Page 16, WI'itby Free Press, Wodnesday. Novembor 24,1993 Broolin newspaper to reumepblic ation By Mke Kowali Folloingr a brief silence, the 'Veice' will be heard once a gain. Aftor temporarily suspending ý ulication earlier this month, 'e roolinVillage Voice & Country Rambler wili be back in business in December. Financial problems which for- ced owhiers of the weekly com- munity newpaper teo ease pub- lication have largely been cleared up, owner-e-dltor Barry Conway said Monday. Ini addition, local businessman Joe Butson will bocome publisher of the papor replaclng former co-publisher i.D. Smith who left topre other iteresa. «People won't seS us out on the street for another week, but we're back and expect te, be publishing »"said Conway. «We lest one pà ;lhr. but picked up anether,'he added. Problems in collecting some outstanding advertlsing acceunts led te the decision to stop pub- lishigCnway said in an ear- lier intervew. But as ef Monday, about 85 per cent of the outstanding accountsbhad been paid, ho said. The paper's pre-paid subscri- bers and advortisers had been teld to expect an announcement of the company's intentions by Nov. 30, Cenway said. Everyone would have been gien thoir money back or had their subscriptiens and advortls- monta honoured in some other fashien, ho said. This may have taken the form of a ma"aifl or speclal interoat publication since Conway's Com- pany -- Conway Publications Inc. Wl reports on donations By EleenYoung The Brooklin Wemen s mati- tute oducation and cultural acti- vities meeting was held at the Brooklln community centre last Wednesday. Teizha., a Chinese demonst- Siinstruction offered Applications are new being accepted for the fifth annual instructional ski program at Dagmar Ski Resort, Vnsoeed by the Optimist Club of oln The pregram will begin Saturday, Jan. 8 at 5 p.m. and. run for nine weeks. A $40 iregiatration fee covers ail rentai fees, lift tickets and six heurs of ski lessons. Each yoar, the club eperates the program for 25 children aged 8 to 12 whe bave nover had tho opertunty te ski. Childron wishing te, take part muet write a letter te the Optimist Club explaining why they would like te hae accepted inte, the program. Letters are to ha received Friday, Dec. 10. The selection Wl take place on Monday, Dec. 13 by a cemmlttee of Optiniiet members. Application forme may ha picked up et Brooklin Bulletin Signs, 76 Baldwin St. For more information, oeil Bob at 571-1229. ration on how te relax, was givon by cenvener Saralh Collins. Mette was 'God creatod beaut when ho created flowers.! Cel cal) was 'Something of value I have learned this year.' Treasurer Bessie Cosway gave a report stating that the insti- tute has givon the Brooklin Spring Fair $25, Lung Associa- tion $ 0, 4 Club $25, Associa- tien of Community ià ving $50 and Salvation Army $50. Alta Campbell gave a reort on the Wl convention mn Scar- boreugh. Camre Arksey mon- tioned current events. Hestesses Marion Young and Camre Arksey served lunch. A Christmas party potluck cmn- ner will bo held et the Brooklin community centre, Casselîs Bead East, on Dec. 15, et neon. The motte will be 'Peace on earth, lot it begin with me.' Roll cal) will ho 'An item for the heoyrax.' A gift exchange will be - was mine danger of bank- ruptcy, ho stressed. CIeCnway also made a point of pu iýin an erroneous report pIlis elsewhere last woek that local businesses wore res- ponsible for bis financiai wees. "Ites net the'local advertisers, net one Brooklin operator bas caused me any grief, he said. Rather, it was the larger advertisers, «net just private business, but- public entities as well," thast caused the problem, Conway said. "When wo were setting un,0we estimatod it would cost us )u-t $10 000 a month te oporate,» ho e aied XýWn someone strings us out for 30 days wo stili have te pay the bills. If' they srig us eut for 90dswe stili have te pay the Since the papr was «Capital- ized» on a30- to 60-day format, it could net afford te carry accounts which are paid on a 90-to 120-day format Cenway. said. Local response te bis problems was overwhelming, Cenwa said. «We bave a strong andloyal Potluck suipper at Meadowcrest A pt1uck suppor and fun night wil b hedSaturday, Dec. 4, 5 p.m., at Moadewcrest Baptist Church, 40 Vipond St., Brooklil. Bring a dish. AUl are welcome. For more information, oeil 655-3977 or 655-8098. readership, I can't bolieve how loyal,» he ssid. Not onp did peýole come into the papeyeReu Srt office and offer moral support, many wero aise prepared to assist hlm flnancially, Conway said. The former CBC radio reporter and editor fulfilled a long held dream when he bearodlucng bis own newspaper lastMa Y.'M The paper reports on newvs and local events in 20 different cern- munities stretching from north Pickering to north Oshawa. Brooklin Day Nursery will hold the annuel Christmas bazaar Saturday, Nov. 27, 10 a.m. te 2 p.m., at 14 Church St. i Brooklin. Admission is free. Donations of non-peridhable food items will be accepted. For more information, caIl Tracey at 655-3864. Craft show at church Brooklin Mom's Morning will hold a craft show on Wednesday, Dec. 1, 9 a.m. -te 6 pan., at Brooklin United Church. There will ho Tumbleweed crafts, Doodlebug creations, country cellectibles, stuffed axii- mals, lace, wooden miniatures andjewehy. Ceffee will be served. more accessories are available for your Euro van! Rear Hatch Custom Fltted Carriers TraiterHitches from fo a~ z>iuz te New Click- on Bike Canfers only $139m95 Makes an Idéal Christmas Gift! Many more tochoose fromi -OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN.INC. yÎ1 xenfeh ascoFeelkg. Pmoven to serveyoS BEST since 1972. An *1 CARE*andCAA award winer.§ Sales, service, leasing, body shop, a#lmakes. 0 e ( A tais in Canada, USA4 and Europe, oversoas deliveiy.N - 425 Dundas St. East, Whitby 686-610 35 MINUTES EAST FROM 0 TPDOLLAR FOR DOWNTOWN 45eR YVOUR TRADE!TONO WE OFFER A COMPLUE SERVICE IN UPHOLSTERY, FURNITURE REPAIR AND RESTORATION. 603 PALACE ST., WHITBY'e 668-4468 Z>zu"nuu