.Whity Free Pres, Wodntesd1ay, October 27,.1993. Page 27 'Native Perspect.ives' at college 'Native Perspectives,' a con- ference to e loba 1993, -TMe Year for Indigenous Peoples,' will ho held at Durham College in Oshawa Nov. 12-13. The conference will include workshops, ontertaininent and 'ahoriginal nouvelle cuisine.' Workshops include 'Prophesies -- Pat into Present' (speaker Paul Bour oie); 'Native XWomen' (Martha rancis, Stophanie Sandy and Audrey Caskanette); 'At Peace with our Past' (Sherry Lawson); 'Cultural History' (Basil Johnston); ¶Rebirth of our Nation' (vice-chief Cythia Wes- loy-Esquimiaux); 'Traditienal Spirituality (Neil and Poggy Monge); 'Learning Ojihway Language ThrughSon (Lor- raine McRae, moeno Snache Shir- ley Shilling); 'Treaty Rigâits -- Hunting sud Fishing' (chief Jef Monague); 'History of the Scugog First Nation' (Dr. Ian Johnson); 'Education' (George St. Ger- maine); 'Arts & Entertaiinet (painter Maxine Neel, writer Drew Ha ydon Taylor, chef David Wolfman); 'Future Self-govern- ment' (vice-chief Mol Jacobs). Wolfmfan, captain of a teain that wen seven gold medals at the Culinary Art Olympics in Germany, will pro pare samples of aboriqinal nouvelle cuisine. Ho will also propane a lunch featuring dandelion salad, voni- son, buffaIe, wild rice, roots julienne and wigwam dessert. The Eagle Heart Drummers and Singers, will perform. tradi- tional sud contemporary music. 'Toronte at Droamer's Hock,' a Chalmers Award winner written by. Hayden Taylor, an Ojibway writen froin Curve Lake, will ho perfred. lothing, pottory and antwork will ho sold at an aboriginal arts and crafts stere. For more information cali Eli- zabeth McArthur of DuAlain Col- loeat 721-2000 ext. 2409 or Keelly Ewing of the Scugog Island First Nation at 905-985-3337. Julie Braham TRAFALGAR CASTLE At Trafalgar Castie a long weekend is a big event bocause it is an opportunity for the hoarders to go home. We prepared for it in two traditional ways.: we brought in non-porishable food items for those lesa fortunate than ourselves in our community. This was done in conjunction with the Thsuksgiving service conducted by our principal, Mr. Kamcke, in the chapel. Mr. Kamcke reminded us of the meaning and importance of this holiday. As well, every student at Trafalgar Castie participatod in the annual cross country, run. Suzanne Ogilvie-King sud Stephanie Summers hoth set new records in the senior event. Anianda Eiliott won the junior division of this year's Turkey Trot. Our house soccer season has corne te an end with Carter House in first place. The other houses are awaiting a chance te catch up te Carter during the basketball season net far away. The senior basketball teani distinguished itself with a comne-from-bebind win over Country Day School, 37-33. The leading scorers wene Stephanie Summers with 16 pints and Amy H1ickey with 12 points. Congratulations, teain. Other events at the school recently included a morning of motivational exencises and discussions as weil as a visit frm a representative of Durhamn Regional Police talking to us on the therne of ' Drug Awareness.' Our next hi event is the hazaar tebo eheLdon Saturday, Nov. 6. Ail roceeds go teward the various ch-ties we sponsor throughout the year. Watch for more details in future columns and mark the day on your calendar. The midget basketball teain h as corne a long way since they picked up the bail in September. Rocently, they won a tough gaine 19-11 against St. Mildred's Lghtbourn sehool in, Oakville. Asha James was top scorer with 14 points. Way tcý go, Midgets. Bridgestone/Frestone Canada Inc. and Young Drivers of Canada are encouraging high school students across Canada te create a video message on safe driving. The Bridgestoeolire/Young Drivérs of Canada student video contest offers students an opportumity to communicate safo driving messages te other teons, using their own words and experiences. Porsche and Sony are aise, supperting the 1993 dontest. The videe centest runs until Dec. 31. Winners will ho sneunced Feb. 14 in Toronte. Topies can range frorn sharing the read with other usera, such as bicylists and m-lime akaters, te ether serieus issues related te, driving safoty sud the law. There are individual awards of $5,00, $2,000 and $1,000, as well as a Sony Handcani and other valuable audio'videe, prizes for their echools. Judges will chooso the winning videcs on the monits of studentd creative ideas and the concepts bebind their video message. More information may he ehtained by cafling 1-800-267-4376. BRENT WHETUNG was at Durham College recently to work on his current totem pote and talk about the stories and meanings associated with the art. The Mississaugas of Scugog Island and Durham Colle ge are co-hosting a 'Native Perspectives' conference at the coillege, Nov. 12 and 13 to celebrate 1993, "the year for indigenous peoples." Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press Lucie Rachette CHARLES GARNIER Bonjour. Well, the World Series is ever, sud the Blue Jays have another victeny te add te the growing list. Students are buzzing with excitement over the second straight victory. Last Monday, Oct. 18, various election candidates came te speak te students of legal voting age, those participating in this semestor's Grade 10 Canadian bisteny clasa, students particîpating in the Grade 12 Canadian Iaw clasa, sud students participating in next semester's OAC history class. In attendance were René Sootens of the PC Party, Dan McTeague of the Ià boral Party sud Scott Laycox of the Green Panty. The candidates wore asked te give brief opnng statements cencerning rt artes, and there was a uston-and-answer peniocL The candidates explored such issues as jobs, the national deficit, the environment, education, as well as a few other tepics. Thank you te ail the candidates who were able te make it te the information session. It was very informative, sud we learned a lot. On Tuesday, Oct. 19, students were asked te help encourage the (World Series champion) Blue Jays by wearing a Jays shirt and/or bat with their uniform. There was also a smail activity at the end of second period te get everyene in the Werld Series spirit. It was fun. Thursday, Oct. 21, students in gradep 12 and OAC attended a cellege information session at Monseigneur - De - Chanhonnel Catholic school in Toronto. Schools offeing bilingual programs attended the session. Included in the session were Cambrian College in Sudbury and La Cité Collegiate, as well a few others. Aise on Thursday, our senior boys' volleyball teamx attended a teurnament in Uxhnidge. The boys did a good job of representing our school. Way te go, guys. On Fniday, Oct. 29, student council will hold a Halloween dance. There will ho a pnze for the best costume. Solundalke a hlast. Remember, mid-terms are coming up in less than two weeks. Everyone study bard, new. Gotta fly. A la prochaine. SykIan F"ALeaming Centre. *Boost vour 11111(1s grd(Ies. *I3uiId self-este( su writing. study skills. Iu,,m rksp port and tinte management. 111, , a i ý.ouTiiiig . * Kendal%%(m)d Park + 1801 Dundas St. F, %Vhithy 1