Whitby Free Press, 3 Nov 1993, p. 12

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Page 12, Whitby Free Press Weclnesday, November 3,1993 I New MIPs refleet on election, future By Miko Kowalski Last week Canadians bougfht their message -- now Canada's new government must deliver. And Whitby's next two Mem- bers of Pariiment could net agyree more. DnMcTeague and JAlex Shep- bord firmly believe that soon after Prime Minister-designate Jean Chretien announcos bis cabinet, tbe government must begin impiementing the pýolicies whicbholpod pro pl tbhe . berais te victery in last Monday's federai election. Failure te do se and their psrty could vo yweh sufer the sanie fate wih befeil tbe out- gin~ Progressive Conservative adinistration, both mon con- tend. "Stick te the pelicies, impIe- ment them » said McTeague, wben askecî wbat advice ho would give Chretien. y "Let's show the people we re true te our word,» said Ontario riding's new representative. His Durbami riding coleague concurs. «Althougb we have te wait, reaiisticaily, for the tbrone speech, we bhave te execute some of ou r economic plans," said Shepherd. Ho referred especiaily te the joint spendinV program tte mi- prove Canada s deteriorating in- frastructur-e system «se that the provinces and municipalities can takeadvantagefit.» A Scugog Townshi business- man th 4-yer-oJ'Shepherd captured Durham ridirig in bis fn-st attempt at public office. The mixed urban-rural riding wbich includes Whitby nortb oý Taunten Road, bad been repro- sented by Progressive Conserva- tive Rosa Stevenson since its inception in 1988. Last Monday, Stevenson fin- isbed tbird behind Shepherd and Ian Smyth of the Refori Party. Shepherd had a simple explanation for bis party's succosa. «We talked about thinga that matter te people -- getting the ecenomy geing, bread and butter issues, jobs," he said. While Canadians voted for cbange, the results indicate the majority "stili have conridence in Canada,» Shepherd said. "The Liberal party bas repre- sentation acroas Canada. Other parties whicb ran had regionai, succeas and put us on the road te 701 ReCiU6 la t R. .47 e6 tn7kRd.gN WHITBY 668-1164 AJAX 686-7185 ~~Fhrplaie Lfl t/w series Joysg ofChildhood 4' $44.800 (Takmg Orders)s 0 DEALER MEMBER OFH BRADFORD EXCHANGE So er Salad for only Caesar Salad, Bowl ofSoup & Drink AVAILABLE AT: Whitby Dairy Queen 1003Dundas StE 668-5342 à- . s s barring the outcome of judicial recounts in a few western rid- inge, will likely form the officiai oppStiofl. OÎIm certainiy not happy about havinig a party dedicated te breaking up the country ini offi- ciai epposition," he said. But Shepherd believes the Bloc ALEX DAN Quebecois and leader Lucien SHEPHERD MOTEAGUE Bouchard wili meet their match in Jean Chretien and the brealkiig up the coutry."'Liberals. Shepherd referred specificaliy "The Liboral party bas repre- te the Bloc Quebeceis which, sentation in Quebec, the prime R0 % m . . ..ff. r .. By Mike Kowalsld Mltbougb be lest 66 votes from bis initial total, Dan McTeague will stiui ho Ontario riding's next Member of Parliament. Officiai resulta from the Oct. 25 federal election bave confir- med McTeague's victory in Ontario riding. On election night, Liberal can- didate MeTeague was credited witb 38,746 votes. But after the officiai tabulation last week, bis total was revised te 38,680. That's fewer votes but more than enougb te finish ahead of bis neareat challenger, Don Sulli- van of the Refori Party. Sullivan received 28,097 votes in the officiai count -- 167 more tban the 27,930 be was credited witb election nigbt. Former Progressive Conserva- tive MP Rene Seetens pcked up 36 more votes in te officiai. count, but remained firmiy entrencbed in third place. Soetens' total increased te 16,872 from 16,836. New Democratic Part y candi- date Lynn Jacklin saw h or vote count increase by 12 te 2,746 freni 2,734, while Robert McMenemy of the National Party picked up six more votes to finis witb 869. Independent Deug Anderson dppdnine votes te 692 while Libertarian George Kozaroif added six more votes te wind up with 424. Scott Laycox of the Green Party leat two votes te, faîl te 402, but Gerard Morris of the Natural Law Party received four more votes and finished with 352. Val Hache of the Common- wealth Party added one more vote te bis original total of 54, while Peter Woods of the Aboli-' tioniat Party lest tbree votes te trail the pack with 42. Ontario riding which includes Whitby suth P 'Taunton Road, plus to wns of Ajax and Pick- oring, bad approximately 122,063 eligible votera. A tetal of 89,231 