Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1993, p. 30

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Page 30, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 20, 1M9 .......... .................. ........ ....... ...... ... .... .................. ................. ... ...... ... ... ... REAL ESTATE AUCTION FOR RON & ANNE NANCEKIEVILL FORMER ANDY JONES FARM, ISLAY CORNERS 4 MILES NORTH 0F CAMBRAY SATURDAY, OCT. 30, 11 A.M. 100 acre 1tarm with 3 bedroom house log covered with aluminum, 2 bedrooms, barn, driving shed, grgspring ted pond, 2 welîs. Sa0aacres workable, approx. 20 acres maple bush, 20 acres pasture, good fonces. SelIing subject te low roserve. Terms $5,Ã"00Oat sale, balance 30 days. View earîy te arrange financing. Cail: ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 705-,324-2783 LINDSAY PERSONAL LOANS lrom $1.000 and up for any purpose. Quick approvals. 436-8104. THANKS te HoIy Spirit, Sacred Heart, Blessed Mary & St. Judo fer answor ta prayers. R.W. SAY THIS PRAYER 9 times a day. By the th day, your prayer wiflb. answered. I has nover been knawn te tail. "May the Sacrod Heart ef Jesus be aored, gîorif iod, Ioved and preservod throughout the world. O Sacred Heart ef J esus pray for us. St. Jude, worker ef miracles. pray for us. St. Judo helper af the oheloss, pray fer us. Publication must be promisod. Thank yeu for faveurs reoeivod. RC. THANKS TO ST. JUDE for blesslngs recelved. M.H.H. O HOLY ST. JUDE, apestle and martyr, great in-virtue and rich in miracles, near Kinsman et Jesus Christ, Faithful Intercessor ai al who Invoke yaur special patronage in time ef need te yeu I have recours. tram the depth af my heart and humbty beg te, whem God has given such great power te corne te my assistance. Holp me In. my present urgent petitien. In return, I promise te mako your name known and cause you te b.e invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hall Marys and Glarias. Publication must b. promised. St. Judo pray fer us and ail who invoke your aid. Amen. This Novena must b. said fer nino consecutive days. S.S. BAHAIS BEUEVE. Love is the spirit et lite unte the aderned bedy et mankind, the establisher of truo civilizatian in this mertai world, and the shedder et imperishable giory upon every high-aimin9 race and nation-.For information and discussion calI 668-8665. THANKS TO THE HOLY spirit, Sacred Heart of J esus and St. Judo for laveurs received. RS. ... .. .. .. .. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OFWHITBY IN THE MATIER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.0. 1990, C. 0.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LAND AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Counicil of thra Corporation of the Town of Whitby has passed By-law No. 3367-93 te desîgnate the followung prperty as being 9f historic and architectural value or interest under PartVaithe Ontoari Hrtage ActR.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18. The George Glîcreet House 306 GllbetStreet West WHITBY, Ontarle REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 306 GILBERT STREET WEST. WHITBY kSI0BIC George Gilcrest built the home at 306 Gilbert Street during the year of 1876. The 20-lt. X 20-lt. home has had numerous occupants since its construction, most notably the Emmett and Oke lamilies. ln addition, fram 1950 te 1959 it was rented b y the Whitby detachment ai the Ontario Provincial Police. The OPP put in an ou tfumace <1950>, constructed a garage <1952> and an addition te the rear of the home in 1953. Over the years ai the home transferring ownership, the home has undergone some restoration and renovations. A replica side porch was addedf in 1988. During the construction of the porch, the date 1843 was incorporated into the barge board under the front eaves, however, evidence clearly indicates the construction et the home to be 1876. ARCHITECTURAL The ho me displays a goad representation ai modest housing for the rie*dd around 1876. The basic storey and a hall, rough cast form, with isgable end to the street, was popular fer inexpensive housing for severai decades. With the plain roughcast surfaèe, it reied on the placement of oponings te define its proportions, and is enlivened by slightiy pedimented lntels on the front bays. Restorateon has added the verandah, barge board, bracketed door hood and door surrounds. The house also has important streetscape value by contributing te a row eft. later gabled lronted houses. DATED at the Town ai Whitby tmis 6th day of October, 1993. DONALD G. McKAY TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F TNE TOWN 0F WI-ITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WIIITBY, ONTARIO LUN 2M8 PHONE: (905) 668-5803 TKANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heait ot Jesus fer faveurs recerved. