Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1993, p. 15

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Whitby Free Preou, Weckiesclay, October 20. 199U. Page 15 --hyyc GREEN PARTY By Scott Laycox The followinq proves wise and sweeping diang is a choice avallable ta y ou. Th Green Party will rejeot NAFTA and the gobal econorny ta hait further job loss and bgntreain contrai oaver aur awn ecanamy. We support sustainable economnics fraeetram baom-bust cycles by oreating seif-sufficient cammurities oy su partn local business and trul baancd an eathyanduse planning. trul balncedandGreens wauld tax palluting pro- ducts and praces- taxing ecoiogicaily and socially useful praduots, and we would shift taxes away from mndi- viduals by lawernng incarne taxes and elimninating the GSI, thus creating jobs by maing people cheaper ta SCOUTLAVOOX employ. would be made u by taxing non-renewable resources whicg encourages wise and efficient use of resources. Greens advacate fiscal responibit and would legisiate an end ta 'd efr i'it"udgeing. Any debt already incurrod wouid be amortized over a strict timne framne but without sacrificing pniority social programs. We would elimanato govemment waste, cut back MP pensions, swatch ta a proportional representatian electoral system, abolsh or reforrn the Senate into a constituent assembiy, and encourage referenda, intervenar funding adpublic hearings. Greens would croate a zera-garbage society by supporting minimal packaging standards, etc. and camprehensive recyclinq prograffs: reduce C02 omissions- stop aIl toxac discharge Into water, air and lanci by target date of 2000; surpprt organic farminq; support sastainable fsh and forestry practices, thus saving u fenvronment and h undreds cf thouans of jobs. Greens would eliminate- clear-cutting and save ail remnaining oid growth forests; phase out pesticides which are hazardous ta human and other lite; protect and restore habitat for endangered species;. support energy conservation and chemical-free products and services; stabilize population levels which are fundamnental arnd critical ta our future wel-being. We would prepare for the post-petraleumn era by supparting research and development for better mass transit and renewabie energy technologies which would save the environmont and create jobs for the long terni. Huge savings would be realized by carefuiiy phasing out nuclear power which is extremely dan gerous. Greens would consolidate ail existing social assistance programs into one guaranteod incarne supplement plan ta eliminate poverty. This would be more effective and less expensive to administer. We would ensure the best health care and education are the right of ail and would extend hoaith care caverage to include dental, chiropractic and naturapathy, and emphasize prevention of disease through diet, exercise and a cean enviranment. The Green Party would support paid retraining job sharing and a shorter wark week.We wouid revam p the justice system ta r ensure public safety and we would promote cent ai Canadians. That is nat domocracy. 1 amn an Independent- proudly so. i have ne affliation ta any party - only ta the vaters ai Ontanio riding. Caneda's cur- byproduot of suc- cessive Liberal and Conservative gov- emments ta whom politios is e garne that they pay with aur maney. Win- ning is everything. DOUG ANDERSON Ch ange wilnt corne tram within the system.\ Canadiens must tae back contra f themsolves. The constatutionel referendumn was a first stop. The election ai an ndependent an e piatfarm ai eccountability wouid be e ogical foilow-up. Unliko othor ridings n Canada which must choase ram the usuel assortment et phony promises, Ontario riing hasa emai choice. The metionship between an MP and his constituents shauid bo essentially the same as botween an employer and an employeo. The voteras are hiring someone ta represent themn and because they re peying him, they, should be able ta direct how ho duoes his job. If thoy're not satisfiod, they should be able ta ire him. i will be eccounitebie. 