilities. Femalo prof erred. $300/month. Utilitios included. Mature, quiet working people only please. Cail 4Zý0-7103, leave message. BROOKUN. Large one bedroom apartment for rent. Fridge, stove, hydro extra. Parki. $525 monthly. Cail 655-454 days, 655-8989 evenlngs. ONE BEDROOM basement apartment avallabte ater July 3t. Large living room, kitchen, fridge, stove. Ail utilities included pilus hydro. Close to sohool, shopping. $595. First & last. 668-0629. WHITBY. Large 3 bedroom apartmont in Triplox. $750 plus utilitios. Available Septomber 1. No pots. Ron Barsi, 46-0990. Sutton Group Status Roalty Ino. DOWNTOWN WHITBY. 1 bedroom apartmont. $598/month, includos hydro, heat & wator plusi parkin spaco. Fridgo & stovo. AvailaBlee tmber 1 or October 1. Cail 728-9 79. WHITBY. 1 bedroom apartment. Fridge, stove, 4 pce. bath, parking. $450 monthly + hydro. First & last. Suitablo for single person. Available immodiately. Cal 623-4782. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE* IT'S FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALI, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. HELP WANTED WANTED experienced agents or memoriat dealers ta seit merlrals tram Whaiesaie Factary Outiet. Ph. Bernard (204)338.3938; Fax: (204)338-1049 Winnipeg. MS. Yaungs Memarials & Stoneworks. SPORTING GOODS GOLF CLUBS - Wholesaie - Ping Zing Copies 3-PW $159. Graphite Shalh Jumbo Drivers $59. Ait Major Copies. Components Avattabte. 1H & RH 1-800597-6518. ARTICLES WANTED 1 PAY CASH tor aid Levi, Lee, Wrangier Jeans and Jackets. Single pairs, close outs, aid stock. Pickers aiso wanted. Cali Ed Colieci anytime (416)515-8867. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwestern Schooi ai Aucioneering. Nexi Casas: November 20-26. Inormation. contact: Southwesiern Ontario Schooi ai Auctioneertng, R.R.115. Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER .... with aur great home-siudy course. Cati tor e Free Book, 1- 800-267-1829. ThEL Writtng Schooi 1963-38 McArlhur Ave. Ottawa, ON. KIL 6R2. COMPUTERIZED TAX PRACTICE: Learn incarne Tax Preparation teaturing basic and computer courses. Fee brochure. Cati 1-800. 563-EARIN; Fax (204)254-6172. Write: Jacks Institute, 902-167 Lombard Avenue. Winnipeg. Manitoba R3B OWÎ. EARN A SECOND INCOME. incarne Tax or Bookkeeping courses by correspondance. Free brochures. No obligation. U & R Tax Services Ltd., 1345 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg, Manitoba, F13T 286 1-800-665-5144. VACATIONÎTRAVEL MYRTLE BEACH RESORI Vacation Rentais - Futty turnished condos. Pools. tennis and more! Golf packages/ winter rentais avaitabie. Fait rates tram S327/week. FREE BROCHURE: 1-800-448-5653. BUSINESS SERVICES EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in yaur base-rient or garage. Odortess operation. Low investimeni. Marktalguaranteed! Free intormation. Eariy Bird Ecoiogy. R.R.#1, Smithviiie, Ontario. LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. NATIONAL AUTO LEAGUE - 38 years in Business provides HEALTH PAC for any trips up ta 180 DAYS. SINGLE & FAMILY RATES under ae 73. $1 million covarage - DIRECT CLAIM PAYME"IT tram $49 ta $1440. CAL 1-800-265-1657 .... SALES AGENTS IN VOUR AREA NEEI D. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND mernbership or timeshare? Wett tlake il! Amricas largesi resale cteeringhouse. Cai Resait Sales International. 1-800-423-5967 (24 hours). STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwaii Type - nol quonset - 32x54 $7.744. 40x72 $11.690; 50x90 $16.622; 60x126 $25,375 - other sizes avaitabte - Final Summer cearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. MUST SELI: 6 Att Steel Buidings. Go Factory Direct. Get up la 40% DSCOUNTS. Many sizes, Faii/Spring detivery. Ideat toi ail uses. PIONEER 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS. A cheap Building otters no tiexibiiity, may aven cosi more money. The onswei loi Ouatity. Integrity & Service - FUTURE STEEL. Thousands ai people cent tbe wrang. Cai 1 -800-668-8653. PERSONALS ADOPTEE, Elizabeth Anne G.. born Toronto. Augusi 29,1964. Birth sister searching. Contact Vicki G., Parent - Finders, Ottawa. Box 5211. St. A K2C 3H5 (613)730-8305. REGAIN the vitaiity and treshness af i tue hal you ihoughi was buried foraver. Buy and reed Clear Body, Ciear Mind. (416)925-2145ý 700 Vonge Si., Toronto. M4Y 2A7 REAL ESTATE MONO TOWNSHIP retreat. 38 scenic acres. Mixed bush, river, cedlar home wiih 4 waikouts. Spectacular views. Approximateiy ana hour norih ai Toronto $283.000, (416)696-6129 or (519)925-2157. WORM GROWERS WANTED. Complets worm growing packages. Environmentatiy triendiy. Raterences avaitabte Niagara Bail & Ecaiogy. 5513 Etcha Rd.. RR I 3 Wettandporl. Ontario LOR 2J0 (416) 386-6661 Your ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario. or right acrois Canada, or any lndividualprovince. Space la Llmited. so Cali This Newapaper Tddayf @#CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACEDU rTo rah a wibm&*ot. adverhse dths dm c* iheona marbersh)oftihe I ~Ontatd3 and Canadian Communty NevspwpeAssodatom,. ICentrai Ontario 55 newspapers - $160 lor 25 wordsls-Al Ontario newspap.rs - S50 tor 25 words j An Canada 572 new au ii- $1,121 tor 25 words For further Information please cati the Whtby Free Press Ciassifleds - 668-61 il Whtb r~ Pes 68-1 l O.........M... o rda.9:0 r t 50 pn Fax 668-0594, C~4e oA gea K'~ ri 1

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