Whitby Free Press, 24 Nov 1993, p. 31

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SAT, NOV. 27 - 10 A.M. 24TH ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT SKI-DOO SALE AT ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - UNDSAY CONSIGN NOW OR BRING TO BARN 9TO 5 DAILY Partial list. 88 Yamaha Inviter, 80 Vamaha Enticer, excellent 74 Artlc Cal Etigre, 81 Artic Cat Panther, 80 Skidoo Blizzard 440 liquid, 73 Silver Bullet, 71 TNT, 71 Rupp 44 Sprint, 82 Vamaha M13,Eùier 300, 77 Everest 40, 75 Vamaha 338, 78 Olympie, about 40 snowmoblles (ail màkes), double trailers, 89 Polaris 4 wheeler 3000 lb. traiter (etectric brakes), box traiter, 1' tandem trailer. truck cap homemnade trailer. Vehicles: on Instructions from Alan Lawson Fisher Inc. we wiII seli 1989 GMC Tracker, 88 Jeep YJ 4x4, aise 89 Chev 2500 pickup 4x4 with plow, 88 Chev 3500 d ually pickup, 88 Jee 4x4 Cherokee, (loaded) 77 Dodg raised roof Funcraft camper van 85 Mercury wagon, 88 Cadillac Brougham, 89 OIds 88 Royal, 91 Ford Taurus, 91 Isuzi Stylus, 88 Suzuki Samari, 89 Mazda 324, 89 Chryster New Yorker, 77 Chev hunters van, 83 Mazda 626, 90 Toyota Camry, 90 Ford F250, 91 Ford 4x4 Explorer, plu other hicles & snowmobiles arrilng da]lV. Boats: 15' Sheil Lake boat, 151' Humber & 40 h-p. Johnson, 151 Chrysier boat, 14 Crestliner & 40 h.p. Evin, 16' Evinrude boat & traiter, 14' Dorai fishing boat 28 h.p. Evin., ?0 h.p. Mercury -motor, -9.9 jJohnson motor,-79 Windsor Pyramid 24V12' travel traiter, 79 Chev 1/2 ton 4x4, alrtight wood steve, skate sharpener, snowblower for riding tracter, new submersible pump wth tank, snowblower. 1977 Elan, 80 Citation, 88 650 Widcat, 89 Polaris Indy. 90 Plais 350. We are expecting 40 te 60 snew- mobiles. 10 arn. sharp with big items. Consig n now. B ring te barn daily 9 te 5. rio consigniments Sat. Info: MOLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 OR 1-800-461-6499. LINDSAY. MACGREGOR & WEST AUCTION ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, ART, HOUSEHOLD EFFEOTS SUNDAY NOV. 28, 12 NOON (VI EWING 11-00 A.M.> ORONO TOWNHALL MAIN ST., ORONO Auctien features a varied selection ef antique furniture in original & refinished cendituien, rare & unique prints, collectables, old coins, imited edition & decorative art prinits. Partial list includes, round pine table (c 1860, Ontario pail bench, washst ands, mise. dressers & chests of drawers, iron beds, blanket box, cast parlour steve, paper mache elephant on wheels, decoys, 1943 aterman pen set, cil lamps, eld pictures & trames, old coins. Plus a q uaIlty selection of glass & chinaThis is enly a small portion of this large sale with articles frem the past. te the present. Corne brofe eeioy a SundaL at the auctiont. (NEXI ACINSUNDAY, DEC. 5). Cail for ail your auction needs. Whftby Freo Prous, Wechiesday, Novembor 24.,1 9W, Page 31 <~ Residents on 'Watch' A Neighbourhood Watch _pro- grouLof Whitby residents. Attendance by at least 75 per cent of the residents of the defined area at a meeting next Wednesday will complote the tbree-phase process necesaary te startNeeighburcoWatch. About 130 residents of Bradley Street (between Garden and Eveneong), Broughten Court, Evensong Drive, Jansen Court and Robinson Creacent signed a petition( hase two) te launch tÉ hoJ Wthprojram te reduce tbreats of crime in the area. In period from Nov. 13, 1992 te June 15, 1993, there were 15 crimes reported i the ares, mostby break and enter and tbeft occurrences at residencesansd parkod cars., Block captains have been found (phase one) sud money bas been collected te buy three Neighbourhcod Watch signe, at $65 each (another part of phase two). Next WednesdaY's meeting at the Whltby municipal building fr-om 7:30 te 9:30 p.m., wibl ba conducted by three Durhami Regional Police officere. 