r- Page 28. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Decemnber 1, 1993 CHILD CAftE I SHARED APARTMENTS j__________ I ~j~S~' SERVICES I ACCOMMOUATION POIR UEMT I F ___________ CHILD CARE WANTED for 2 chiidren in my home. Full time, live out. Bilinguai preferred. References required. Cai 668-3515. MOTHER 0F TWINS willing to babysit any age. Rossiand and Brock area. (MIBrien Court). Cati 430-6394. REUIABLE young woman vvill provide da*care. Lunch & snacks provded Trine infirst aid& C.P.R Please cati 666-9312. LOVING MOTHER wilii rovide day car. in my home, fuli- or part-trne. Nutritious lunch & snacks. Non-smoking environment. Cati 430-3361. Speciaiizing in Eariy Chiidhood- Education. For Peace of Mnd Ferry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 EXPERI ÇNCED DAYCARE availabie Un my home. indoor, outdoor play. Nutritiaus lunches & snacks. Ail ages weicome. Thickson & Hwy. #2. Please cati 430-7179. WANT a hapy, fun, stimuiating environment or your child. Years Of experience. Lots of T.L.C. and activities. Speciatize in babies. Cati 430-9520. REUABLE, LOVING mother is - willing to provide daycare in my home. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Lots of crafts & storytime. Lots of T.L.C. Falîingbrook St., close to St. Bernard school. CalI 430-7474. CARING MOTHER wili provide a happy environment for your chiid. Nutritous lunches & snacks. Lots of activities (walks, crafts, stories). Thickson & Rcssland. Ask for Debbie 404-0815. REUIABLE LOVING DAVOARE in imy Fallingbrook home. Cai 430-1682. OSHAWA. Partialiy furnished 3 bedroomn semi-detached to share with 2 femaies. Female preferred. Laundry facitities, parking. $340/mortih.AvaiMlo knmecfisteiy. Cati 434-2998 teave message. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ton minutes from Whitby, betweon Brooklin/Port Porry on Hwy. 12. Rooms avaitable for rent. Low weokiy rates. Cali 655-5308. BROOKUN - 1 bedroom, kitchen & full bath.* Parking, cabie. $350 inclusive. Suitabie for mature person. Cati 655-3012. ROOM FOR RENT. $300/month. Available December lst. Cali 666-4397. ROOM FOR RENT. Furnished, share kitchen, iaundry, parking. Brockç & Starr area. Working aduit oniy. $90 weekly. Cati 430-2598. ... .......j FOR HIRE - 16' cube van with 1 or 2 men. Long or short distances. Good rates. Cali 433-0775. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. WHITBY - DUPLEX, up4per 3 bedroom $895 + hydro. Lower, 3 bedroom, $795 + hydro. Inciudes heat: & water, fridge, stove, washer, dryer, parking for 2 cars. 655-4120. WHITBY. 2 bedroom luxury apartment. Close to GO train. Plenty of parking. On-site iaundy facilities. Private patio. CaI 430-8608. LUXURY CONDO for rent in Whmtby. Rossiand & Garden. Large 2 bedroom; 2 full baths; 5 appliances; underground prking; pool; jacuzzi; sauna. $t10/mont includes ail utilities. Availabie Feb. V94. Cati 668-9917. 1 BEDROOM BASEMENT apart- ment for rent. Cable, laundry and utilities included. $550/month. Available January 1. 430-9694. BACHELOR APARTMENT. Bri* ht & dlean. Walkout to baci yard. Heat, hydro, cabie, prng & laundry facîlîties. Mature working female preferred. First/last. $450/month. 666-9453. 111 had nover usod the Whitby Free Press ciassifieds befor o, andi was delg hted with the rosponse to my ad.Týhe cost was al-oti ess than other papors. i wiil continue to use the Wh itby Free Press." R.P. LAND WANTED TO RENT. I woutd like to rent about on. acre, in the Whitb area, for g ardenin purposes. lease cat i Rick 668-7171. I I HOME$ STORAGE i i FOR fiENT BOAT & RV STORAGE. HIGHLAND VAN & STORAGE. Boat & RV storago, 90 cents per foot per month. Whitby - 668-6611. Mm4e j4awd (AlLA 4ç ÂN The Mutuai Group HEBTRAN >0for quotat>of H ue and. e"- e Planning a Vacation? Going away for the Winter? Commuting, away' f rom home ail day? Cati Us Today (905) 43046390 , j pmATE - CARPET & UPHOLSTERY DIVISION Residential and Commercial Cleanîing (ask about our X-Mas specWas) *DISASTER RESTORATION DIVISION FreWater/Smoke Cleanup and Restoration (24 HR) "FOR YOU ONLY THE BEST WILL DO" 436&6000 WHY RIENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN? $4,400 down, $450 per month. 