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus b. adiored, giorified, Ioved and preserved throughaut the warld now and forevor. Oh, Sacred Hoart ofl Jesus pray for us, St. Jude werker of miracles pray fer us, St. Jude helper et the hopeless pray fer us. Say this prayer nine times aday.Ry t he.eiglith da your p rayer wil beanrez regardless cof how hepeloss your ,stuation seems. Publication must b. promised. FRW. PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday to Friday 9 a.m. ta 9p.n 430-1328M ...ONM, c9nnectîn 24 HOUR PERSONAL AD DATIELNE - FREE TO CALL - FREE TO LADIES SEEKING GENTS - MEN AS LOW AS 970 A DAY 430-7060 WOMAN LOOKING for man between 30-35. Sensitive, Ioving, honest, non-smoker, canng, sincere, also enjoys nights out dancing, walks by the lake, bewhna and camping. Church goor. 4Y3-6992. z z........:z.. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18 AND IN THE MATIER 0F LAND AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO' NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby has passed By-a No. 3368-93 to designate the lollowing prpryas eing ohistori and architectural value or interest under Part IV ofthe Ontarie Hage Act, R.S.O. 1990,0.0.18. The WAiliam Carpenter Houso 413 Byron Street South WHITBY, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 413 BYRON STREET SOUTH, WHITBY The subjeot property was owned by a Mr. William Carpenter when the home was constructed in 1854. ARCHITECTURAL The William Carpenter House repesnts an example of mid-l9th century housing and evotution. The"three-bay storey and a half, T-form, clapboard house is thought te have been built in 1854, and has been expanded several times since, without loss of integrity of scale and form. The narrow doorcase is a chief stylistic elernent, with the delicate two light transom, boxed corniers ana symmetrical mouldîngs of the 1840s. Fenesraton is six-over-six sash. The side verandah from the late l9th century has been screened in and a donner buiît to enlarge the south side of the T-wing, which has been extended on the west by a shipîap cabin or summer kitchen. Outbuildings on the north edge of the site create a unfîed ensemble. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 6th day of October, 1993. DONALD G. McKAY TOWN CLERK THE CORPORAllON 0F 11HE TOW%,' 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO Li N 2M8 PHOIiE: (905) 668-5803 ~'S~ N . By onet. Grant Arnold Durham Regional Police Crime Steoppers and Durham Regianal Police are asildng for the publies help in solving an armed robbery that accurred in Cannington an Wednesday, Aug. 24. Just after midnight, a femide employee closed the Beckers store at 12 Cameron St. and was walIng te the bank ta make a depoit. When the victimi was a short distance from Beckers, one was robbed by two maies weâring nylon stocIng masks. The one suspect pointed a shotgun at the victim and asked her for the meney. The victimi hesitated for a moment. 'fie suspect thon raised the pun te her face and said,'IIl blow your face off." The victxmi turned over the mney' Bath suspects thon ran north on Laidlaw Street and thon east on McKay Street.,Bath suspects got inte a vehicle described as a very dirty, maybe grey-coloured, four-door Ford Escort or Tempo. The suapect with the shatgn l described as maie, white, five foot six inches, with a deepvaice. The other suspect is maie, white, quite young (maybe aged 15 ta 16), maybe five foot eight inches, with blonde har. Crime Stoppera will pay up ta $1,000 for information on this robbery or any other seriaus crime. Cali 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS). As a caller yau will net have te identify yourselfaor have togo tecourt. Acode number will be issued to youto protect your identity. Sergeant Grant Arnold is the ca-ardinator with the Durham Reianal Crime Stoppera prograrn and writes this article te help combat crime. Child Find Ontario needs volunteera te initiate the formation of a Durham Region chapter. The new chapter wîll require six ta 10 vlunteers ta form an executive cammittee and an additional 30 volunteera ta assist in the delivery of Child FInd msvices ta the 'regien. A minimum tâue commnitment of four hours per month is required. nTome interested in volunteering may oeil the head office at (905) 842-5353 (Oakville) or 1-800-387-7962.

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