'TMo message le cbear and loud...sbould any of the above reureeta fail, the Neih- MiurhoodWatcbh project will e cancebbed,» residenits lise Bleumn and Angela Guidotti, co-chaira of the project, etated in a newslet- ter te fellow residenta of the area, about the three phases of the project. "No second time around, due te large demande for Neighbour- hood Watch projecta at Durham Regional Police. It toekeight menthe for Me. (Durham Regienal Police officer Krietina) McCann to eall me and proceed with starting the project mi our neighbourhood. Hospital recognzs auxiiary generosity On Friday, a tree will ho planted at Whltby CaneraI Hospital, recognizing the generosity cf the hospital auxiliary. "Thie place is wel served by ita auxiliary," said hospital founda- tion chair Terry Bainbridge. 'The services they provide, the dedication te this hospital snd the money tbey raise are something that small tekens of appreclation cannot publicly recognize them enough." The auxlliary donated $95,000 te, the bospital for the purchase cf endoecopy equipment that ia in full use at the boapital. "Endoecopy is one of the key services we provide at our bospital," eaid chief exocutive officer Elizabeth Barton. "Ites a very precise and expansive procedure that minimizes the ne*ed for surgr sud recovery time in hoapi:r "This very generous donation from the auiliary goos more than a long way in keeping our boapital i the ferefront in outpaient services such as endoecopy." Bainbridge wil ho on band with foundation board membare and Cory Fournier, president of the Whitby General Hospital Auxiliary, for the tree-planting ceremony. 'We'Il likeby plant a tree, that will grow very tail te cast a vr large profile over thie hoepitl much like the auxiliary doos now," said Marc Kealoy, directer cf development. "This 4te cf recognition system baste forever sud demontrates the bospital'a commnitment to recognizing major donors.l# The tree will ho planted at 10 a.m. on the front bawn, off Cordon Street, by the front entrance of the hospital. Vendors ' Day upcomi'ng Whitby Ceneral Hospital will bold 'Vendore Day' again thie year Thursday, Dec. 9,9:30 amn. te 4 p.m. Vendore Day le like a Christmas bazaar, craft and bake l4th Whitby growing Trhe Optimist Club of Whitby recently donated $750 to 14th Whitby Beavers and Cube, for the purchase of camping equip- ment sud for activities. Optimiste sponsor the grouýp that was formed lest year wlth 25 Beavers and was expsuded this year te include a Cub pack. There are now 26 Beavers and 10 Cube. Optimists will help with a win- ter camp for Cuba at Camp Samac and a winter Cubore.. The donation was made by Optimiet Elmer Madsen te l4th Whitby chair David Watkina. Silver.stick FROM PAGE 20. toani; 7:55 p.m. Wltby Mfakateel Steebers minor bantani AAA vs. Halten. PAD 2 At 6:15 pan, VWhltby Ladies Auxidliary minor peewee AA vs. Orillia, 7:55 p.m., WMhy Cimco miner bantami AA vs. Oakville. Tournament admission la $5 for adult, $2 for studentsansd senios.& A four-day pase le avallabbe fer $11. Admisson ie free fur clbdren under age M2 Fer moredsfomation oeil Dol Rints at 668-500. sale ali one. There will be baked goods, teys, Christmas wreatha, crafis and ornanientsý, stained 'glass, bomemade choclate, ceramic items, folk art, dried fiower baskets, diet products, découpage pictures, scented candles, dlocks, woodworking, Tupperware, uniforme and birdhouses. The idea hohind the event was te give hoepital staff who make crafts or soU products an opportunity teo eil tbem te other staff and the public, at the saine time raising meney for hospital activities andprograms. This year, proceeds will go te, the Durbamn Region Sexual Assault Care Centre (SACC) which provides 24-heur emergoncy niedicai services and foilow.up counselling te sexual assault victime inî Durham. Ail arewebcrome. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 13 1 . The print of AIl Saints' Anglican Church in 1865-66 shows sheep grazing on the church's front I awn. 2. An ancient weII was uncovered at Brock and Dundas streets when the Bank of Commerce was buit in 1964. 