Page 32, Why Free Press, Wednesday. November 24, 199 Fil [<a4 11/1 y lÀ à « THE DEUG WAIEHO USE Vi 1ie ASSORTED TETRA DRINKS 'piijsjypRi 14 eetM&emae Flyer In -taaye'spapder! Assorte11 DINNER ENTREES 255g Betty Crocker's Assorted Varieties HAMBURR HELPER 227g Canada Choice Winter, Italan Assorted IXD VEGETABLES 2kg Bag Pantry Sheif Produot of Brazil CORNED BEEF 340g McCain's Deep n Deliclous CAKES 19 oz. McCain's Oven Ready HASH BROWNS 680g jerr isYO r Cris, RasStLAore. JERRY'S & MARY ST. mmu m-M 1T ruw i. ir HWYý4OI 1WHIBY The, placeto g.o' for» --L N/.< L- iN/Prices! N 1 - 1 . ÀÃ