Whitby Free Press, 27 Oct 1993, p. 29

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Whitby Free Press, Wec*iesday, Octaber 27, 1993. Page 29 -- ~nAvié'AU:P ;in ROCWKDRYDEN. Loving HANDYMAN - Remove or move, dlean yards, basements, cut trees. T.V. Towers removed. Cal 655-3004. ACRYUC NAILS BY RUTHIE. If you have short nalis, nao problem. Myhome, day, evening & weekend appointments. Cali 430-1207. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY. Vour wedding day creates many preciaus memories. Preserve those special moments with the heKof Bernan Photography. ALTERATIONS BY MARY. Give 1Our aid wardrabe a new ift. No Job is too smali. Ladies & mens taiiring at reasonable prices. 4 p.m. .- p.m. 436- 1448. FLOORING REPAIRS. Carpet, hardwood, ceramnic and vinyl sales, service and installations. Cati Tony, Pager 812-7588. Free estimates. CUSTOM DRAPES, valances and co-ordinating. accessories. Many styles and fabrnos ta choose - Your fabric weicome. Give a caît today. XPressionz - 666-3762. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS has moved - stili in Pearson Lanes, 133 Byron St. N.- Came see ýus for ait your. sewmng needs. 33 years experience between us. Tues. ta Fni. 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 - 3.430-6550. TINAS FASHION DESIGNS. Custom made wedding gowns, bridesmaids dresses, evening wear, suits, coats and a il aterations. Very affordabie. 430-2537. EDUCAT11MAL CONSUJLTANT/7- TUTOR Over 20 years teaching consulting experience. B.A., M.Ed., Specialist - Special Education. Elementary, Secondary, Adult. Cali 666-1880. TUTOR has two available spaces starting Navi93. Fee: $18/hr. Min. 2 hrsiwk. No registration fee. Kendaiwood/Nichol area. Cati 433-0479. LAMINATE TO PRESERVE and proteot yaur Posters, Certif icatdes, Edcatinal Materiai, etc. Several film thicknesses. Also available - ceriox binding. Cati: 666-2182. TUTORING ail subjects ta OAC level. Reading, writung, language iearning disabilities and math so eciaiists. Corner Stone douniselling & Tutoring. Educa- tional services for ail ages. Au plaisir de vous servir en français. 432-9223 after school. PIANO LESSONS. Good with beginners and chiidren. Cati 668-9884. TUTORING AVAILABLE. Kindergarten - Grade 12. Choose your private tutor from one of our certimied Durham teachers. Cati Ontario Tutoring institute 666-8549. .1 Beginners or experienced jSticks or brushes IMqmber in geod tanding ef IToronto Musicians Associa- jtion Local 149 A.F. et M. 430-2075 NEED TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY SINCE 1930 LM0 PHONE 668-6497 Our hostess wiiI bring gifts and greeting, aiong wth helplui community information. ; in to my home. Rferences & SIN i required. Witling ta wark shift hours. Car required. Cati 430-0506. WILL PROVIDE CHILDCARE in my home starting January '94. Beliwoad schoal area. Please phone ater 6 p.m. 404-0031. MOTHER 0F TWINS. Daycare avaiiabie at Rossland & Brock (McBrien Crt.) 430-6394. REUABLE LOVING DAYCARE for yaur infant in my home. Cati Jeannette at 668-0748. DAYCARE AVAILAIBLE in my home. Fenced yard, lots of activities. Nutritiaus lunches & snacks. Receipts. Ail ages. Cati Deborah at 430-1412. Specializing in Early Childhood- Education. Fer Peace ef Mnd. Perij House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Ferry St., Whttby 668-9476 WANT a hapy, fun, stimulating environment fo r your chitd. Years of experience. Lots of T.L.C. and activities. Specialize in babies. Cati 430-9520. CHILD CARE SERVICES required in my home. 