Whitby Free Press, 27 Oct 1993, p. 15

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Whitby Free Press, We&iesday. October 27,1993, Page 15 0MB rejeets motion YMCA art auction upcommg On Fridlay, Nov. 12, the Durham Region YMCA will hold its l3th annual gala art auction at the Whitby Yacht Club. A preview will be at 6:30 p.m. with the auction beginning at 8 p.m. This year's featured artist is Durham Regions Walter Camnpbell, renowned for his dry brush watercolour paintings featuring Victorian homes, accented by tamiiy scenes or special occasion themes which bring the buildings te, life. The auctien, pianned in ceoperation with Beaux Arts Internationale Ltd., wvill present a collection et 130 pieces et art with starting bids 30 te 50 per cent below gallery prices. The premier fundraising event Library holds book contest for kds A short stery centest is being heid at the Whitby Public Libr- rYThe winnin (or most croative) stery will b selected by chief iibrarian Ken Roberts. Chiidren aged 6 and over can submit their own four- te, six- page picture book, with a sen- tence or two on each page. Books A selection ef recent paintings by Canadian artist Richard Sturm will open at the Robert McLaughiin Gallery Oct. 28. The public is invited te meet the artist at a reception on Thursday, Oct. 28, 7 te 9 p.m. Jean Murray, directer, says "lSturmnjs paintings are et different colour harmonies resonating through large dots, crisscrossed strokes, or flecks.. 'Tnere's ne doubt that Sturm is a new luminary, flexing his talent with a successful leap ef vision. What is a surprise is the An exhibition of paintings by members ef Painters Eleven and more recent artists, 'descendants' o-the abstractionist grôu ill open at the Robert MCcLauhln Gallery on Oct. 28. At a time in Canadian histery whon art was dominated by the conservative esthetic of the Group of Seven and Canadian Group et Painters, and exhibition opotni»ties were limited te the juied show of the varieus art societies, the members ofPainters Eleven recognized a need for change, and grouped together te show work that reflected a more contemporary approach and international outiook. As a group, they exhibited widely duning their seven-year history (1953-1960), with shows in New York (1956). Montreal <777?> Color Your Worid~ ~wwI should include a bright, coleurful cover. The deadiine for ontries is Nov. 5. Ail works will be on displa during Canadian Children's Book Week, Nov. 13 to 20. For more information caîl the library at 668-6531. new-tound-land he's wrestled back froni the past-modern painters. What he's telling us is an old messewith a new twist: lot there be light, but according te Sturm." Sturm's work has its own signature style. His paintings have a dazzling neot of clour: the brilliantly urgent impact et Byzantine mosaica, an effect that's highlighted by the three-dimensional quality of his surfaces. Underneath his surface layer, another layer of colour appears te movo, suggesting that one looks at an unfolding story. (1958, 1960) exhibition (1958-59). and a circulatiwg acrees Canada The group is generally credited with introducing an international style of abstraction as a significant force te Canadian art, and their work provided an exemple and touchstone for such later artists as Grahamn Coughtry, Richard Gorman and Grdon Rayner, as well as a « third' generation Of abstractionisté including Alex Cameron, David Bolduc and Paul Sloggett. These two exhibitions, drawn fromn the gallery's permanent collection, will show work by al three generations, demonstrating the Painters Eleven's continuing influence. for the YMCA's Comniunity Fund offers peopie the opportunity te acquire affordable art whiie providing financial assistance for children te, attend YMCA prograros. ickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. Patron tickets niay aise be purchased at $30. To purchase tickets or for further information cail the Durhanm Region YMCA at 