Whitby Free Press, 6 Oct 1993, p. 26

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Page 26, Whidby Free Press, Wednosday, Octobe 6. 1993 Fmancialp&aitm seminars to be held The Durham Region YMCA will hold a series of financial planning seminars hoginning Oct. 14. The cost for each seminar is $5.35 (includes GST). Somnera will ho held at Whitby Baptist Church located at 411 Gilbert St. E. (corner of Reynolds Street). The series will commence on Oct. 14, 7 te 9 p.m., with 'Dollars & Sense,' a seminer te, learn hew te, achieve personal and financial goals through conmeon sense, a plan and invostinont knowledgo. The second senunar,«'10 Tex Saving Ideas for Retired People,' will be held on Oct. 23, from 10 arn. te noon, te explore retiroment incomo options and determino how much is needed te retire, as well as the tex implications and suitable investmonts. The last seniinar will ho 'Financial Survival for Womon. Are You ReedyT' and will ho held on Oct. 28, from 7 te 9 p.m. One will learn hew te assess the prosent financial situation, investment options, risk facters, dealing with debt, understending pensions and wiIls. For further information or te, register cail the Durhamx Region YMCA office at 668-6868. Ail R's inDurham A largo-scale approach te waste reductien is about te boegin in Durham Region, and Ail R's waste reduction contre is loeking for individuals and businesses interested in holping te lessen dependency on landfill. Canada Trust has been the first institution te make a commitment with a sizoable donation. AlREs will'ho a facility geared te accepting a wide range of items from assorted plastics and paper for recycling te coat hangers, clothing, sports equipment and books te hoe redirected or sold and smail appliances for repaire and resale. CaR JiMI Bontoft at 686-0633 or Sherry Brown at 428-3879 for information. = m Do you know a young person, ýaged 6 to 18 years, who is involved in worthwhile community service or a special person. who is contributing, while living with a physical or psychological limitation? Do you know a youth who has performed an act of heéroism? The Ontario Community Newspapers Association with Bell Canada as the patron, are iookingto recognize these "good kids", the young people of out province who show a commitment to making life better for others. To nominate an individual or a group of young people, for the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award, please contact this newspaper or the O.C.N.A, at (416) 844-0184. Nominations, for this year's awards, will be accepted until October 31, 1993. Every nominee wili receive a certificate and up to 12 individuals and one group will be the recipients of a plaque presented by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year lapel pin, $20000 and a family portrait with the Lieutenant C overnor. Z NOMINAllN FORMS..a y7ONTARIO -iJUNIOR CITIZEN OOF)F THE YEAR AWARDS are available by contacting this Cornnunity Newspaper or O.C.N.A. (416) 844-0184. 1999 Pay equity legislatioe' becomes a reality Dura CeteMI As a society, we are proud of the many inroade we have taken to elirinate discrimination on many fronts. We have tried to address racism, social injustices, human and civil rights and many other areas where the goal of equalit is sf111 elusive. As of July 1, 1993, our govrnment has enac lefslation that provides ground-breaking advancements in approaches to elirinating wage discrimination. Nay equity imply means maing sire that women get paid for the value of the work they do. Mrethon %M00000 women work in Ontario; that number represents almoet the entire population of Meftroplitan Toronto. Many of these women continue to experience wage discrimination, espocially in traditionally female ooeupations such as health'and commumity services, libraries, rape criais centres, shelters for battered women and nuring homes. This new legislation to amend the Nay Equity Act of 1987 -affirma our governmont's commitment te achieving pay ;quity while rocognizing that economic circuinstances have, so far, prevented the implementation of the goals within the previously anticipated tino fr-ame. At the saine time, the bull providos two now tools for expanding pay equity -- two additional comparison methods - lcnown as proportional value and proxy compenrsns. Proportional value is a way of mndirectly comparing female and male job classes in the saine establishment. I t looks at the relationship between the value of tho work performed and the compensation roceivod by male clamse and a pIpies the same principles and practices to componsating female job classs. A implifiod analogy would be comparing janitorial and 'housekeeping services in a large orgamization. lhe job descriptions are similar and the job classes have a smnlar value. Therefore the principles and practices of compensation that apply te tho predominantly male janitor classification will bo appliod to the prodominantly female housekeeper classification. The proxyapproach allows an organization in the'public sector that is predoinlntly female te go outaide of that organization te find male cornparisens in an organization which provides imilar services within the sane geog aphcnra. These new comparison methods con ent the jd>to4<ob approach that was outlined in earlior legialation. It aIse, provdes for administrative ainendinonts te improve the original act. Tho now legisiation maintains the framework and goals the government set in place for ail employees but now has additional tools by which te achieve them. This should benefit both the employer and employees. The legielation and the ne w pyeuity calculation methods will affect 420,000 womon upon riplementation. Pay equity will ho hailed by both mon and women alike as it strengthens our efforts te, end the historic and systemic wage discrimination that women have endured for tee, long. MARGOT",MgCTAVISH INDEPENDENT DESIGNER Full design services, colour co-ordination for interior or exterior, wall coverings, draperies, accessories, etc. A design showroom of traditional furnisiîings in a iiistorical home setting. For that added care and attention t detail give me a cai! 1-416-686-4737 541 Bayly St. East Ajax, Ont. SouÈi of 401, East of Harwood ontario mum.Bell We're looking for ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZENS

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