Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1993, p. 31

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Wlaby Free Pres Wec*nesday. Octeber 20. 1993 Page 31 Ashbarn resi'dents hear fr4om 7 candidates PROM PAGE 24 in Canadian pelitics. "We feel the aid ways ef daing business in this country are net werking,» said the 25-year-oid Courtice resident. "But we have to ask what we want from the next parliamont. Do we want it te werk together an our preblems or do we cen- tinue the way we've been gaing?» ho asked. Smyth said Refarm ie cam- paigning an three main issues --pariamentary referm, rovamp- ing the criminai justice system and deficit reduction. As for hie firet point, Smyth said, "If it (parliament) was warking, I wouldn't be standing here teday. "We'd like to see the link restoed betwoen yeu and yeur This wouid be achievod by aleowing more free vetes in the Heuse of Commens se that MPs ceuld vote according te their con- stituents' wishes, rather than foi- lowing the party lUne, Smyth explained. A Referm gevernment weuld ais e rmit voters te «rocali» their ýdPs i f a majrity of the riding's rosidonts were disatis- flied with the member's perfer- mance, Smyth said. In additien, a Reform gern- ment weuid reduce the deficit in three years er cali an electien, he added. National Party candidate Harry Pope said Canada must abandon its current econamic peiicies. "A financiai anaiyst in the Glebe and Mail saye we are heading for a crash and p ast the peint of ne return,» said Pope. «That's true, as long as we keep feliawing the present poli- clos,» ho ciaimed. Pape said the government can- net afford te keep berrewing $30 billion a year te pay its bis. "When you berrow meney abread yeu're creating jebs in feoreign cauntries,» ho said. "The crash wili cerne when fereign lenders say wo'vo gene pasteour limit.» Aithough Pape, a retired ecanamie professer and auther, feels a lawer dollar wiil benofit Canada by making imperts mare exponsivo, thereby fercing indus- try te praduce mare geoda hore, it muet net eccur quickiy. "We have te get the econamy grewing first,» ho said. "Eventuaiiy wo sheuid eut the doficit, but you den't start by croating unempaloyment. You den't destrey the economy tiret.» Judy Hurvid of the Green Party emphasized her party's commitmont te the envirenment. A Greený Party. government weuld institute poiicies that pro- vide «seciaily usefui and enviren- mentaily friendiy empioyment," said Hurvid. Her party wouid cut subsidies and taxindustris which pollute, while previdingn incentives to those that deonet harmn the environment. A Greeni gevernment weuld aise botter manage Canada's renewable reseurces such as fer- ests and fisheries "se that people whe depend en thom wil1 have jebs in the future," said Hurvid. Durk Bruinsma of the Chris- tian Heritage Party demanded a return te the "supremacy of God" and the Judeo-Christian values an which Canada was feunded. "Canada's cultural ad siri- tuai system is erading fat. Canadians are iesing their visien,» he said. Bruinsma's partie weuid pre- tect the rights of the unbern, reformn the criminal' justice sys- tem and «make it iliegai fer governments te pass doficit budgets,» he said. Durham ridîng candidates: Why you should vote for me FROM PAGE 26 and invest money, thus creating the gped jobs that Canadiane need. im Campbell has brought a refreshing new style et, govemment, one that is open, acsible, straightforward and respansive te the issues that concem Canadians. One major concemn is jobs. We've learned tram the past 25 years that govemments alone can't create em ployment. If govemment overspending was the way ta prospenity, we'd be booming. We aren't - because gavemment deficits cause hig her taxes, which meane less meney for people te spend, and jobs are killed. lVs a tact that in the past decade four eut et five new jobs were created by emal businesses. thars why we've stimulated their empîoyment petenti with easier capital flnancung and tax concessions. Just since Apil, that has created more than 80,000 new jobs. Were on the right track, and Kim Campbel deserves a chance to shçw how much more she can do for Canada. On Oct, 25, voters can decide whether they want a leader who says the best way te build toreign trade, which provides jobs for one in three Canadians and is se important to aur local auto industries, is by renouncing our International trade agreements. Voters muet decide whether they support those who plan te demoiish health care, seniors' pensions and ether cherished social '-the Prgesv Conservative goal is lang-term sol1utiSons for a healthy national economny, te create new opportunities and jobs for Canadians. Were commtted te preservung Canadas woud-leading quality et lite - excellence In health cae, better educatian and safety withln aur communities. We'Il provide a gevemment that leade by example, holding down taxes and living within its means, like everyone else. As MP I've enjoyed boasting Durham, by securing federal assistance for numnerous industries and institutions, getting Oshawa airport mademized and the new RCMP detachment for Clarington. M staff and I have helped literally tens eft tousands et people salve