page 24, WWhy Free Prmsa Wednesday, November 24, 1993 Weapons charge laid after dispute at Henry Knives were brandished in dis- putes at Henry Street and Anderson high schcols last week. T'he first incident occurred Monday afternoon at Henry when a 15-year-old boy pointed a knife at a 16-year-old after get- ting into an argument with him at a smoking area. Police seized the knife and Err ted the younger boy aarly Fri4y afternoon. He's chargead withcarrying a concealed wea- pon, possession of a prohibited weapon, weapons dangerous and assault With a weaý,on. The second incident took place i a gym changin g rooý at Anderson CVI Tueiday morng. Police say a 15-year-old býoy pulled a jackknife on a 16'year- ld and threatened him wxth it after the two got into an argu- ment. No charges have been laid in that incident, ato h it's still undar investigation. No one was hurt in either altercation. We haven't heard a lot lately about the music deartmant. Today, Were going tachage al that. Tomorrow (Thursday) is Harys secqnd annual Family of Schols.- concert. This avent involves a variety of schools around Whitby coming togther for one common reason -- to create music. Banda, choira and ensembles will bagin performing at 6:45 p.m. To promote this concert and, as a unique keepsaka, the music departinant is also selling mugs. Faaturing a musical* logo, thea mug is a mare $5. And as Christmnas iuit far away, the music department is prepaning for thair popular Christmas concert. This evaning of , pure musical anjeyment is scheduled for Dec. 15 and yeu beteefor $3, or $10 for a f=ý' An ifthepromise of great music isn't enough to draw a crowd, don't forgat about the fabulous door prizes. In sports this weak, most of the action was in baskatball. The junior girls advanced te the LOSSA sami-finals with a 35-22 win ovar McLaughlin. Thaeniidget girls played as bard as the juniors but unfortunately were not as sfuccasaful. They ended their season with a quarter-final los te Anderson. Both teains were se avanly matchad that Anderson won by oly three points. The great spirit of the Hawk was aise b%)en doing the backstroke at Henr's firit swim toani meat. The boat performances from the tearn ware turned in by the woman's aide, of course. Look for the swim teara whan they compete again on Nov. 30. TARA FALLER Though lifa gees on at Henry Straet, it is a daznpened and quieter smfrit than usual. The Hawks Ãracantly lest a studant who was best known for her outgeing nature and cheerful disposition. The tragic death of Tara Fallar drove home a fact that is often very difficult te understand -- life sometimas isn't fair. Tara bas left an undeniable mark on Henry and she will be missed more than she will evar know. KEVIN HILLARD stars as Joseph and Tammy Snow as the narrator in the upcoinfg production of the popular Andrew Lloyd Webberflm Rice musical 'Joseph and the Amnazing Technicolor Dreanicoat'at Anderson CVI Nov. 25 to 27 and Dec. 2 ta 4. Performances begîn at 7 p.m. LUBA MATTHIE'S OAC world issues class collected $160 ta, buy groceries recently by begging in the halls for money.'The Anderson CVI students also fasted for 48 hours to botter understand what poor peole 'in the third world have ta go tho h. h rcns were donated toaa local tod bank. Photo by Mark Roeso, Whitby Fme Press Alk h LIA Jennifer Ayling FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN Hello thare, fallow Austinites. Did everyone survive parent-teacher interviews? I certainly hope se. I arn sure glad wa don't bave te worry about thosa until afiar axazus. Just for your information, axanis are only eight waeks away. Bafore you stert te cry, tbat's net ail bad naws. With exains being se close, Christmas break is really juat around the corner -- only tbrea weeks away. On that happy note, I would like te me. ition soe past avents. On Oct. 28, 50 senior Enisih students and three teac-hers travelled te, Niagara-on-tha-Lake te sea Noal CowardIs hilarieus play, 'Blitha Spirit!' The play was wonderfuly performed and racaived top marks from Austin students. Thay thoroughly anjoyad themselvas and are hoping te convince Ms. Ward te organiza another excursion in the near future. A special thanks te Ms. Ward, Mr. Tymchyshyn and Mr. F'rawley for accompanying us. On Nov. 10, 35 students from our science and society and ESL classes travelled te Toronto for an exciting day at the Royal Ontario Museumn. Students wandared around the museurn for a few heurs and than bit the streats for a couple of hours of window shopping. No oe was run over by a streetcar or laft behind, se ovarail the day was a huge success. 'Thank you te Mrs. F'rawley, Mr. Tymchyshyn (heha ver at schoel? Hahal), MW. Scullion and Mms (Santa) Clancy for taking tha students te Toronto. Spaaking 0f Santa Clancy, Austin's fourth annual book fair was hald-Last waek. The sale was a great auccess and the $180 profit will be put tewards new rasources for our ever-growing library. Santa Clancy would lika te thank staff and studants for making the book fair such a success. On bohalf of the student body, I would like te thank Santa Clancy for bar total dadication te the annual avent -- if it wasn't for ber, we would hava total chaos. There ara a couple of announcemants fr-om Austin's draina department. On Sunday, Dac.* 5, from 1:30 te 3:30 p.m., Austin will hold its firit community Christnmas concert. Austin's own musicians, clowns and Santa are on the agenda. Admisison is oeanon-perishable food item. In another attempt te bring the Christmas spirit te Austin, wa are holding the first annual Christmas concert on the last day of achool before the Christmas break. Any itudent wbo wisbing te participate muet audition on Monday, Nov. 29. Se, don't be shy, get eut thare and show your special talent. Austin's student council bas bean working bard te make our first Spirit Week a succesa, se give them a hand and pariciat in ail that you can. Ill bava ful details for you nait waek, se, until we meet again -- keap amiling. Whitby sohools in bailleot the bands Hig h school bands fromn Witbgy will ha among a dozan coneting in the Durham Region Btrofthe Banda at the Spec- trum in Toronto on Thursday, Dec. 11. Sid's Drop and Seul Hungry, both made up of studenta from Henry Street High School, and Honky, made up of Anderson CVI studants, will compate ini the avant, the first for Durhamn bands, organized by Ai Huber of L.A RoxportbInc. Firat prize is 20 heurs of stu- dio time at the Quest recording studio. Huber, 27, a chartered accoun- tant, began battles of the high achool bands in Toronto seven yan ago, and now stages battias twica a year for Toronto banda. Ha decided te introduce an avent for Durham Regien bande because «There's a lot of banda eut thara." Healaso dacided te stage the event at the Spectrum, rathar than at a ragion venue because the Spectrum (2914 lSanforth) effara oo acoustica, seatilg for an audience* of 1,000, and je close te, the GO train lina.' Huber aise stages batties in London and Burlington. Ha says ay ih achool band -- parforming any kind of music, rgigfrom rap te country -- wa tin ,t perform at the Spoc- trum on other dates can cal 416-733-1419. i;:-] Meranda Waters HENRY ST, H.S.