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.,. Monday - Friday. Cati evenings 666-5767. CARING MOTHER wiil provide a happy environment for your child. Nutrhiius lunches & snacks. Lots of activities (walks, crafts, stories). Thickson & Rossland. Ask. for Debbie 404-0815. SHIFT WORKERS. Finaiiy someane ta care for yaur chiid at irregular haurs. Nutritional meals in a saf e, iaving environment. Reasonable rates. Rosstand- Thickson area. If interested please cali 434-5559. CALL S nyys Propet Maintenance: Residentiat Snow Service Book early! Book now! PHONE JIM AT 668-6803 Tolt free pager 1-416-550-3162 *interlocking stone- retaining watts -weod fencing & decks FREE COMPET1TIVE ES TIPM TES Written Guarantee 666-9690 ____ eQualîty, Repacement Windows trem Alcan Btitcing Products ai INCREOTIB LY LOW ___ INSTALL4ED PRICES! MGE W1NO r4856 myhm.Go ta work & know in your heart that your child is well cared for. Nutritiaus meials, snacks, close to park. & fenced yard. Smoke-free envifonment. Rces Any age. Cail 434-7632. CHILDOARE in my home before and atter school. Mature, reliabie lady. Close ta St. John's and E.A. Fairman. 668-6951. Watch The systemn that provides... "Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your "Fully trained providers receive ongoing Agency support "Reliable local back-up covers Provider ilness or holidays "Co mpete insurance coverage "Income tax recel pIs Children six weeks and up "Full or part-time For more Information caîl: 686-3995 a licensed Agency WE DELI VER FLYERS The Whitby Free Press 668-6111 children. Nutritiaus lunches & snacks. Wili provide secure walk ta & framn Ormiston ar St. Matthews. Please cali 666-9719. MOTHER 0F 2 will provide fuil-time daycare in my home. Close ta Gtendhu Public School & Faliingbraak park. Rossiand Rd. & Garden St. area. Failingbrook sub-division. Please cali 430-1412. "I had a very good response ta my ad - a lot of phone catis." E.M. month ail inclusive. room. #12 & Rossland. message 668-1708. Fumished Cail leave AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Roommate wanted ta share 4 bedroom house. Laundry facitities. Fémale preferred. $300/month. Utiities inciuded. Mature, quiet working people onty please. Cal 4ý>0-7103, leave message. OSHAWA. Partiaity furnished 3 bedroom semi-detached ta share with 2 femaies. Female preferred. Laundry facitities, parking. $34tYmot .Avable *nmedlatel. Call 434-2998 leave message. e'n'1 r:TnPc'r C in.ANo . . 10 ia.m -n - r araCll 1.800 387-5553. Mississauga. Hundreds ai Tables of Antique & Coîlectible Toys. Adulls $6: Yaufir (6.16) $1. Brinq the iamily! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES fIOME BASED BUSINESS. Ftil/Part Tirîre provîding essenlial marketing, prornollal producfs & services Io businesses. governrnenf agencles. schooîs, etc. Booming lndustry. profifable, ropenf sales, ongoing frainrnigiStppoiI. easy fo learn. lnvesfrmenf $1,500 + 1800-36f- 4332. RUN VOURI OWN PRESTfGIOUS FASIfON BUSINESS ANYWHERE IN CANADA. Exqiîisif e Afordable Designer Silk Cloffring Collection. Make Money now. Full or part i ,re. Free Ifof rmaItion 1-800-567-5760. BULI< FOOD STORIE. Serving oser 6 ttrwfs. Escellent business. owner fil, must relire. Price redluced. Catf Tuesdayr (5I19) 733-5666 oR Everirrgs (519) 733.5814. Asknfor Joxur SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME. Disîribtile our producîs or raisq your own worrns or castings, Niagara Bail and Ecology. 