their pension, citizenship, unemployment ineurance and other probleme involving govomment. With our support on Oct. 25, we can continue building towards the caring and prosperous future we want for Canada. REFORM PARTY By Ian Smyth For too long the volce et Canada's silent majority has been drowned eut by the vocal minority an d special interest groupe. The Reform Party envisions a 'New Canada,' and has bath the courage and conviction te make it haplen. te our parliamentary system are crucial in erder te reetore true democ- racy te Canada. Loyalty te con- stituents should be a higher priarity than Ioyalty te any shouîd have more free debates and votes in the House of Commane and guve aIl Canadians mare sy in national decsin through referen- dums and ctizens' A MW initiatives. Lers eneure aIl peliticians do the job they were elected te de by giving Canadians the power te recal them if they don't. The national debt is the root cause et two et the graveet probleme facing Canada today: joblessness and the erosien et social pro a in Canada teday supports the principle et maintaining social programs. But ask your candidates how their party wîll manage ta sustain social programe, given that 32 cents at every tax dollar is spent solely on paying the interest on the national debt. Reform 's answer s "We must eliminate the deficit. We must free up that 32 cents ta be redirected te one ot two places: either to social programs, or te citizens in the torm et tax relief." Tax relief wilI quickly translate into jobs. A dollar left in the hands et an indivudual s much more effective in stimulating jobs and the economy than a dollar Ieft in the hands et a govemment bureaucrat. Elimination o! the deficit requires setting spendinq priorities. Retorm's solution includes the elimination et handouts te business and special interest groupe, but preserves tederal funding at current levels for many social programs, including health care, advanced education and Canada Pension. The Reform Party believes we need to restore balance ta criminal justice. We have three proposais for accomplishing this. First, reform the parole syetemn to b e responsible and accounitable. This includles elimination of patronage in selecting parole board members, proper training for these members and tightening up the granting ef parole. Second, victime' rights mnust receive higher priority in the torm et financial compensation by the guilty party and the granting et "officiai standing" te victime in ail criminal cases and parole board hearings. Third, the Young Offenders Act muet be overhauled te protect the public and deter yeung people tram participating in crimes. The Reform Party envisians a 'New Canada' - a balanced I demacratic tedieratien et provinces in wihail citizens and provinces -- are treated equally regardless et race, Ianguag, .gender or culture. tsdistinguishing characteristics sheuld be the viability et its ecanam, heconservatien et its envirenment, the sustaInabiîlity et Its social services, respect fer human treedems and gevemments mhat live within their means. than 40 years threugh GATT and the Auto Pact, en which wo can build. New Democrats will efend the integi f e aur health care systen@i by stablizingederal transfer payments; suppertung heaîth research; prameting preventive care; and repealing the drug patent legislatien which increases drug cests fer ardinary Canadians. Othor social programe such as pensiens and unemrpleyment insurance must be protected te ensure that Canadians live with dignity and security. We have a detaled plIan foer eIiminatinq the GST, a regressive tax that hits 10w and middle eamers the hardest. We advocate a tairer, more pirogressive tax system. In 1992, 63,000 profitab le cempanies didn't pay a cent in taxes. We would eliminate many et the tax loopholes that aliew them te withheid taxes. Taday, $70 billin is sheltered awayfe taxes in private trusts set up by the wealthfytor their children. We weuld bnng in a weaith tax, as weII as a tax on private trusts that benetit the ichest Our party would abolish the Senate immediately. It costs taxpayers $150,000 a day. I premise ta flght for this cemmunity, te work full time. I promise te work hard, with compassion commitment and enthusiasm on your behaîf. Ontario riding çandidates: Why yu should vote for me representatian aeiprtant. That is why I amn The people et Ontario riding have built an Criminel jstce reform le an issue that tl FROM PAGE 15 proud te offer myreor for your consideretion. enviable quality.et life ln thi community. 