Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1993, p. 26

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I Page 26. WIitby Free Press, Wednesday, Octaber 20, 1993 -Why y MWUsrnWqRýiDi k < 7'e~l 0~sd CHRISTIN HER .T......T By Durk...u.n.. Wear nw n helat hae i urM 9 slgnsred nthe ssues, haste oarment arnd seen the leaders. On Oct. 25, you will choase in whlch drectian Canada will go. Have you made the right decision? Canada le a country founded an the Christian cultural value systern. it Is very fabria ai Canadiai history. The Canadian Bill af Rights affirmed that t he Canadian nation is founded upon principles that- acknowledge the supremnacy af God, the 'dignity and A warth af the human faiyv in a society DURI< BRUINSMA Institution. ibose who drafted the 1982 Charter ai Rights deliberately and with intent deleted any and ail references ta moral and spiritual values. As a resuIt~ the Christian cultural value systemn Is erading fast. Seventy-eight per cent af ail Canadians affiate themselves with a Christian denominatian. Many Canadians are ted up with Canadian politics because it tas lost its vision, a vision which the Fathers of Canfederation had when they named this country 'the Dominion ai Canada based an Psalms 72:8, *He shahl have Dominion from sea ta sea.n The Chnistan Henitage Party wants ta bring Canada back ta the supremnacy ai God, back ta the ethical values we once had. Therefore, its policies are based an that Biblical cultural value system. We are flot a single Issue party, but aur r Ieescovr-the whaie palidtual spectrum. Her e just an overview af CHP policles an cud"calissues. We recognize that the family Is the basis af society, that strong families are essentiai ta build a strang nation. Therefare we appose any attempt ta redefine the tradutional family through the illusion afi same sex' marriages. We uphald parental rights and rsnsbilities as paramount in the raising, eucation and discipline af ctildren. CHP is the anly Canadan ioderaI party based on the sanctity af i 1e, and wauld favaur an amendimont ta the Criminal Code and the Charter of Riptts and Freedams ta protect Ille, fram conception ta natural deattu. Our justice system s breaking dlown. We aller a complete review ai the Young Ofionders Act th tn lasa ternpary insanlt should bepemttd"a sprogram ai restitution must bocame an ssenti element ta obtain a better balance between the victim and the afiender. In the area ai oconomnica, CHP would arnend the constitution ta make it iliegal ta pass doficit budgets except in the case af war or natu rai dlisasters. We would downsizo govemnment and freeze govemmont spending, and phase out ail govemrment grants ta spocial interest groups. We would favour a three-year moratorium an immigration, favour electara reiorm which wauid mare closely rofloct the vaters' wishes an ar=ioal prapartianal basle. ô~men once said, el have votad for the lasser af two evils for so long, al I have left le evil.0 Wel. no more, because now yau can vote for a responsible alternative; yau can vote for thue Christian Heritage Party. ou should vote for credible alternative panty ta vote for. Voters who want change and voters who cars about their enviranment can send a strong message ta the govemment by votinq Green. The Green Party la active ln 40 countnies and tas elected members in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Forty-four ttoussnd Canadians voted Green ln the lest ioderai election. 1y carnpaugn s an envlronmental and fiscaly responsuble one. You wili see fia lawn signs and receuve ne unsoiicited pamphlets. 'The Green Party advacates ecolaglcally sound and socially useful businesses such as menewable energy, small localy-owned businesses, e-oldical iarming, etc. Our party aims ta provide socially useful and ecolaguaiy sustainable emplayment for everyone ln theur own communities when possible. We would flght ta repol bath the free-trade agreement and NAFTA because they promise ta lawer environmental standards and reduce local decislon-maklng and democracy. Today, one-third ai ail fedoral govemment revenues are required ta pay interest an the debt. Greens recommand cutting subsidies ta polluting industries suctu as the $1 milion pr day ta nuclear power or the $3 billion reentiy iven ta HibeDmua 011, which will only pravide a jobs for 20 years. If we take care ai aur non-renewable resources, suctu as the flshery and iorests, there wili be long-term jobs for the workers who depond on these resources. Taxes on non-renewable resources can lower the income tax burden on individuals. We sdvocate changes ta -parliament such as changes ta the sonate and allowing the membors ta Ibe responsivo ta their canstituents' wishes. We bolieve in seif-detarmination for native communitios and policies which wiii banefit women. Wo feel govemmont tuas a responsibilit1t considar what the impact aifib policies wil be 100 yoars from now and nat just how they will influence the next olection. If you love your ccuntry, value your health and want a sustainabie future for your chiidren, yau have already becomet a partnier in aur Green vision and in aur political hopas for this election. LIBERAL PARTY By Alex Shepherd We livo in a time ai economnic and political uncortainty. 