Whitby Free Press, 22 Sep 1993, p. 27

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[..AR'.......... GIGANTIC craft& bake sale. October 23, 9 amn. - 3M0 p.rn. at YWCA, Oshawa. Venidors wantod. Cal 576-5756 or 430-6929. POTTERY/SCULPTURE weekend Oct. 16-17 ai a ice Lake Country Rtreat. $60 p lus bed & breakfast (optional). AI welcome. Register now. details (416) 342-3544. PERSONAL LOANS from $1,000 and up for any purpose. Quick approvals. 436-8104. rPSVCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday to Frday 9 ar.to 9~, 0 HOLY ST. JUDE, apostie and martyr, great in-virtue and rich in miracles, near Kinsman of Josus Christ, Faithful Intercessor of al who invoke your special patronage in time* of need to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whorn God has given such great power to corne te my assistance. HeIp me in my present urgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name known and cause you te b. invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorias. Publication must be promised. St. Judo pray for us and ail who invoke your aid. Amen. This Novena must be said for nine consecutive days. M.M. BAHAIS BELIEVE. Love is the one means that ensureth true felicity both in this world and the next. For inforrnation and discussion caîl 668-8665. MAY THE SACRED HEART of Jesus be adored, glorifiedl, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred H-eart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude Worker of Miracles pray for us. St. Judo Helper of the hopeless pray for us. Say 9 limes for 9 days and oromise to publish. RER WOMAN LOOKING for man between 3o-35. Sensitive, loving, honest,. non-smoker, caring, sincere, aisa enjoys nights out dancing, walks by th. lake, bowling and camping. 430-6992. WELCOM SunA et 69 Whitby Free Pres. Wednesday, September 22, 1993, Page 27 Concerns over smoking bylaw FROM PAGE 1 cent people who are allowed Wo smoke, where do I put them and how do we keep the emoke fromn interfering with non-smoking sections.» Ho says complying with the proposed bylaw would mean major renovations which hoe says hoe can't afford. IÏe worries that customers will stop coming in if they can't smoke, and 'if my cientole areu'lt coming in, my taxes sure areu't coming im. Frederick Wood, a solicitor representing Lion and the reucnake our landfill sites lasi longer. Unicoru pub, had similar con- cerus. Ho says complying with the bylaw as written would reduce seating in the aiready smal establishmnent by 20 Wo 25 per cent, «completely destroying» the ambiance, "and would be impos- sible for us Wo police.» Wood says somne 75 Wo 80 per cent of t he pub's customers smoke, and "ini a confined area, I cant see any practicai way in which we can accommodate a smoking group and a non-smok- ing group.» Tat means Lion and the Work is scheduled te, com- mence next mouth on instaliing oruameutai street lights in downtown Whitby. Centre ward councillor John Doistra says workers wiil begin instailing the lights ou Breck Street ou Oct. 13. The iighta, which have an old- style design, wore approved in this year's Tewn council budget and wili be instalied ever a five-year period. The portion of Brock Street between Mary and Coiborne streets wili be deue this year. expresedain ane rotedron s eprt.ihe rdrees overi luspotof MsOntigurams c nr n teaadamnvireen- ConsmerGuie'alpretwarDEPolutand Pkrobe, as, ewarei of24-.it habeen 'eus erde aes; rently ithaseenn identfied as the posible cause of Non-Hodgin's Lymphoma, a cancer of which Caadian cases diagnosed have doubled since 1950. Used to 1<111 common weeds, including dandelion and clover, 2,4-D is the most popular weedkiller in parka, on golf courses and on suburban Iawvns. Metropolitan Toronto stopped using 2,4-D in its parks in 1980." The guide also noted that when we use weedkillers, 60 te 90 per cent (by volume) of what we spray misses the intended =targe entirely. Most goes directly into our air and water talenT fact, most insecte in the gardon are worth keeping; only 0.1 per cent are "peste." The rest either are working on our behaif or are uninterested in our gardening schedules. When we kill off a helpful insect, we have Wo find another way to consume or destroy the mites or apd that it was eating. The Cainadian Green Consumer G*de is available in most retail book outiets, or can be oedered directly from Pollution Probe by calling 926-1907. Goodwill Industries recently honoured the Durham Region works department with its 1993 Cominunity Partnership Award. Durham Region needed to promote reuse and calledl Goodwill Industries, who needed Wo increase donations, W sS if they could work Wogether Wo achieve these goals. Within a short period of time, a plan was established W cq-sponsor two new dnation centres in Durhamn Region. The first ADC opened in November 1992 in Oshawa. In May the two partners opened an Attended Donation Centre (ADC> at the BrockingWon Mal in Pickering. By the end of June, the two partnership ADO sites diverted more than 75 Wonnes of material and acoepted donations from more than 6,200 visiWors. ADCs; are premanently staffed and shlow residents Wo drop off the following items: lohng and shoes, sports equipment, housewares, furniture, fabries, books,. Wys, gaines, lawn mowers, snow blowers and small rep=le apphianoes. "Not only does this partnership benefit the environinent, it als hlpasuport wor training programns for people who face employment barriers, and provides quality gooda at low pissid Goodwill's Ras hopsn rIg n htbgy, a Goodwill store, which aise takes donations, is locte at111 Dundas St. E, juet west of Hopkins Street. CONMG KVENT. October 4-10, Waste Reduction Week across Ontario. ......w.. .....t r ............ ....g......... Unicoru would have Wo bau smoking entirely, says Wood, «which would ,prebably put us eut of business. Chris Panos of Brother's Res- taurant says 75 per cent of custÀo- mers in lis 60-seat dining room smoke, as do 85 per cent of patrons in the 25-seat bar area. Ho says complying with the bylaw would mean renovations which ho could ilI afford, and which weuid reduce seatiug by 10 per cent. «That could reaily hurt our business on a Friday or Saturday night.» The owuer of the Hide-Away Bingo Hall Wold committee that, at least in his establishment, thore's ne a big demand for a non-smoking area. David Wood says ho and his wife spent a lot of time, energy and money te provide the cleanest air quality possible when thoy built their new loca- tien three years ago. That inciuded installing a spe- cial ventilation systemi which ho says costs almost $4,000 a mouth te run, and a separate, press- urzed room, complte with its Voters' list FROM PAGE 2 vote, Sutten's office will use thre mobile' polis on election, da&icials will visit hospitals, nursing homes and similar facili- ties, se that thoso who, weuid have difficuity getting Wo the polling station on their ewn, can vote whore they live. Measures were aise taken te ousure that every poiling station is «barrier free» and accessible te the physicaliy disabied, Meska- iuk said "We have had te stop using some particular polis such as church basements because this weuld mean going down or up stairs,» she said. While the main outrances te some facilities will still have stairs, there will be elevaters located elsewhere in the build- ing, Moskaluk stressed. An new innovation that wili be used in this election is permit- ting persons who wili be outside the riding ou Oct. 25 te vote by mail. This wili allow people such as studenta away at university te vote in their home riding, said seilballet co-ordinator Cory A voting kit consisting of a ballot, au muner envelope, an outer envelope and a mailing envelope, is available at the returning office, she said. Proof ef identification with the person's address is required. ÂLhe last day te register votera by mail-in registration carda is Oct. 20 and the deadline for receipt of the ballots in Ottawa is 4 p.m. local time on Oct. 22. nu addition, advance polis will be heid for people who cannot vote ou Oct. 25. Advanoe polis will be held Oct. 16, 18 and 19 from noon te 8 p.m. at the Whitby Civic Recrea- tien Cemplex on Rossland Road. Advauce polis wili aise be heid the sanie days at the Pickering Recreation Complex, 1867 Valley Farmi Road, and Aja Com- munity Cent~1re,75 ennia owu air system, for the benefit of non-smokers. Wood says that room has 84 seats, but is used b y only about 25 customers each bingo, about il per cent of the average 229 people attending. "As you can see, ovon given the opportunity Wo sit in a smoke-free area, 89 per cent of patrons chose not Wo." That proves that «regardiesa of how much non-smoking area. you provide, the seatmng preferences will net change,» sayasWood. Ho says adc pting the bylaw in Whitby will only chase bingo players, and the thousands of dollars they raise for charitable organizations, te other aroas, such as Oshawa who have net adopted smokingbyiaws.otr That hasn't happoned in te areas, says Sandi Schmidt, a Durham public health nurse. Sh ay xperince in Califor- smoking legislation shows it doesu't affect the economic viabi- lity "of any business other than those directly iuvolved in the production or sales of tobacco." In Peterborough, for example, she says Iess than 10 per cent of restaurant owners foît their busi- ness was adversely affected,» and not one complaint was received from restaurant owners in Toronto when a bylaw requiring a 50 per cent non-smoking area was adopted there. She says there's aise ne evi- douce Wo show a reduction in economic activity in an area which adopts a smoking bylaw. The Town of Pickering adopted a bylaw similar Wo the one Whitby isconidering at its cuclmeeting Monday niglit. Schmidt says ohor Durham towus are aise considering ado pt- ing. bylaws patterned aftr the region modeV-byiaw. Two face drug charges A 19-year-oid Whitby man and raid 1year-odemale yougoffen- derfae rû carges ale lice raided aCntre Streot h residence Friday. Police obtained a narcotics con- trol act warrant and entered and searched the home late Friday evening. They found hash and maiuna with an estimated street value of $745. The maie suspect is charged with possession of a uarcotic for the purposes of trafficking and two counts of possession of a narcotic. The young offender, whe's from Oshawa, is charged with posses- sion. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 22 1 . Corbett's Point (known as Thickson's Point since 1947) was a popular pic nic spot dating back to pioneer limes. It is on the shore of Lake Ontario ai the end of Thickson Road. 2. The cannons which stand in 1993 ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZEN 0F THE VEAR AWARDS Deadline - October 31st, 1993 Contact this community newspaper for details. 1

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