1 i ate wish would go away. They wiiI ri ? pr entwiI e gve techrtredbaks In 1988 I promised te be an MP who was understand how important it is te pratect thet: 1 discues it. Why? They have ne solid polic 0t ro cet bableitems <uch a s ban accessible, available and accauntable. When was raieed here and I have chosen te raise my People on eanly release tram prison murder îtdeoo or d an be rictes hatierst rae y au called my constituency office. I retumned tamuly here. i ask for your support te make sure Canadiane a year and commit more than 3,01 nde mre tan e ertifce nt reprautie the cail. When yeu wrote ta me, 1 personaily that govemment in Ottawa respects thet, crimes. OnIy Referm eays it will canc f oret n tivit eciey n th rdiveay responcdd hen cemmunity groups wanted te 1 a gain offer you my commitment. I wiil be autometic release. Criminaîs will serve theirt r relate activies exbecemelymInet, I wa s m ' available, ne matter how tough or accessible, evailable and accounitable ta My sentence. anke will be called upon ta ucoe npaua h _______w_ _ cntiuns epcful s o or Young offenders kilI 30 te 35 people a ye. sponsible ýpartners wth die tederai bank in issu the continued sup1eport ul s fry yet they serve enîy three te five years. WeY Issu. cotined sppor. atornatfiaiv transfnr them to aduit court the'matter ai issuing new credits. We agree ta the necessity af medemiîzing our railways, built in large part ever 75 years aga, ta lmpraving aur reads, ta setting Up a national water management prog ram such as the North Amenican Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) te increasinop our installed base af pawer generation equi pment (mostiy if we expeot an ircrease in iridustuial activity). On the mattor of railreads, the existing proectof uilinga hghýpee trinservice ct o ntheilQube-Widrcorridor is an example at the directieon we must tellaw. The introduction af magnetic levitation propulsian technaoies is aise desrable. On the tapic et energy, me CANDU nudlear technalogy <which we must medemize) will be the fiagship et aur ex p rt strategybeause etthe world-renewned ez en ai otsçeanadsan-designed reactor. Te severelgnty of the. citizen We prapose a retum ot the enigins et accidentai culture, that is, to the instigation et great cultural proýects such as the develapment et choral sacleties in elemnentary an h schaels, aiming te revive arnd populaiize BE Canto sanging teaching and classical music as a wMole. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVAT1VE By Rêne Sostens Dear constituents et Ontaria ridlng: Many vaters tel me tluey are unclecided. I understand their hesitatien. This is a cnica decision fer aur country and aur ridng. Strong leadership and effective, responsive Ev~ery month I met with censtu- tuents in regular town hall meetings. When there were major issues luke the constitution or4 govemment spen- cing cyts, i sought o ur views to tae yaur behalf. I chiengedte Minister otf inance RENE SOETENS ta eut back aon MPs' pensions and benefits. I successfully pushed tor taugher reforme in the sentences handed eut te offendors. As chair et a govemment committee, I amn eliminating red tape that frustrates the ability et emali business te croate more jabs. Yu have heard the views et aur party leaders. You have seen their pelicies. The chaice is yaurs te mako. On the national scene, you can choose the Reterm Party with their *hack and slash" approach to the social pragrarne yeu value. Vou can choose the Uberale, whese leader stilI believes the old approach et more gavemment spending wIlantswer our natien's prabieme. or, you can clicese the Conservative Party, whose bakanced a'peah ta deficit reduction, jobs creation and sacalplicy reform will pravide effective anda oraegovernment. REFORM PARTY By Don Sullilvan Retormers believe this election may be aur last chance te preserve the values that make Canadla unique in the world. We are the party et change. The party has many quality policies. There are severai I want ta comment on, spociflcally. Reform MPs will be the peoples' voice in Parluament, net Ottawas puppet un the riding. Our poiicy an recalling yeur MP, referendums and citizes' iii- atives wili guaran- romain a populiet pae have clearly shown that we are change. We are as different fram the *traditianal* parties night. While we speak of issues and pelicies. they practise old-sIyle DON1 SWJVAN palitics, spenouing1 millions ef dollars attacking us with negative style ad campaigns. TIuey woiVt taik specifice. They say 'trust us" and we wili tell yau aur plans alter yau eleot us. Twenty-flve years et fiscal irresponsubility have beftraed that trust the flot 000 cel ,tull ear, wull LIf convicted toy will reoive adult sentences. The Young Offenders' Act has pîaced a wedge et cii libertarian Iawyers and social workers between parents and children. The act toles us how ta raise our children and tells teachers they cannot discipline them. Our vision of a 'New Canada' is a union et equal poices and territeries with equal statue for ail, and special statue for none. Ail Canadians are equai, ne matter where they were bemn their ethnic origin or their religion. The faderai govemment muet vugorousiy prosecute ail cases et discrimination i have ived in this riding since my retum frem the Korean War. I have served as a police efficer or a flrefighter almost ail my aduit life. 1 arn stili a iaw enforcement officer. i know our local prebleme. A Reform Party MP is the best one te address these probleme. When you onter the polling bceth do net let a 10-second TV clip or one sentence tram a 30-mninute speech sway yeu. When yeu vote, decide if you like the statue que or if y au want a truly demnocratic Parliamrent, a 'Reformed' Parliament ttw 4~.1IotUstPe4 'and- wi tir; of or ba re,

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