Whitby Free Press, 13 Oct 1993, p. 27

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SERVI CE ROSIOMM' jM PRF5UNAL SRIE O i Co OSHAWA I DRU VIN G ~ SCHOOL Fui! Drivers Education Courses NOVEMBER 6th Sarrdays 4 week course NOVEMBER 9th Tues. & Thurs. 4 weel< course DECEMBER 27th - 3th Christmas 4day course -PRIVA TE LESSONS' REGISTERED à APPROVEO BY THE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE CINDY'S ALTERATIONS has moved - still in Pearson Lanes, 133 Byron St. N. Come see us for ail your sewing needs. 33 years experience between us. Tues. to Fni. 10 - 520, Sat. 10 - 3.430-6550. STRESS TOO MUCH? Muscular aches and pains? Arthritis? Sinus trouble? Colds? I can helpi Caîl Mr. Thompson Reflexoîogist, 723-7060. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Alterations and repair on draperies at an affordable price. For your f rea in-home shopping and estimnate caul 432-1714 after 5 p.m. or leave message. Customer's fabrics are welcome. INTERIOR PAINTING. Fast dlean service. Free estimates. Cali Mike at 655-3791 WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY. Your wedding day creates many precious memnoies: Preserve those special moments with the help of Bernan Photography. 668-5527. 7i4esq~i geta4 Wood fencîng & deoks IFREE COMPETI TfVE ES TfMA TES I IWrtten Guaranteel 166-96901 Spanky's. Property Maintenance Residential Snow Service Book earIy! Book now! PHONE JIM AT 668-6803 Toit f ree pager 1-416-550-3162 The Mutual Group HERB TRAN cail for quotabon 725-6564 -RF - ANNII YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Al makes. Fall special, complete tune-up from $24.95 + parts. Factory trained technicians. For f ree pick-up & delivery cali 432-7375. HANDYMAN - Remove or move, dlean yards, basements, cut trees. T.V. Towers removed. Cali 655-3004. G REEN CLEANING by Grandma's Company off ers "knock your socks off" service for al resident l homeowners and their properties. We are flexible people and our services extend to ovens, f ridges, walls, Iaundr1' & ironing. Al cleaners are police security checked. Bonded, insure, Chamber member. 725-9177 (24-hour answering). KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery of antiques. Al kinds of recovering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimnates. Over 40 ~e rs' experience. 430-7568, PAINTING - WALLPAPER. Cal Jim at 666-1030. ALTERATIONS BY MARY. Give your old wardrobe a new lift. No job 19 too small. Ladies & mens taiioringi at reasonabie prices. 4 p.m. -'ép.m. 436- 1448. HANDYMAN SERVICES. Odd Jobs. Fali special -. eavestrough cleaning & interior painting. No job too small - quality, service, value wiIl not b. compromised. Cal 666-4187. CUSTOM DRAPES, valances and co-ordinating accessories. Many styles and fàbrics to choose - Your fabric welcome. Give a cal today. XPressionz - 666-3762. HANDYMAN - Yard clean- ups, rubbish removat. Basements, washrooms, drywall, painting, doors, ceilings, sheds. Frewood. Caîl Doug at 43É-0398. KARL'S APPLIANCES. Fast, efficient repars to microwave ovens. Caîl 430-4649, Pager 442-8522. CUSTOM DESIGN and dress- making. Wedding and evening gowns, bridesmaids & grads, suits, etc. Renovation and ateration. Garments also made from a picture. 723-3259. LARGE MOVING VAN with driver for hire. Private or business. Phone 430-1080, leave message. TINA'S FASHION DESIGNS. Custom made wedding gowns, brîdesmaids dresses, eveningi wear, suits, coats and ai alterations. Very affordable. 430-2537. HANDYMAN SERVICES - repairs, imrprovements, painting or any other jobs around the home. Very reasonable rates. Seniors' discount. Caîl 666-0288. SERViCE PART-TIME (2- 3 days per week), babysitting for small child in your home. Caîl 668-8754. MOTHER 0F TWO ini downtown Whitby (Brock & Mary area) would like to provide care f or your child in a sale, loving, non-smoking environment. Lots of activities and nutritious lunches. 