Whitby Free Press, 29 Sep 1993, p. 6

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Page 6, Whitby Free Press, Wedinesday, September 29, 1993 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents! MEMBER 0F: ONTARIO CANADIAN I E COMMUNI1Y ,.% ACOMM UNITY I U NEWSPAPER + N NEWSPAPER ~--ASSOCIATION cASSOCIATION r;mn CANADIAN CIRCULATIONS ONA DIVISION AUDIT BOARD ISSN#0844-398X 26,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontarioa mc. Box 206, 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontario LI N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Toronto Line: 427-1834 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% E recycled content using vegetablo based inks.tu Q Ail written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by an y means for commercial purposes wilout the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violaflon of Canadian copyright aw. Reproducition for non-commercial distribuition should bear a credit fine ta te Witby Free Press. To utheeito.. Promotung hatred To the Edtor: Re: Pregnancy HeIp Contre This group advertised fundraising activhties in the Whitby Free Pross Sept. 15 and 22 'What's On' section, identifying themselves oniy as a non-profit organization. i wont ta the yard/bake sale on Sept. 18 and askoed one of the sellers about their mission and sponsors. Their main source of f unds is the Rig ht ta Lfe graup. Are they afraid ta, reveal their association with the anti-choico faction? How rnany people have unknowingly contribu which are usod ta proi agalnst women and1 care prof essionas? Doos The Free Pro!- non-profih group's affili accept ail ads as writ regard ta the ultimat the arganization or1 right ta know that purp Ploase publish this1 horrified at theo inadvertently suppol fanatdics. Care for the elite To the Editor: MPs, senators, senior bureaucrats and high-ranking military and security officiais al have privilegod accoss ta a special ciinic in Offtawa whore thoy recoivo prompt service for everything from check-ups ta surgory. The politicians who have accoss ta this privilegod care are the same ones who boast hypocriticaliy about Canada's wanderful, ono-tior univorsal medicare system. Most Canadians wauid face long waiting ists if they wero ta require heart bypass. hip roplacement or cataract surgery. The situation is chiiîingly similar ta the systemn in the former Soviet Union, where a special political elite known as the nomeklatura was treatod at spec which had antibiotic Iatest in medical tochn, if nothing else, the the priviiogod caro fai elite -- Canac nomenklatura -- shatt( that this country has universai health care sI Canadians shouidc this special clinic be sc f the federal p buroaucratic elite were months in pain, wating iko the rest af us, F medicare systemn reformed a littie moreç David The Nationi Avoiding the questic To the Editor: Preston Manning was a uestioned Sept. 20 (CHEX-TV, Feerboroughý about my iawsuit against Manning and Refarm Fund Canada for frauduient misrepresentation. Manning attempted ta dismiss the question and the action by suggesting that I was associated wth extremne right-wing groups. Having plantied this suggestion wth no detalsý ho thon avaided further questions. His sujggestion is, of course, untrue. However, fi conduct is practisedi him against anyone wi disagrees. That approa ta do with the membership in the t33,000 in 1992 ta un in 1993. Rf is this very sarr which initiaily promptec against him some tir frauduient rmisrepresent Lou -Vi m v.w U - B A dîshonest day's work By Paul Pagnuelo The smell of hot dogs and popcorn permeates the air. T hey stand brazenly before the crowds and shout promises of fortune. "Step on up and try your luck.0 lt's fali in Ontario, and the countryside is dotted with autumrn f airs. The repetitive, rehearsed voice sounds like that of a midway uted funds huckster. And yau know fram :mate hatred times past that you're about ta get their hoafth suckered again. Nervously grasping your wailet, yau decide ta is question a chance yaur Iuckç once more. iation or just Na, it's not the carnival, it's tten, without federal election time. ý purpose af Like iR or not, Canadians are the public's going ta get pounded with 47 days 'ose? of intellectual dishonesty. letter. I was Town hall meetings, kissing thought of babies, the grab bag of goodies -- rting these the competition is fierce as the candidates do baffle in the electoral arena. The prize for a Judy Taylor successful day's work ... a Whltby 15-second sound bite on the national news. if the pols are right, unemployment is foremost on voters' minds in this election. lt's said to be even mare important than honest government, high taxes and the deficit. cial hospitals In recession-ravaged Ontario, ics and t he Canada's economic heartiand has noiogy. been turned into the industrial Sexistence Of rustbelt of the north. r an Ottawa Having a job has become the da's own status symbol of the '90s, and the ýers the myth spin doctors have targeted their a one- tier, prey. 3ystem. The promise of