0f ail the candidates who saek election haro in Durhuam, 1 am the ana most qualifled ta deal with the ecanamic and political realities which face us. Twanty years af operating a successful charteredi accouniting practice, servicng smali business, farmors and taxpayers generelly hem uin Durhuam tuas given me the forosight ta 500. sama ai the shartcamings af aur system. Other successfui Ventures suctu as mortgage investmonts, financial planning and property administration have gven me the practical knowladge ai how ta manage othar peoples' money efiectively. Endeavours such as farming, property doveiopment, construction and genaral con- tracting hava iven me the exponence necessary ta croate new jobs and build for dia future. 0f al the candidates, 1 have tha Most' ta lose flnancially, if suc- cessfuî, since the \ office is a financial -demotion., Claarly, i seek office flot for financial reward or prestige. ALEX SH-EPHERD As I do not regard mysaîf as a career politician, i arn tha one most lkely ta represont your nterests* un Ottawa, sunce i have fia desure ta be told what ta do. If I thought that the position involvad sitting on the back bonches and saying 'yaa' at the appropriate tima, tha position would not interast me. As s persan who tuas a sucoessful marnago and fam% lie, I understand the concems lhat parentsh ave taward their children, thair concem for their education and abiîity ta seek their place in life which will shlow them ta be indopendent, useful citizens of aur sacioty. As s persan who tas senior parents, I arn concerned that these people wull receive the pensions and medical care which were promlesed ta, themn by past administrations. Finslly, I am profoundly Canadian. I arn an uinreselrved nationallet who laves his country. I NATIONAL PARTY By Harry Pope The faderai deficit must be oiminated. Howevor, the pied ge of ana ai the parties ta bring it: from over $30 billion ta zero in die years by cutting govamment spending will riot wvork. This slash-and-burn approachtu t end the ioderai deficit before diere le any pick-up in private demand I gnomes dia tact diat fadrai spending, like ail spending, le someone's incarne. Massive cuts ln any spending increase unemploymont, IncreaseO IC and welfame payrnents, decrease gavommont tax revenue and Increase the ioderai deficit. Less g ovemmont spend- ng means s - sturunkon market. muiess wiil nat start hiring ta praduce more ln a sturunken market. attamrpt ta bring the federai deficit tai zero in direa years by drastically cut- ting faderaI spon- ding waouid tum dia HARRY POPE recession inte s ful-scale depras- sion, and maka dia faderai daficit aven worse. We are as sorious as anyene aise in gatting rid ai the faderai deficut but would do se in a way that aise gets rid ai unomplayment. And dia way ta do t is diraugh permanent l0w intereat rates. Here's how it warks. High interest rates result in massive inflows ai foreign money ta buy aur bonds. But it is crazy for acountry with tigh unemployment ta borrow abroad. Foreign money can only ba usod te buy forai gn g ode and services and pay intarest and dividends on past inflows of fori% g ney. la will instruct dia Bank ai Canada ta iower interest rates at least te the American levai. Foreignors will thon stop lending us die $30 billion of foreign meney they hava been Ionding us esotu year. We cannot thon impart more goods anservces dian we export: dia foreign monoy wili not be thora te allow. Lower interest rates ramove dia artificial, harmful support for aur dollar. It wili drap ta about 70 cents Amorican: exports wiii rise and imports wuii drap untii aur total trade balance improves by $30 billion. This wiil croate at least 300,000 naw jobs. With the spinoifs, unmlyment wifl drap woll boaw a milion for theofirattimeosince 198 1. Far fewer people.on UIC and welfare and far more people paying incame and sales taxes will greatiy decreasa govemmant deficits. And wii pr* iae dernand gmeatiy increased, naw wilI bo i tihè me ta cut wiasteful