people cast ballots. The vote breakdown in each municipality was not available from the local Elections Canada office. Shepherd winnow ByMike KowalskI It's offciai -- Alex Shegherd will ho the next Member of Par- liament for Durhami riding. Official results from lat week's federal election have con- firmed Sbepherd's win in Dur- ham riding. Liberal candidate Shepherd collected 22 383 votes te finish abead of Reirm Party candidate Ian Smytb and former Progres- sive Conservative MP Rosa Ste- venson. Smytb received 18,543 votes and Stevenson 14 940. Lucy Rybka-%Becer of the New Democratic Party was next with 2,529 votes, fellowed by National Party candidate Harry Pope wbo bad 1,169 votes. Durk Bruinsma of the Chris- tian Heritage Party received 707 votes, wbile Green Party candi- date Judy Hurvid had 350 votes and Micheal Larmand of the Natural Law Party had 271 votes. Durhami riding, whicb includes Whitby north of Taunton Road, had approx imately 86,800 elig- ible votera of wbom 60,892 opted te cast ballts. A breakdown of the votes for eacb municipality in the riding was not available fromn the local Elections Canada office. *EN[RANCE MA111NG* Keeps Winter's Diri Out 0f The CoId Sanitation industry figures show that it costs over $60.00 a pound to remove tracked in dirt from a building. That dirt causes a deterioratian of your floor finish, premature wear and soiling of your carpets and dust accumulations on your furniture, walls and in your air filtration systems. It makes good financial sense to trap the dirt at the door before it enters your building. At Swish we stock al kinds af entrance mats ranging from pure rubber outdoor slush and snaw mats ta attractive colour co-ordinated vinyl backed carpet mats. Avalable in a wide variety of sizes and colours, al are designed to keep winters grit in the mat and to look good doing it. They're easy ta dlean to - just shake, vacuum or hase them down. Come in ta aour Clean-it- Centre. We're open Monday ta Friday 8am - saturdaY 500 Hopkins Street, Whitby 666-1224 minister's fromn Quebec. We can make the argument that we can ta]k for the people of Quebec and they don't need the Bloc.» Naually, McTeague shares Shoipherd's view. "Tetwo major opposition par- ties are regional parties. The Liberai1party, which stands for a national, United Canada, wen the day," hesaid. A public relations officer for Toyota Canada, the 30-year-old McTeague was alse making bis first run at political office. Ho defeated Reform Party can- didate Don Sullivan and former Progressive Conservative MP Rene Seetens te become the first Liberal MP in Ontario riding since Norman Cafik loat to Tory Scott Fenneil in 1979. The bilingual McTeaguo attri- butes bis party's success te a «weil run campaign with very few feui-ups» and the "positive message» espoused by Chretien. "I aise think people weren't ready for new parties yet," he said. Most voters who abandoned the Conservatives were reluctant te cast their lot with the unpro- yen Reform Party or, to somne degree in Quebec, tbe Bloc Que- becois, McTeague said. However, Shephord notes tbat tbe government must take note of the streng. showing of tbe non-traditional parties. "What does corne througb is that people want some 'small r' reform of tbe electoral system,» ho said. «MPs' pensions, we do have te act on tbat. It should be put back te 60." There sbould alse be more free votes in tbe Hbuse of Commons and greater responsibility for in- dividual MPs, Shepherd said. "Pople don't want thoir Meni- ber of Parliament doing the party tbing. They want them te represent the riding.» PCns Oare 'live and weil' "The Progressive Conservative Party is alive and weli in Ontario riding," according te riding asoito president Brian Shedden. The Oct. 25 Liboral steamrolier which ousted incumbent MP René Sootens "was net tbe resuit of votera examining the quality of their local representation, said Sbeddon. "Moreover, it was an unleasbing of anger and pont-up frustration by an electorate determined te make someone pay fer the lingering worid recesion." SShedden concedes that "the national campaign was fraught with errors,' b ut adds that lesomeday, I hope, people will agan realize that Canada is net te United States. 'Votera are net asked te elect a president with presidential powers, they are simply asked te examine their local candidates and vote for the individuai best qualified te represent their local interost in Ottawa." Sbedden aays the association ho beads is as "strong as over"' and intends te ho a leading force

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