1 wilb hold regular public meetings,1 focus groups, surveys, etc. an order ta fully understand the opinians and aspirations of my constituents. i will thon represent those majority views regardless ai My awn opinions. I wilb aise work ta implement e process of recali whereby constituents an ailrndangS. will have the abiiity ta remove MPs who lad ta represent them properly. The election ai an independent candidate is an extremely rare event addrny election on the issue ai eccounitabiiity wilil put that issue et the top ai the politicai agenda in every camer of the country and et ail levels ai goverment. i arn noa rngor ta long odds. 1 publiciy chaibenged the GST n 1991-92 by withhaling close ta $40000 in rerittances for a year-and-a-haif. Voters who attended any ai the al-candidates' debates or watched them on cabie TV have seen haw webl b did. b wili be a vo7 strang representative. in survey after survey, a huge rnajority ai Canadians have indicated that they went politicians ta isten ta thom, ta tell them the truth and ta keep the promises they make. b believe 1 arn the only candidate in ail Canada who is responding directly ta those aspirations. i arn running because someano, somewhere had ta be off ering that choice. If people vote with their gut Instincts, i will win easily. Don't waste your vote on anything bss. LIBERAL PARTY By Dan McTeague This election is about change, its about jobs, its about appartunity and, most of ail, its about hope). 1arn running as a candadate an thas electian ta restore hope and ta croate jobs and opportunities for the people in Pickening, Ajax and Whitby. Jobs are the numbor one issue in aur community. From ecrass the riding, people tel me how important t is for the ioderai gavemment ta get the economny beck on track and croate meaninQfub, long- torm jobs. The Liberai Party has the ideas, the toamn and the commit- Sment ta ead Canadiens inta the next century. i want ta help implernent 'btheso doas. DAN McTEAGUE A Liberal gov- ernmont's frst pnrity is getting people back ta work. Our pragrarn, which 'is outlanod an 'Cmating Opportunities,' takos a meaiastac and common sense appraach ta helpang Canadians find long-terni and rneaninigibjobs. Wo beieve that by working together with ail leveis ai govemmont, we can underteke projecsin infrastructure impravements that will hepCanadian business and saciety. The long-terni benefit ms a mare competitive and pouctive economy, which wiib resuit in more i stng jobs for Canadians. which can be used tofight the debt Liberas are proud ai their contribution ta aur social saiety net We are opposed ta user tees for Mecilcare. We wiii wark ta proteot pensions. We wiii ilght efforts that weaken aur abiiity ta deliver services that Canadians require tram a caring and compassioate gavemment. Govemment shauld be a refiection ai the people they represent. The Liberal Party has candidates running in every riding ln Canada. We wili have mernbers elected fram the Maritimes, Cuebea, Ontario and the West. Only a Uberal govemment wili be representative ai the concems ai al Canadians. As the representetive ta Ottawa for this area, 1 will best champion the concerns ai ail the people in this ridling. UBERTARIAN B Gsore Libertarians stand for ireedam and the rights ai the individuai in aur Society. We believe in bss govemment and bss taxes, based an common responsibility.j On election day: ta vote far yourseii GEORGE KOZAROFF - vote Libertarian. NATIONAL PARTY 0F CANADA By Rob McMenemy The National Party ai Canada is a differont political party. Wo da not accept contributions trm corporations, unions or any other spocial intorest graups. We are tunded exciusiveiy by and represent only the Canadian people. According ta Revenue Canada, only six per cent ai Canada's total debt was causod by any ovemment pro gram spending. Thts oniy $27.6 billion ai Canadas debt of about $42 billion. The average Canadien p aid 39.9 per cent tex in 1991 (average iamniiy paid $22,000 in taxes), enaugh ta iund education, -Modicaro, unempioyrnent, weifare and pension prograrns. Stetistios Canada aiso meported that in 1991 just slighty over 1.5 per cent ai Canadians contributed ta any political perty, yet over $200 million wil be spont by the partaes on thas eloction. Sa, with seial intorests speying for the el eltarai pacss can Caain expoot thet the ý next gavernment wiil bite et the hands thet feed it? Sadly, no. %heNational Party of Canada wiii: berrelling, patron- age ana get qat oai OBMcMENEMY thep aid lobbyasts. 2. Change the way political parties are funded. 3. Lessen the power ai the PM's office. 