Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1993, p. 22

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page 22, Whilby Free Press, Wednesday, October 20,1993 Frustrated at hockey poli*tics Wednesday night dart league LABATT8 BLUE UGHT DIVISION (Mba') Steirsa e uofOct.13 W L PTS Bake Fwmure Finihling 9 1 9 WtbTpyHOMe 7 3 7 OodSSUeBroauiom 68 4 B Gayapi*Seivico 6 5 5 OismzColeotoe Cars 6 5 5 Garyll Norton Servce 4 6 4 Permia Fooen International 3 7 3 Faricatirrg Techtil Ina. 1 9 1 Garngs poyd Baker Furnfure 9 Fabricaling Technics i WhrttW Trophy 7 Perma Foam Iter. 3 Dodd aSoSute' 6 Daryl Norton Ser. 4 Gary Ccppis 5 Clareniont Colector 5 Top 10 scorers John McPhrson 50 AlPindar 28 GoreDay 21 Johnl,ote20 Mike Ni.uwhof 20 Grum Sangwtn 1B Mark Paing 17 Tony Van De Van 17 Todd Barbour 18 Dava Boyd Sr'. Ployer of the we.k Jack Nlmwtof LABATTS CARLSBERG DIVISION Starslnga as at Oct. 13 W L PTS DeirataOffice Services 4 2 4 Nat konai Trust 3 3 3 i-Lins Store Fixturas 3 3 3 Roys Erterprsa 2 4 2 Gangs played Deirata Office 4 Roy's Entrprise 2 Nat ional Trust 3 I-Une Store 3 Top 6 scorers Jeai Applaby 8 Chre Pindar e Paltie Pam 4 Sherry Loromer 4 Surass Conier 4 JoyRusak 4 Poyer of the w.k Mary-An0aW The systom as it stands today is not allowing thoso children with true talent to progress. The system, as it stands, is not helping te develop our future stars. Our hockey association, beliovo it or not, is a political party. But like al political parties, it needs help te develop a platform that is fair te all those who try out. I have a few suggestions that I would liko te sharo with the hockey association, aimed at the selection process for the rep and select teams. Try and flnd coaches that do not have a child trying eut for that level. If one cannot be found, only select the head coach (the head coach cannot have a son for a goalie) for ail the lovels for rep and select. Select a panel, made up of al the coaches and two executive members, te, evaluate and select the varieus lovels of teanis. The selection process is dono on a report card basis, rating the skating, etc. of each player and goalie. The panel then compares notes and selects the team, based on talent, net on polities. Ail playors net selected are advised by the panel as te why. A player cannot be selected if he/sho did not attend the provieus level of trouts. For exaniple, if a plye ny wants te play select, he/she must try eut for the A or AA team. 1 Each player sheuld be given a visible number on the sweater. Afler each teani is selected, then, and only then, the other coach and manager is selected. We must try and remove the politics from our miner hockey program. Ken Johnston Whitby To the Editor: For the past fow woeks I have sat frustrated and silenced, silenced at the request of my son, frustrated at the politics affecting our children at a young ago. But I have told my son I can ne longer keep my silence. M y son, liko a number of other childron playing in the Breoklin-Whiitby Miner Hockey Association, is a victim of the 'PC' systom -- net 'politically correct,' but 'political choice.' It is a crime. how we, as parents, are handcuffod by the system. Our children are victimizod' by a select group of miner league politicians. But how do we, as parents, change the system? rmn sure many of you have had seme good ideas. But, like our provincial and fedoral governznents, how do we overcome the lack of common sense that we are faced with daily? To deal with the politics in our Whitby hockey system, our choices are limited: move away; apply for a uoaching or managerial position; apply for an executive position; go eut and vote at the next election for someone who has some new, fair ideas on developing aur future stars. Unfortunately, we do net always have the time for such suggestions. That is a problem. Se we are left with those that de have the time. There is nething wrong with these people. 1 admire them for what they do, giving up their free time t e dote te, the prograin. It is the system that we need te change. To the. Editer:. After reading recentiy about a man whe received a two-month jail term for calling anothor man a particular type of «nigger,' it brought te mind some incidents that I have witnessed and have heard about. It takes an incident such as this te make some of us White Angle-Saxon Protestant (WASP) types notice seme of the things that are going on. While working the penalty box at a local hockey game, seme of the language used by these young mon was slightly on the rough side, te say the least. But rm a rough,.teugh construction worker se I can deal with this, ne matter how I feel on the subject. That is the problem of the boys' parents, none of whom would ever admit their child would speak that way. I know that there is a rule in place te, penalize a player for the use of foul language although I have nover seen it called by a ref. Other words I heard used that day were 'np,' wop' and 'chink,' ail usually with the same