Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1993, p. 3

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Whitby Free Press, Wechnsday. October 20,1993. Page 3 Repairs at harbour Items from Whitby Council* agenda(s) Monday, October 18, Plannig and Development Committee That the Ontario Ministry of Envlronment and Energy be told Whitby doesn't objeot to amending a provisional certif icate of approval to permit Co-Steel Lasco 10 dump another 100,000 tonnes of automobile shredder waste Into a temporary disposai site on the company's property. Co-Steel Lasco is awaiting provincial approval 10 dump waste ln a massive berm near the Lake Ontario shoreline. This will be the second extension granted to the company. The original certificate specified 125,000 tonnes and was amended last year 10 allow 50,000 more tonnes. Recommended to coundil That a site plan application f rom the Grand Oak Group 10 permit a 89-unit townhouse development on the northeast corner of Brook Street North and Wallace Drive be approved. Council approved a 128-unit apartment building for the site last year but the developerwas unsuccessful ln marketing the complex s0 a revsed site plan was submitted. Recommended to council That rezonlng and officiaI plan amendment applications f rom Klng East Developments for a 6.1 -acre site on the southwest corner of Consumers Drive and Thlckson Road South be approved. The developer is seeklng to bulid a retail nursery (White Rose); professional offices and a restaurant on the vacant Çtemended to council Operations Committee That council ask the Ontario Minlstry of Transportation not deduet money it pays for Go fare Integration f rom the regular Whitby Transit operating subsldy. Go announcod in May that il would cul subsidies Rt pays to integrate local transit tares withifts own from75 percent antMcpated this year. Fares wlll have 10 be ncreased at least 12 percent 10 make up the shortfaiL Reconumended to council By Mike Kowalsld Whitby harbour will undergo miner repaire during the next few weeks. The maintenance work -- a $110,000 project of the smal crafts harbour branch of Fish- cries & Ooeans Canada -- wili primarily consist of repaire te the east wall and pier cf the harbour. In fact, work crews frem Gerr Construction of Bowmanviiie,, the project's contracter, are aiready on site. Duane Banchard, the branch's senior prograrn development offi- cer, said the repaire are «basi- caily maintenance work» which is the rcsponeibility cf the faderai governiment. The. work wiii include repaire te the outer end cf the east pier improvements te the east wall and removrng metal protrusiens from the pier, Blanchard said. A concrete «apron" will aiea be instalied along the 430-metre waii fer «safety reasons» due te erosien undermining the existing structure, ha said. ..... . .. More than $1,700 in cash, cigarettes a.nd othar items were stelen aftar a break-in at Pizza Pizza Sunday morning. Police say the cuiprit(s) apparentiy tried unsucccsefully te get in threugh the rear deer before prying open the front deer cf the. 315 -Dundas St. E. res- taurant. Ameng the items taken were soma $500 werth cf pizza boxes and single llce serving fraye, 36 packages cf cigarettes, fleat money, a cordiese telephone and a portable stereo. Winterizi7ng ,_ Fertilizer WUMémU siza icol and isceasa roitao C ' ! Ze70 0 s q .tole e at rd e n B g Corner of Bayly & Lakaidge, Ajax 427-2525 OPEN 4~ i~4 SUNDAY 01N Cr Sae ptice I ! 1 L effective untl Oct. 28M3 or witeO B4yS quantities ast. B"S . Blanchard confirmed that soeaof the werk invoives repair- ing damage caused by the Prince Edward Island ferry boat which was once docked at the harbeur. However, Blanchard termed the damnage "fariy euperficiaI» and said it had ne bearing on the decisien te, do the project. «It's werk which would have te be donc anyway » heesaid. To Blanchard 9s owedge, the government has ne intention cf seeking compensation fer that p art cf the repaire frem the boaes owner. (A source ef frustration fer local officiais fer many yeare, the boat was finaiiy towed eut cf the harbeur last year and taken to Toronte where it now reste in that city's harbour.) Whitby councilier John Doîstra told The Frac Press the main- tenance work is part of an over- ail program te improve the appearance cf the harbeur. Heexpacte next year's Town budget te, includa funding for eafety railinge aieng the pier plus more parking facilities and parkland. «Wa're net looking at substan- tiai dollars but wc want te do something te enhanca Port Whitby," said Doletra. With Coscan Devciopment Corporation's -Harbour Isle pro- . ot "hopefuliy ceming on stream b ythe end cf '94," Deistra said 'Witby residents «will start te, sac soe changes dewn thera» Harbour Isle is a $150-miilion residential-commarcial complex which wiil straddie both sides of Brack Street. It will censiet of three apart- recreation centre and commercial units. )The style you want.. Thefabicyou wanL. Y At the price you want! -The Lane®Custom Cover Sale Choose any style of Lane Sofa, Loveseat or Chair. Have it custom buiît in any one of 880 decoratorfabrics; plus save 25%from the regular price. SAVING OF 25 j» ftITEÈ 70RsindR.W, si, 5666 DO YOU HAVE A BROKEN WINDSHIL? ON VOUR INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE WITH THIS AD* Whltby Auto Glass uses an Incrodibis nsw procoas to repair * WUhft1~twlndshleld stone chips. insAnd lo. A suranâep Y ihi& ~~ *~~i fini &~tfee~le

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