Whitby Free Press, 27 Oct 1993, p. 1

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onridiing By Mike Kowali Colour it Liberal red. A wave of voter resentment which helped propel the Liberal Patea majority gevermeènt 'n Mo nrtday's federal élection did net bypass Ontario ridin.iyas For the firat time in14ers Ontario riding voters have sent a Libéral MP te Ottawa. Dan MeTeague, a 30-year-old public relations efficer, comfort- ably beat baek a challenge ftom efrParty candidate Don Sul- livan te win the riding previously heeldbyoessie nerai heid roressieCnevt MeTeague jumped te, an early lead when the first polis reported shortly before 8:80 p.m. and neyer looked back. As was the case with most of his Tory colleagues acros Canada, Soetens was neyer a factor in the race. With ail 361 polis reporting, McTeafue collectod 38,746 votes te Sullhvap's 27,930 and Soetens' 16 836. Miew Democrat Lynn Jacklin trailed far behind with only 2 734 votes while Robert IcMenemy of the National Party received 863 votes. Independaent Doug Anderson had 701 votes and was foliowed by Libertarian George Kozaroif, 418; Scott Laycox of the Green Pary 404; Gerard Morris of the Natual Law Party, 348; Val Hache of the Commonwealth Party, 54, and Peter Woods of the Abolitionist Party, 45. Ontario riding, which includes Whitby Esouth o Taunton Road,, plus Ajax and Pickering, had 122,063 eligible voters. Terming it a "humbling experionce,» the winning candi- date gratefully accepted the cheers and applause of about 300 jubilant supporters gathered in a restaurant adjacent te his Ajax campaign headquarters. "This evening the people of Ontario riding h ave passed on a simple message -- you have exactly four years te turn things around," said MéTeague. Describing his campain wer- kers as a «rag tag army» which was not prepared to, give up, McTeague promised te do the saine. "In the next four years I wont give up on the people of Ontario riding. They will be proud to, return a Liberal candidate te Ottawa," he said te loud applause. During his victer speech, McTeague praised his two coest rivaIs for running «honourable7 camnaioens. "Rene Soetens was a verp good, hard working MP, MTge esaid of the man who had heid the riding since 1988. While he, may have disagreed with Soetens politically, McTeague said he now has usome tail shoes te fill» and hoped te, represent the riding as well as Seetens had. As for his Reform Party opponent, McTeague said Sulli- van "gave us more than a mun for our moncy.» SEE PAGE 25 LASCO: MAY SOON GET DUMP APPROVED. Page 8 Letters ________6 What's On ____12 festyle ______13 Entertainment -14,15 Broeklin ______18 Bazaars 22 Sports_____20-24 School news -___26,27 Reccers Report - 31 40mo 'J DAN McTeague oelebrates his Ontario riding election win Monday night in PIckerng Village. Joining the victory parade were Whitby counilor Judi Longfield <Ileft) and McTeague's financée Daniela Rossi (second from lett. Saturday. McTeague and Rossi will wed on Photo by Jererry Dresar, hitby Free Press WAREHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 0MB rejeets bi*d for adjourniment By Mike KowalskI A bid te adjourn part of a controversial retail warehouse develop ment proposed for Whitby &bas n rejected by -the Ontario Municipai Board. Last week 0MB member T.F. Baines denied a motion te adjourn that portion of a rezon- ing- application which deals with the new defunct Price Club com- ponent of the project. OnsMa% Baines directed that an MBerng next Febmuary will determine the fate of the proposai, even thouh oniy part of it is stili vaiid at this time. At Iast week's pre-hearing con- férence, Bob Jarvis, solicitor for Invar Industrial Ltd., asked Baines te adjourn the Price Club component of the application 'sine cie'(without a date). This would have allowed the board te mile on the Aikenhead s (an unreiated retail warehouse) portion of the development alone. A decision on lands set aside for the Price Club would have been ieft until Invar (the pro- perty owner) found another tenant te re>place Price Club. But Baines muled that the entire application must be heard at one time. Earlier this month, Town offi- ciais learned that Price Club had abandoned plans te buiid in Whitby. T'he decision not te locate in Whitby stemmed from a merger between U.S.-based Costco Ware- house Club and Price Club (aise Aznerican-owned). Cempany officiais feit that a 133.000-square-foot Costco outiet SEE PAGE 15 Dctylight 8avmngs Turn the clock back one heur on Sunday as daylight Bavings time take effée. C---f àh --"*î 1 j

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