666-2092. LOVING MOTHER is willing to provide daycare in my home. Nutritious lunch & snack. Close to Ormiston Public School. Garden/Dryden. 430-3361. BROCK/DRYDEN. Loving mother willinq to care for your chiidren. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Will provide secure walk to & from Ormiston or St. Matthews. Fui Vpart-time. Any age. Please cal 666-9719. MOTHER 0F 2 will provide ful-time daycare in my home. Close te Glendhu Public School & Faiingbrook park. Rossland Rd. & Garden St. area. Fallingbrook sub-dîvision. Please cail 430-1412. PROFESSIONAL DAYCARE PROGRAM offering lots of stimulating activities & crafts. Indoors & ot. Hot meais. Non-smoking environment. 1 ful-time spot open. Al ages welcome. Rossland/Bassett area. 430-0241 Speciaiizing in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of Mnd. -U Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. BROOKUN. Large room, also 365 sq. ft. of commercial space. Close to ail amenities. Available now. Cal 655-5539. DOWNTOWN WHITBY. Roomn for rent. Please caîl ti68-8975. "The room for rent we had adver- tised rented after running only one week. Most of the cal [s we had were from people who said they'd seen the ad in the Whitby Free Press." H.V. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 .SAE FOR ANT ORSALE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. ___________________Roommate wanted to share 3 MEDICALI PROF ESSIONA L OFFICE. 625 sq. fi., downtown Whitby. Ground f loor, Ioads of parking, private entrance and washroom. 666-3833. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. bedroorn house. Kitchen, bath& utilities included. $350/month. Cati Bob 668-8904, leave message. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Roommate wanted to share 4 bedroom house. Laundry facilities. Female preferred. $300/month. Utilities included. Mature, quiet working people only please. Cali 4b0-7103, leave message. LITAT ADWondebàI CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST- IT'S EASYI ONE CALLI ONE qILL DOES T AIL. COMING EVENTS 2nd.TORONTO COLLECTIBLES EXTRAVA- GANZA. SatJSun. October 23rc124th, 1Oam-4pm. International Centre, 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga. Fineat & largeat indoor colectibtes show in Eastern Canada. 100s oI top dealerat Adulit $5. Youth (6.16) $t. Bring the whole family. CRAFTERS WANTED. 2nd Annual Country Hearis Show and Sale. Salurda>'. April 30, f994. Mounît Foreat Communiiy Centre. Contact Paity Sinnamnon. Registrar. (519) 323-2463. Fax. (519) 334-3090. ANTIQUE TOOLS SHOW/SALE. Sunda y. October 241h 10-âpm. Kahn Barn, Brocir St. N.. Pickrering. Trades, tools, scientitic instruments. books , catalogues. 30 dealers. Admission: $4.00. (416) 249-2863. MISCELLANEOUS FUNDRAISING? Schools, clubs. individuals - Split profits wilh Youth Challenge International. Fameux Canadian Arlisîs Greeting Carda with valuable coupons Included. Maire Sales Easy! Cxii Peter 1-800-461-1595. BUSINESS OPPS TAKE THIS JOB AND LOVE IT! Be your own boss. Set your owni houra. Generoux immediate payment. F abulous chldren's dresa network. Cxli Judith (416) 441-6857, ileveriy (416) 762-1 949. SUPPLEMENT VOUR INCOME. Diarfibule our producis or raise your own worma or castings. Niagara Badl and Ecology, 5513 Elcho Rd.,.fRR43, Welandport, Ont. LOR 2J0. <416) 386-6661 or 1- 800-563-8128. BUSINESS FOR SALE SMALL HEAVY EOUIPMENT CONTRACTING Business. Excel1lent texdy inceme - 10 machines, 7 gravaI pila nn Resori Area. Write: Box 398, Sioux Narrows. Ontario, POX 1iNO. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes, Crowr. Land availability. For information on boih. Write: Properries. Dept CN. Box 5380. Sin. F. Ottawa K2C 3Ji. FOR SALE NEW -PATENTED - ADJUSTABLE NAIS. Unisex. coneon, fuliy bimmed. 