668-6868. Spooky~ stories 5r Countess Dracula wili be at the Whitby Public iàbrary to tel soîne spooky stories te children aged 7 te 10 on Saturday, Oct. 30, 10:30 to 11:30 p.m. Register now at the children's desk. For more information, cali the library at 668-6531 or 668-6541. In this, tee, Sturm recails niosaic artists. Hlis work has a visual rhythmn simuitaneously joyous, tonic and full of inysterieus dopth. Raised in Buffalo,. N.Y., Sturm is a resident of Peterborough and Toronto. Ho studied in the bachelor of fine arts prograrn at State University ef New York, Buffalo. Ho moved te Toronte and held a position as staff photegrapher at the Art Gallery of Ontario. WVhile there, ho alse instructed children in film and painting classes. Sturm's exhibition history includes solo shows at the Isaass Gallery, Toronto, 1979; Anderson Gallery, Buffalo, New York, 1992; Starkman Fine Art, Toronto, 1992; and the Art Gallery of Peterborough, 1993. 'Recent Works by Richard Sturm' continues in Oshawa until Jan. 2. .Unique gif t ideas, designe with fteear i in mind. S harbs& spices* *besax candles * *ceramirpotffr - books & music - mtaive crafte j'Ir*cards &calendar *recycied glassware m atural bodycare *ege#,1ial oi1 & fagJiion & jewelry * ~BridgehedQ fbr a free cataloge I.*8 * .. Ve'-F %eszAm 7J_ c4 GELLED FLAT CEILING LATEX $1 796c 3.785L Cali ave or Sanra - AFTER SALE PRICE $35.92 mm e FROM PAGE 1 now being built in Ajax wili be sufficient te serve Durhamn ReTion. ioth Costco and Price Club seil food and department store merchandise in bulk fermi and operate on a memb>ership basis se that customers can take advantage ef cheaper prices. Erice Club would have been part et a joint development with Aikenhead's -- a hardware and building su pplies warehouse owned by Molson's -- on Victoria Street, east of Thickson Road South. Invar, which owns the vacant 22-acre site, has filed rezoning and officiai plan amendment applications te permit the two warehouse operations. Aithough Wityand Durham Region councils approved the project earlier this year, Invar's proposai has met with opposi- tion. Several area businesses and chain stores object te, the deve- iopment for a variety et reasens, such as inadequate marketing studios and lees of jobs elsewhere in the community. Whitby officials maintain that the impact on existirig jobs will be temporary and that market- ing studios support the project. The 'equivalent' of 540 full- time jobs were expected te be created by the two stores, which were prejected te have combined sales of $135 million in the first year ef operation. (Equivalent means that two part-time jobs at 20 heurs per week are considered one full- time position.) Aithough the demise ef Price Club means the loss ef a poen- tial 300 jobs, Whitby and Invar officiais are confident another warehouse rotailer will bo found te replace Price Club. Whitby planning director Bob Short teld the Free Press that as a result ef Baines' ruling, the board will consider the land use and zoning changes sought by Invar even though ne new tenant is in place. The hearing -- which may take up te 12 weeks -- will begin next Feb. 28. ...... ... .................. .......... ........ .. ........ .............. ......U G Sturm has signature style' Greeting Cards + Gift Wrap Gifts * Picture Frames + Plush + Stafionery WHITBY MALL 723-2857 + Mon.-Sat. 9-9, Sun. 12-5 ~* ** /IIlE *S** *p COMMUNFTV VIDEO S(JPERSTORE MELANIE GRIFFITH JOHN GOODNIAN ' DON JOHNSON BORN YESTERDAY "Irresistible. It's a hip, fun-filled, hilarious 10P" -Amencan Nmovw Claismc MEIL A\IEGRIFIIIIj Joiv GOI)N.,,DON.JOHN ON I3ORS IYESTE"WJy Never underestimate RN the power of an RN underestimatedALTH womnan! FUN! 701 ROSSLAND RD. E. 965 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 430-7735 WHITBY 430-0022 22 STEVENSON RD. S . 110 RITCHI E AVE. OSHAWA 404-0267 AJAX 428-6322 i a Ex* hibit shows nfluence of Painters Eleven

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