adjective. I these cases ne penalty was called. Was this because there is ne rude covering- this situation or is this type of language condoned by the league? Later, because I am a WASP type, it was brought dloser to-my heart when I heard first-hand from one of the boys how hoe feit aboit beinz called a "f.... nip." I realized that something that did net affect me personally could bo extremely upsetting te, others. This is total insensitivity and ignorance on- my part, but I amn not alone. Three officials and six coaches from both teams had the opportunity te hear these things. This is not the first time it has happened, it is a regular occurrence on ail teams. If I anm just now having this type of prcblem brought te, my conscience, maybe ethers can aise realize that something should ho done. Hockey is a great sport -- made Majoratoms edged1 The Whitby major atem AA pbay, calling only three minor teani, sponsered by Dupont penalties in the entire game. Automotive Finishes, lost 3-2 te Third period action had Orillia Grilla on Oct. 10. scoring two goals te grab a 3-2 Whitby came eut strong with lead. The final minute was pbayed an earby two-goal lead. Orillia with six Whitby attackers unable replied late in the first period. te get the tying goal. The second period was scoreless, Scoring for Whitby wore Matt as Orillia outshot tho home side Rae and Matt McKay, with 7-2. assists going te Luc Chiasson, The refs allowed both teains te Scott Cook, Chase Atkinson and Sweaterdance evmn Taylor. upcoming The Brorklin-Whitby Miner Hockey Asiociation Ladies Auxi- eliar 'ockey Sweater' dance will hheld on Saturday night, Nov. 6. There wifl ho a buffet at the event te hoe hebd at Heydenshoe Pavilion. T'ickets, $25 per couple, are available at Peacock Sports in downtown Whitby or at Crawfs at Iroquois Park. For more information cal Jackie Greenen at 668-2072. Whitby men's hockey Scores Oct. 7 Atters Iey Tire J lm Mcilroy Don Weathera Dodd & Sater Steve Sandford BarryPRobUraori Brothera Pizza EnzoRlnaldi 2 Rob Bush Bob Smally Rob Phllpe CX. Atobody Don French 4 Daw MocCracen Jack Mackenzie Jim Denkion Wayne Qolont b2 Jim Brardon Randy Galas Marshall Tharrpson 2 Oueen's Hatli 4 Nel Farquharsan Rusa Arlbuckls Wayne Walluk AI Marquarct 2 Nure Cliev.Ols 1 Peter Van Aidn 5 Custom AtoRadio6 RosaBrownridgs 3 Bernas Myles 2 Haroid Hutern 6 NRSRPeaSy 5 Dave Ferquhson 2 Bob Wur Harry Has Mika WsII 5 kRya Esterpras. 4 Tom Sdiroer 2 Doug Wibxw Andrew Gray Nadio" nalTrw 2 Royal Woods Brxcky Crouch Jnatio l3 Rudy Vanderalts Tom Buchanani Oct. 14 Brthers Pizza 2 OugonsHatl Mirhaesi Catburg Tory Onischr Dan KwIT Royol Woods Lhin. 4 RoYa Enterpis Jas Patio 2 Tom Sdiroer 2 great because of the emotion it generates. This, however, should neyer be an excuse for resorting te sub-human behaviour. There is, in my mmnd, nothing wrong with taunting your opponent but this can ho done in a manly way (or to, ho politically correct a human way). I am ashamod that I took se long te notice things I wouldn't condone on the street I was condoning on the ice. By writing this letter, rm hoping te bring te, the forefront a problem that is being ignored by ail hockey beagues that I have cerne in contact with, and this should ho handled across tho board by the OMHA and CAHA. I feel sure that my felings on the subject are not an over-roaction, but on this ]Pm sure Ilil ho accused. I hope that hockey parents wil ask thoir children if they have witnessed incidences of this nature. An enlightened parent (Nasa. withheld by request) by Orillia The Whitby team recently conducted a golf tournaniont at the Oshawa Airport Golf Course. Undor threatoming skies, the father-son team of Murray and Biaine Down won the tournaient, longeat drive and closest-to-the-pin contests. The most honest golfers wero Louie and Chase Atkcinson. Organizors woro Red Cipparone and Dermot Walsh. Tomn Buchanan 2 Nurse Chev-Olds 3 National Trust 5 Mark Houston 2 Bab Mowal 2 Peter Van Astan Rudy Vandersuue Glyn Evarns Crag Finlayson Dodd & Sauter Kent MwAwar Attersley Tire Jirnsath 4 Jim McIiroy 3 Dan Roxborough NRS Reaiy 1 Cuatoni AutoRdiia2 Ros Browrrridge Ray Noble 8 CX. Atcbody 5 Grog Malea2 Peter Puck 2 Don French 0 Jim Daisas 9 Ranbdy Galas 3 Tom Gidmnan 3 Wayne Cobon* 2 Rick Marsall Stirot Harold Trerrtiay 7 Ployer(*) oaithew »k Rosa Brownndge, CustOm AtoRadio, 3 goals. 2 Don Frsei, CY, Atobody, 4 goa" Oct. 14 Jim Smith, AtteraIer Tire. 4 goa"s 3 assista Haroki Trerrtlay. Jim Davidàon Chryaler. ahtàout éé of Oct.14 Attersisy Tirs Cuatom Auto Rada Jim Deviriso Dodd & Soter Guon Ws ala CX. Atobdy Nagkon.l Trust 2 nraya Erierprise Nurse Chen-Olda N R.aàosy W L 51 41 41 412 4 2 3 3 2 3 2 4 1 5 056 OSe Foui language regular occurrence dm-ww1hg (tof f t IMaCha Coffeem eomers C oOriAlod riii.3.98ý $ .60 lb $29 .98 Nat.a. Pist ..... reg. $5.80IL sîe $4.80 lb. iatcbiflg CSOiiOwGod 1~kdCfe ,with purchase Teg. $7.98 lb. SbdI$6.98 lb. Wed.-Fi.: 830 -I 1-A

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