5513 Elciro Rd. R 113 Wellandportl. OuI LOR 2J0 (416) 386 G666f or 1I. 800-563-8128. ARE YOU A NETWORK MARKETING PROFESSIONAL. OR SOMEONE WHO LOVES FASNION AND IIIGII EARNINGS Cati corsii Si1k Fasîrioru belora somnone etIse in your grouup 1-800-567-5760 CAREER TRAINING BOuKKEEPfNG AND INCOIIE JAX CERTIFICATE COURSES. Free Brocînurps. No obligafion. U & R Tax Services Lfd. 1345 Perribina H-igrway. Winnipeg, Manrtoba RIT 206. 1-13n0-665-Sf144. LEARIN AUCTIONEERING ai fhe Soutlrwesfeifl Scîmoof ai Aucfioneerirrg.Nexf Cfass: Noverruber 20-26, fnformation. contacf: Souflrwesterfl Onfario Scfrool ai Arctioneerirrg.RIil Ri. Woodsiock. Ortriro NéI5 7V9, (519) 537-2115, FOR SALE ENERCRAFT. s leadrrrg manrufacfurer of portable Band Sawri-rilfs, afso carnies for imirediale delivery. 3 p rd ic i nrl solfconfained waad NOIICE ORGANIZATIONS FUNDRAISING -Solf popular a lb. pails 0I nutriflous. wholesOmne ready- lo-bake MUFFIN and COOKIE BATTER. Reallze $5.00 pirofit/confainer. See repeal SALES. Brochiur1-l.4161905)-8761731. PERSONALS MS. ORIENTAL DATING SERIVICE miagazine now available wilh 500 lovely ladies, locaVoverseaS seeIn rlirfrendshlplmarrlage. For ino. seird S.A S. fa 1212-510 W.lHastings, Vanroujvpfr . C. V68 118. ORIENTAL LADIES SEEK correspondence wilh Pntlempn for friedshlp, marriage, snd for fee 'Ifopali. Tihe Friendship Office, Box 5248, SItation A, Calgary. T2l1 f X6. REAIL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGIIOIND mrnrbership or iirneshare7 We'iIl ake Il! Ameticas laîgrrsf rmale clearinghouse Caîl Resoîl Sales lliionloal 1- 800-423-5967 (24 hours>. STEEL BUILDINGS SPAII-TECII STEEL BUILDINGS LID. You sîilf hava lgne fo brt wirîef. fast deliv.ry. easy fa erect al/steel and wood/sfeel buifdings. cariltaiing availabir. 24tirotrs. 1-800 561-2200ý ONTARIO MAI4UFACIURER lias a limiled numnber of pre-si7ed steel buildings for sale ai EXCEP1IONALLY REDUCED PFICES - .10 x 80 value $9,971. NoN $7.6981 Cali Pionocer 1-800- 668 5422) BEST BUILDING PRICES - Sîel SîraiiwaîlType nol qtionsel - 32x54 $7,744; 40s72 $11.690. 5ox90 $16,622: 60x 126 $25.375 other sizes available- Final Surinier cl#iarance. Paragon 24 linurs 1 i900 2A3.8499, STEEL BUILINGS - Ouonsefs. S. Modela and Stiaiglitwalls. Factory liras allocaled 29 Buildinrgs. Various sizes. No reasonable Ofler ,elused. Caf I Fatire 1-800 668-8853ý A Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Farri, siorage. comrînnacial. lrrduiriatl. New types. sirreî/wood. quonsel, ciaddirrg For ise value, ariion & arrswers - Waily (4161) 626.1 794. Fr1EE l-rrarhureq. Clin savA Yor ad could appear in comTntunif y ,ewspapera in Orfoio, or ri9ht ucross Canadit, or uny i Individuril province, S race la Liifed, sa Cal Thi s Ne rspaper odrvyt 'CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE'U To ewh a dor matrner. adve'f.rae 1oh Pt*th regional membrship of he Ontaro and Canadian Commnunily Nevsp%ar Assooatiofm netrJ W-bwspapors - $160 for 25 words-AIl Ontario rewsp.vors -S50 la- 25 words c.ntratAit canada!572 newspapera-1.121 for 25 words Fer turther lnformaton please cal the Whtby Free Press CIassifieds - 668-611il Whity Fee res * 68-11 ~'-Office Hors" Mnday t> ra.,-00 an to,500 prn Fax 6809 LANDSCAPING 1 by University Werks 1 r- Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 C LL 666-7777 FOR AN APPOINTIVIENT Financial oncept Securifies Finanoai ccrjcrpt SeculýDeý. Is a bu, 0.ýed b, F C G 61 a Mi à -- - - - - - - - mmbwmmnummu" -3 m 1

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