Whitby Free Press, 13 Oct 1993, p. 18

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- - ..- - . -r% -- A F4d 2r1 1C Page 18, Whitly Free Peas, Weonesday. UcMm 1;, i* Price Club not corning to Whtb FROM PAGE 1 hering. Jarvis. wihout a date) se that Price Club had pmoposed, that The pre-hearing conference He will ask that the portion of Aikenhead's ean proceed.ar of Invar'e application may yeLr ofoperation;. w. -eum Oct. 19 te bear a. the application dealing with the Since fpotential tenants niay ave te, be revised, Crimi metinnf-mn nva Rnietnr Robprice Club he adiourned "sine de' have different uses than wa explained. -Whutby oflciais maintain tnat the impact on existing jobs will lie temporary and that marketing studies support the development. An Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) hearing bas been scheduled for next February to decide the proposal's fate. Due té the number of witnesses and evidence te lie presented, up te, 12 weeks have ben set aside for the hearing. In fact, a pre-hearing conference was held by the board lest month te, resolve procedural and related matters tat would ntherwise prolong the actual Quit S1how held at Whitby store Joy Hansen, with Bowknots Heart won the wall, Iap and crib Loýg Cabin Jacket, won the gar- lows, was firat in the special an arland, was the winner of IIvIsion. Janic Bauch, with met division. Second was roects category Second was large quilt division at the recent parkig Star, was second. Heather McKelvie for High Sier- Cey TurnerfoPi Collector's quilt show at Olde Silver ThimT- Tied lor third were Delibie ras Jacket and third was Anne Bag, third was Sandra Goodman ble in Whitby. Starzynski, with Lone Star, and Yaraskavitcb for Oregon Trail for Star Table-runner. Second was Roif Bauch, with Shirley Gordon, with Midnight Jacket. In the Bears category Vivian Mariner's Compasa, and third Morning Glanies. Mary Hamptonr, with Primrose Aitken was frt with Brde and was Bey Turner, with Calendar Denise Dugal won the French Kitty, won the stuffed animaie Groom. Second was Dawn Janca Quilt. heirloom category. division. with Wispy and third was Vivian Judy Bowring's Roniancing the Jean MacDonald, for Pyramid iÀz Arnold, with House Pil- Aitken with Santa Bear. Try aoun indoor herb gardon If you're looking for a rewarding indoor project to keep your faxnily occupied around the bouse this fail, wby not consider starting an indoor berb garden? Not only will herba add fragrance and colour te your home, but they'll add more gusto to your meals. Used for centuries as seasonings and in medicines, herlis tend te be fairly hardy and I i~. I~LiIAA1 ~ ~JI rij £>.J~ ~~JUJ.'..J ~ RESDINIALORCOMMERCIAL DESGN REOVTIO. ONSTRUCI...... SIDING* WINDOWS * DOORS *SOLARIUMS.- SUNDECKS a CABANAS *KITCHENS a BATHROOMS - REC ROOMS FR11 ESTIMATES QUALITY WORKMANSHIP 0F SAVING YOU THE HIGH COST 0F POOR QUALITY easy te grow, given the -right amount of light. They aiso do double duty as attractive bouse plants and lend a special, cosy atmoaphere te any kcitchen or pantry. Like most plants, they can be grown in decorative containers te suit any decor. Growing herbs can lie a particularly entertaining under- taking for youngsters. They'll be able te watch horbs grow and can enjoy'"harvesting" them as well. Although herba are generally grown outdoors either in pots or in the garden, several varieties can lie successfully grown indoors. In fact, many gardeners bring their outdoor berb pots indoor for the fali and winter. Herbs require good drainage,, plenty of light and warm temperatures. In the winter, suppleinental light (fluorescent) will probably be necessary. You can rig up your own miniature greenhouse or buy a special lighting stand from a gardening store. However, keep iu mind that herlis don't grow much during the winter montha and probably won't produce much of a yield. They aise require a fair amount of hurnidity. Chooeing herbs Choose herba ta suit family's tastes. Oregano basil, for instance, are your and both I SEASONED FIREWOOD Interlocking Stone ALL HARDWOOD From 9 9 Sq. Ff. # PICK UP OR DELJVERY a *Wnchester -6 v Red Rose .5825 THICKSON RD. N, ~~Je Hw 0 popular and called for in many *ecipes. Parley is another popular herb. Used as a garnish, it's an attractive clark green colour and is available in either curly or fiat varieties. An herli known for porforming quite well indoore, rosemary bas a strong fragrance and attractive flowers. Itfs often used for seasoning vegetables. Diii or dillweed is another popular berb renowned for its hardineas. Used predominantly in pickling, diii bas a distinctive, tangy taste and is distinguishable by its gangly, somewbat "weedy" appeai'afce. Another berb tbat many kitchens would not be without is savory. This attractive, leafy herb comes in two varieties: winter and suxnmer, and is used te enhance the flavor of many meat dishes. Scents You may want te grow berrbs simply for their scent. If se, choose those that are known for their fragrance, like lavender, lemon verbana, lemon balm or mint. Scented herba are widely used in potpourri and sachets. When cooking witb herbe, you may want to use tbem fresh or dnied. If youtre using tbem fresh, they sbould be picked directly before you use them. Be sure te dlean them well before using them. Il DrinLig heirbe Il You may want te dry the herba I ou harvet. Dried herba hould Ikeep for some time before they Istart te loose their tang If you 4choose this route, let the herba air dry thoroughly until the tipa of Stheir leaves begin te wither. Herba can lie dried much more quickly in an conventional aven. Use a very low heat setting and check on them at regular intervals. Lt will probably take several hours before they dry thoroughly, se, monitor the hprocesa very carefully te make Isure they don't burn. Other uses Today, herba are stiui used for medicinal purposes, but they have found many additional uses as well; they can lie found in many cosmetica. Bouquets and wreaths macle of cried herba bave become quite popular axnong crafts enthusiasts and decoratera. And colorful assortments of dried herbe add a distinctive touch te any home's decor. To find our more about growing herba and bow te choose varieties, consuit the experts at your local garden centre. Some stores seli small starter kits, complete witb seeds, a miniature plastic greenhouse and sterile soil. Herba can aise lie purchased in pots. How To Protect Your Bathroom Invesiment- Increasingly we're hearing from people who are concerned about the damage that powdered abrasive cleansers can do to their expensive sinks, tubs, and fîxtures. KLING non abrasive lotion cleanser is the best product we've seen for general bathroom cleanup. The thick lotion clings to vertical surfaces and soap scum is literally removed with a soft wipe of a cloth. Fixtures are left sparkling like new. The entire washroom smells dlean and f resh. For mildew build.up in showers or rust stains on tubs we recommend Butchers PEARLY TUle and Porcelain Cleaner. This easy to use spray and wipe product cleans like magic yet contains no abrasives, no acids and no caustics. At Swish we guarantee everything we seil. If the product doesn't perform to your satisfaction, bring back the unused portion - we'Il pive you your money back. ~satexended ÀJ A9arno5 CLEAN-IT CENTRE -~ 500 Hopkins Street, Whitby 666-1224 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV

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