government demand that 'creating jobs' by borrowing and crapped. spending more money is )olitical and appealing. But the sad truth is ata suifer for politicians have no special talents ï for surgery or magic wands when it comes ta perhaps aur getting people back ta work. wouId le Those w a profoss they do are qiUKkly. guiity af intelloctual dishonesty. Government 'job creation' JSomoerville schemos are nothing but a play ta President give workers that warm, comfy ai Citizens' feeling about their future. In fact, Coalition they actualiy destroy jobs. But because it's hard ta point ta the damage they realiy do ta the :)n toconomy, the siick campaigners usualiy got away with conning a his srt ofvuinerablo electorate. r1 uot0 By borrowing manoy and raising ,ioguîarty by taxes ta croate jobs, politicians are ith whom ho only redistributing the existing jab dcline inlo inventory. t's a sheli gaine of froie nmomving jobs fram the tax-paying partyfro private sector ta the ider 100,000 tax-consuming public sector. Their clams that these newly created jobs wiil generate incarne ne approach taxes ta pay for the pragram are A mY laW5luit taise. A recent study shows tha th ime ago for costs Canadian gavemments tation. about $70.000 ta croate a job that pas $30.000. Out of this $30.000 ils S. Allore job. oniy $10,000 of h cames back Whîtby in taxes& The bottom lino to taxpayers is staggering. It costs $60.000 to crate a $30,000 job that's ikely ta disappear as soon as the subsidy runs out. The aiready overburdened taxpayer pays for subsidized jobs thraugh higher taxes and goverment borrowing. By raising taxes, the 'job creating' politicians beave ordinary consumers with Iess disposabie incarne. That's money which they could have spent in their local communities. That in turn beaves businesses with iess ta invest Iocaiiy. And with no money to expand operations, real unsubsidized jobs just don't get created. ln the end, goverment 'job creation' praograms only mean more taxes, ethor now or through the payment doferral plan known as def icit f inancing. More taxes mean less money ta spend and invest in the woatth- creating secmoir. The final result is fewer jobs and a bankrupt government treasury. The promise by aspiring politicians of steady and moaningful omploymont is an illusion. For those who have already had thoir dreams of security and prosperity shattered, its a cruel politicaihoax. For taxpayers, it's vote-buying at their expense. Opinion>s expressed are those of the author. To the Edîtor: On Sunday, Sept. 19 the people of Whitby g athored together ln support of t ho Torry Fox Run ta raiso monoy for cancer research. About 200 participants enjoyed the beautiful weather as they ran, jogged, walkod, wheeled and rollerbladed on the 1-kilometro route. f was heartoning ta soe the number of young people who came out ta support Terry's dream of f inding a cure for cancer. Haoray ta Whitby's morchants for many donations of gas, food, baîboons, ice cream, coifoe, donuts and a truck. AIl deserve big cheers and congratuations -- their generosity made this year's run a hugo success. Special thanks ta ail volunteers and road marshalls. I wouid especialiy liko ta thank the participants who gathered piodgos, completed the route and ensured that aur community would make a difference in the battle against cancer. We iook forward f0 seeing you ail again noxt year. MarIlyn Peck Terry Fox Run co-ordinator Whitby soth i..,or Making a difference Statement re editorial coverage of the election from the Whitby Free Press publisher, Doug Anderson, Independent candidate in Ontario riding. When the publisher of a newsaper makes news, it places unusual pressures on the news staff s to how to cover a story concerning their employer. When that story is as big and important as a federal election, thon the pressure is that much greater. In addition, candidates are bound to feel somewhat awkward answering questions from staff empîoyed by another candidate. I have great confidence in the integrity and impartiality of my staff. i hired them for their journaîistic skills and i have instructed themn to handle mqy candidacy in the federal election no differently than any other. if there are tough questions to be asked thon they will be directed to me as well as other candidates. I am confident they can handle the assignment. In spite of this, it wouîd be surprising if one or more of the other candidates did not accuse The Free Press of biased coverage and if any choose to make that an issue thon ih wiII be deaht with as such. Ultimately, it will be up f0 the readers to decide whether aur coverago has beon fair. Advertising is quite separate from news coverago and isby definition, biased. My campaign wilI be conducted primarily throug paid newspaper ads rather than door-to-door delivery of flyers. Other candidates can, of course, also advertise in The Free Press. i can assure them that their ads will be treated wilh the same professionalism as those of any other advertiser.

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