govemment sponding wherevor it axists. The deficit wiII dsappoar entirely long beforo 1999 - and se will unamplaymant. NATURAL LAW PARTY By Mîcheal P. Larmand The basis ai the Natural Law Party's platfarm is 'A Group for s Govemmont' - a g roup ai 7,000 people caliectively prectising oi transcendantal meditatien' (TM) and TMoreiman 40rog re ycontrolied studies demonstrae how collective stress, tension and faar are reduced as indicated by decreased crirna, violence and sickness and irnproved econamic indicators. The purpose ai this group is ta enliven naturel Iaw un national consciousness; ta mako the gavemmont invincible by hamessing the full support ai naturo; and ta croate suc h an uudomtablo influence a ositivuty and cotuerence~ throughout the naton that al nagativo hiunkung will dissolve just as darkness is dissoived when a ilghtt is switched on. The Graup for a Govomrment will salve the probiems ai aur nation by cannecting national consciousness ta ifs source in nature's intelligence. Without die nourishing support ai natume's intelligence, no govammant can hope ta satiisiy the diverse naods and dosires ai al dia indivdusis and groups fati s country. The dynamics ai dia Graup for a Govarnment are abstract and subtie. The group doas flot directly contact individuale - it Juat quuetiy practises the TM and TM-Sii prorarntagether in ane place. itr teîvn celok at a radio transmitr elvn the underlying, all-pervacing electramnagnetic field, thon a recaivar dieusancle ai miles away responda ta diat subtie influence and tiansforms it back inta sound.- basus af al c Gavemment will Society. No one likes oli People like things lis always in den approach. Otheny inefiective approi disappo intrnnt. Don't vote for i sarne empty prarr ~ uavur those faUOIure? failure. falr5oyau favu will favour yau. NEW DEJ By Lue This eliction eoanomic chang Canadan joabs. Canadians h avei health care syster pension cheques, the kind of future% Canada woi when Canadiai work My party a 1 entered t# nwith njobs pli -one which v croate 1.5 mlii new jobs, hE reduce the defi and keep inflation check. Our plan1 cludes an i structure prognc tai create short-tei jobs through sewi raadway and cai munications praji pragram ta creE providing anoth spaces; and a g ravide capital usunesses wiII en As weIl, currei development wat and retraininq m refundable trainin ta enable comI prograrns.~,f effect in 1989,. daily. Early praje Jobs dsappearn decreasing by $5 Free Trade Agree FTA and flot proc the largest tradinç Weve had a ga FROGRES, By F lhere are th~ asking you ta vol this country,l1 bel thorough 3'enja polofýurban Many voters I and uncertaîin i unestaal challenging times Jobsscrt for qrantedas tii laoking for slgns present econom4 on ta better timeà That baslcall ail about. Peop and by encaurM m- neatuan, the Group for a nauristu eve<y aresaif lie ln Id and stalle fruits and flowers. that are fresh. What le frestu rnand. This le a irestu, new ise, wlh any ai the aid )aches, yau iwill only finci tse who have repeated the uises, eleton after election. If 9wha have falled, yau are' 1Don't waste yaur vote an our Naturel Law, naturel Law MOCRAllO PARTY .y Rybka-Bsckor us about the need for real ;a. les about protecting lt's about ensuring that an affordable and accessible M,. ltes about pay cheq1ues and -,ls about taxes. Ies about we want for aur families. ins tnd la !on re- ~i l C YKABCE ir, ectsa ntoa cid r ata4m 0 e b hi jetanational nosmtiud ta ta Canadian-owued small reste 200,000 jobs. nt investrnent un research and ild double. Workiorce training Nould, be a real priority. A g levy would be implemented ipanues ta set up training e-trade agreement came inta 20job-ohavedisappeared 3cions tuwanather000 u2 and tte average wsge 580 under the North American ament We wouîd abrogate the ceed with NAFTA. Canada le g paniner ai the United States. di trading relstionship for more BIVE CONSERVAInVE loss Stevenson me basic reasons why lm ite for meon Oct 25 - i love have It tuas a great future, and yt helping and worldng with the n. have tald me they're unhappy about whaVs ahead. That's ln these difficult and and prosperity can't be taken iey once were. Canadians are ai hope, ta be gulded through d and financlal difficulties, and laI what the Oct. 25 election la e want nspired leadership ta bring new feelungs ai hope and oppor- tunit. 1 believe the cloar answer Is Prime NUnister IKlm Camnpbell and our àý Progressive Con- servative tearn. We have the only roalistic pro- gram for leading Caaata pros- iiig emment, dNSONmrng taxes, EiNgO busunesesta.ae sk

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