6 colours. inciudfing camouflage. Ourdoors people, golers. huniers. $38,00 Special $26.00. J&C Enterprises. Box 352. BowIs sland, Ail. 101 OGO. (403) 545-2635. STEEL BUILDINGS A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Farmn, storage. Commercial. industriat. New types. steellwood. 1 iYse. idding. For true value, action & answers - Watty (416) 626-1794. FREE brochures. Cip-save. IF A SIDE-BY-SIIJE comparison Is wtsat il lakes to pick out the best and lowes . .. were ail for il Ontario Manufacturer Direct. 1 -800-668-5422. BESI BUILDING PRîCES- Steel Straiîwalt Type - flot quonsel - 32x54 $7.744; 40x72 $11,690;. 50x90 St16.622; 60xl26 $25.375 - other sizes avaiiable- Final Summer clearance - Paragon - 24 Houra 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS -Quonseis, S. Modela and Siraighlwaiis. Factory has aiiocated 29 Buildings. Vaious aizea. No reasonabie offer retused. Cali Future 1-800-668-8653. CAREER TRAINING EARN EXTRA MONEY. Income Tas or Bookkeeping courses by correspondance. Frea brochures. No obligation. U & R Tax Services Lid.. 1345 Pemibina Hwy, Winnipeg. Manitoba. R3T 2B66 .800-665-5144. LEARN AUCTIONEERING aI the Souihwestern School ot Auctioneering. Hast Ciass: Novemnber 20-26. Infoirmation, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. R.R 155. Woodslock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-211 5. INSTRUCTION LEARN THE SECRETS 0F CIIOING ON GLIITAR, New homne atudy course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteedi FRE E information, Cati 1- 800-667-0050 Extension 770. Studio Gl10 EMPLOVMENT OPPOFITUNITIES ARE VOLI BEIWEEN the ages cf 18-30? Enjoy travelling and tarm Ide? Contact tha International Agriculsurai Exchang Association, 1501-t17 Ave S. W. Calgary, AB,. 2T OE2. 1-800-263-1827 AGES 18-30 WITH agriculturat esperience to live/worir with famiiy in Australia. Naew ZAaaand. Europe. Japan. Cosis & details contact 1-800 263-1827.,10206-1501 -11 Ave. SW. C algary. Ail. 121 0E2. PERSONALS NEVER HAVE ANOTHER BAD HAiR DAY". he most cemnprehensive book on styiing your h.iir- everything fron colours te cuts, and more To order caii (705) 457-3008. REAL ESTATE G01 A CAMPGROUND nembership or timeshara? Wea8 take tl! America's argest resale ciearinghouse Cait Resori Sales International 1 - 800-421 5967 (24 heurs). our ad could appear ln community newepapcrs in Ontaulo, or rlght across Canada, or Rn>' 1 Individuat province. Space tu Llmiîed, so Cali This Nr'wspaper 1od.iyl1 O*CROSS CANADA MARKE TPLACýE"Î- To te xch a wder market, advenit hrouahosul the regonal mombershp ol the Onraroarnd Canadan Commurnly Newsp,-pvr Associaisons. Camraia Onaro> 55 newspaÇers - S160 for 25 vorOs - AM Ontaro easp.qpers - S350 lu: 25 words cAil Canada 572 newspapers - $1.121 for r25 words -Y For furîfier information please caîl the Whitby Free Press Classifieds - 668-611il Whiby reePres *668611 ffie Hurs Modayto Fr-day,9:-00 -arnIo 5:00 pm Fax 668-0594 Whitby Free Press, Wecfresday, October 13. 1993, Page 27 Wee Watch- The System that provides.. *UnsChSeduled home visits ensure quality care for your child " FuIly trained providers receive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays " Comple'te insurance coverage " Income tax recel pts " Children six weeks artd Up -Full or part-time For more Information oeil: 686-3995 a ioensed Agency ýa0ty P .- 1 IM jIIAý "9 CuReplacement Windows from Alcan Building Products at INCREC51BLY LOW INSTALLED PRICESI 655-8809 MGE WINDOWor 428-5765 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 666-7M FOR AN APPOINTMENT ancial concept Socurities Concept Sectaibe-,* is a buseeSS style -ft-gstraton o«nea by F C G Secuntes CorPcoaton

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