4. Alow free votes an the Hause ai CDmmons. 5. Take away the right ai senators and MPs. ta set their own wagos, porks and pensions. 6. Increase the power ai the Auditor aenera's office. 7. Lessen the gavornments dangeous addiction ta ioreign capital. 8. Got Canadiean vstrent back inta this country where it is needed. 9. intraduce the strangest freedom ai information act anywhere - because tho business ai govomment is tho business of the people. 10. Strengthen Caneda's anti-trust laws. 11. Cancel the GST within one year. 12. Cancei FTA and stop NAFTA. 13. Sot a flxed date tor elections. 14. Ensure thet ail nation-tuming issues mnust be taken ta the people in the forai fa referendum. 15. Overheui Canedas tex systern. This is the major meason for the high debt in the irst place - y ou can nat balance e budget if you don't lookakt bath expenditures and revenues (for exemple Canada's banks, on profits ai mare than $7.46 billion, paid bss than 2.5 c-ntonthedlAr).--Make ýit just-..nd elfair (e u hould vote for Our jobs pia nationallmirast investment fund national reseanc balanced moi pr-anada trac onate. get i and Wa ta prm ai Canada. i arn commi riding. i arn a bee a a ba associations la parent lobbles. treatmentofai ail 1 have raasec children havei here. 1 want a h ta their fullest thing for your c A vote forr give you a vcl comrnitted ta c are treated by0 be left out. 1 wi are heard - and Canadians whc govemrment trea At the start ai the other pai Canadians did their tuno was cl The New De the beginning t had aur jobs1 election. We h We heard peop LYJ A( the Sonate? D lite-time pensi duty? Do yai chifdren who st 1 think not. Does anyor thet you do nci My party wiiI PARTY F( Theocs Our goverr be roorganizi Impossibi ity considoring thE Wo reject spending cutt heelth, educal iar the produc other cutbacl austerity desiý ai the Interna cther hankinq by way ai neý a senous inn nation. Canac moans are no tenufs ta cov aýgricuitural, view, is the 0 prosperity. The History shc federal bank farce aioc ( credit necese Troheses ene bodtwi?> an1 calis for meal tax reiorm, a tructuro pragram, a national ci, a national training strategy, eh and development strategy, a înetary approach and a de policy. W e wiil abolish the J of payoffs ta political craniles ve that aur prionty is the people itted ta the people of Ontario icornmunity activist and have er and member of many neluding wornen's shelters and ,.I bolieve in fair and just residonts. )d a fanaiiy in Ontario riding. My attended schooi heme. I work future tlaat will aliow them ta livo > otnal - and 1 want the sare ildmen as well. me as y ur reprosentative will i!ce in Ottawa that as strongly hanging the way we Canadians >ur awn govemmont. We will nat iiil make sure that aur concemrs di my party will oeil for action. > want a change In the way aur of this eection, the major Issue aries was the deticit, but when 1nat jump an the bandwagan, chengod. emacratic Party knew right tram that jobs were the priarity. We plan meady ta rail before the aave nat faltered. We listened. ýpe say that they want a future for their. children. We understood that the bad trade decisians of the past tive years were killing aur prospects for -. recovery and aur environment. - Do you want free trade or NAFTA? Do you want cuts ta seniors' rpensn and heaith care? DQ you want CKLIN patronage appintments ta Do you want politiciens ta have ons after their own short stint ai ,u want ta be responsibie for terve on Canadian soui? ne listen ta you when you say. t want these things? 1 wil listen. I listen - and we wiil make :OR THE COMMONWEALTH 0F CANADA By Val Hache overelgnity of the nation iment's accumuiaed dol icit must zed. We ail recognize the ai payîng the national debt ie presont econamic conditions. ban form of eustority and any yack propasali n the sectors ai tion of infrastructure necessary iction of tangible goods, or any k, decided wvithin a policy ai grned to setisfy the requirements banei Manetary Fund (IMF) ar any 1arganism. We propose a i 0-year morato- rium an any pay- mont an the debV s capital and a freoze of the in- terost rate at zero >*,or cent for spoci- ýc aeos of that debt, aiso for a period of 10 yers. The froe-trade idoigy (whothor irpsdby way ai HACHE troaty, such as by the Canada-U.S.- Mexico troaty, ar

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