3. Myrtle was called Wells* Corners alter local preacher Rov. Gardner Wells in the 1 840s and 1 850s and-the name was changed te Lenwood about 1860. 4.Syvse L Briggs (1846- 1926) bornet fiyrtîe,t the Steele Briggs Seed Company about 1889. By Conet. Grant Arnold Durham Regional Police Crime Stoppera and Durhamn Regional Polie are asldng for the publices help in 'solving an armed rdobbery that occurred mn Pickering on Thursday Augr 12. At 2:30 arn., a male wearing.àlac ki mask enteredl the Mac's Milk store at 376 Kingston Rd. demanding cigarettes. The lerk turned te get the cigarettes and when he turned around, the suspect had roduced a si-inch gold knife and demanded money. The suspect then forced the victim te hand over his own money. The suspect left the store and was last seen running ini a northwesterly direction inte the subdivision. The suspect may have made bis escape by getting inte a waiting vehicle on Dalewood Drive. The suspect ie described as maIe, white, il ht complexion, blue eyes, aged 18 te 20, five foot six inches ta2l and woig gn 150 pounds. Ho was weanng a red sweatshirt, blue acid.was jeans, black ski mask and back gloves. Crime Stoppers will pay up te $1,000 for information on this robbery orany other serieus crime. Cail 436-8477 (that's 436-TPS). As acaer you wiIl net have te idientify ourseif or have to go te court. A code number wiIl be issued te yu te protect your identity. Sergeant Grant Arnold is the co-ordinater with the Durham Regional Crime Stoppera program and writes this article to help combat crime. byLarane olso L ran oul I .ni s . --o te eln o ni POLITICIALNS... GET A LIFEr' Citr politicians who want te travel te Hong Kong and other worldly places for the benefits of the local economy should take time te read 'Cet a IÀfe! ... A Green Cure for Canada's Economic Blues.' The newly-publisBhed 127- mte book, researched and written ~eÏmn eetJohn Bac er and Brian Nelson, omphasizes ~otnce of communities becoming self-reliant and bs depe nt on foreign trade. Té become a community of diverse tents and home-proud attitudes makes more environrnental and economical sense than searching for global markets. The book, whichi I purchased at an environmental fair, is well documented throughout and includes such quetes as: "The local economty is like a pail with bobos in it. The trick is te plug sonie of the holes, net peur in more water. Diversity l the key te security"; and "Comxnunity ecenoic development is absoluteby essential for women te sucoeed. If we de thinga locally, it's easier for woxnen with children, and if we woik fromn a local focua and identify health and envirernental needs, we can work te empower people ini ways that make a difference." With these thoughts in mmid, it apipears that a politician would be on target if ho or ahe stated tht it woubd be btter te aee nioney alloted for g lobai jaunting epent on building a firm economic base within the community. 'Cet a Life' is filled wîth ideas and solutions te motivate people te become bass reliant on inega-projects, foreign rnarkets an gvernment intervention. The book was aise deaigned te atir debate abut g"en economics and the new politica. The authre main ideas came from their work with the Toronto-based Coalition for a Green Economic Recovery, a antor f menetrpeneurs, community-based businesses adpolitically hoees activists who want te talk about solutions, not problems. Copies are available at seme bookstorea for $13.95 or you cari order the book by ca]ling (416) 699-6070. The Paper Source in Fallbrook has a sebection of greeting cards made of recycled paper, and recyled giftwp that is heavy enough te ho reused mai»' times. -To receive a catalogue of rou 3. o recycled. paper or te place an order, oel Tip:- If choosing a 1994 cabendar as a Christmas gift, ho sure te purchase one that has recycled content. Always remember te close the loop. You recycle onby if you purchase recycbed.

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