3 bedroom Townhouse. CatI Carol Chantier, Sales Rep., Re/Max Summit 668-3800. BROOKUN - Fr93shly painted 2 bedroom bungalow plus garage on a large lot, >appliances inciuded. Avalabie now or Jan. lst. $800 + utilities. Cati 655-3068 or 728-6564. BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset BIvd. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) * 3 Bedrooms * 11/2 Baths * 5 Appliances * Centrai Air * Garage * Paved Driveway * 3 Modeis * On Site Management * Easy Access to "Go" 668-1389 K.C. McCali Property Management 6661-5794 - 924-1100 POWER 0F SA LE. (Ropossessed properties avaiabie in Oshawa from under $80,000. Also, townhomes availabie in North Oshawa from $59,900. For more information cal Carol Ross, Sales Rep., Guide Reatty Limited. 723-5281 r723-6610. 105 CALAIS STREET Firstdtme buyer 5% do:wn $1,073 /month or 10% down $1 ,018/month. New roof, renovated kitchen, dishwasher, centrai air, beautifuiiy decorated. Askmng $157.500.00. 1124 BROCK STREET SOUTH ideai for home occupation or fcimily living. Pine, floors, pocket doors, 4 bedrooms. Walk to "GO Station". Asking $1 54.800.00. 23 FLEMINGTON COURT 4 ievei backspiit, double garage, huge deck, inground pool, 1.tchen overiooks famniiy room, firepiace, 4th bedroom and bathroomn on samne ievei. Ideai for in-iaw or toen$172,500.00. Ask for LIlan North, sales rep. Re/Max Summit Roatty <1 991) Ltd. 668-3800 HOUSIE, APARTMENT FOR RENT? If you had advertisd here, 1,000S like you would be reading this now. Cali 668-6111 200 ACRES. Excellent soit, 175 workabie, 25 acres hardwood bush. Property iocated ln vey scenic area east of Port Perry. houses, three barns, etc. Owners wiil hoki t mortgage. The price is right. A>qe & h-.gafth reasons for sotiing.(~",o Kiriey Real Estate 705-324-0206 anytime. "I had a very good response to my ad - a lot of phono calis.u E.M. MORTGAGES as low as 5.75% o.a.c. Cali Michael 668-7200. Anubis lnvestmonts Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1972. Finandcal Corporation MORTGAGES sft 2nd's to 95% - DebI Consolidations *Prime Rates * Pre-QuaIifying 57 1.2880 or 686-6450 (Tor. line) INSURANCU INTIIUTC I i SUPLIS'o ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because 0f ago, poor driving record or suspension of icense? Perhaps we can heip. Phono 666-2090. WANTED: Birds, bird cages, hamsters, rabbits and other smait pets. Will trade for anythinq in my store. 114 Dundas St. E., Whitby. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IrS EASYI ONE CALI, ONE BILL OOES IT ALL, AUCTIONS BUD HAYNES AUCTIONEERS speclal Iwo day r un auction. December 6 & 7. 7 p.m., Great Weet nn, .Red Deer. Featuring The John Walby Collection. Ontario. Brochures. 1-403-347-7301. BUSINESS OPP. SUPPLEMENT VOUR INCOME. Disrbute our producîs or ralse yaur own worms or castings. Niagara Bail and Ecotogy. 5513 ElcIto Rd, RRW3, Welandporl. Ont. LOR 2J0 (905) 386-6661 or 1- 800-563-8128. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Souîhweslern Schaol oI Auctloneering. Nexi Class: March 12- 18. Inormation, contact: Southweslern Ontario Schooal af Auctlonearîng. R.R.115. Waodstock, Ontarlo N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. FARM EOUIPMENT FOR SALE BARN CLEANER REPLACEMENT chain tor al makes of cleaners. quantity on hand ai good prîce. CaI Husky 519-846-5329. FOR SALE VISIONS OF ...FROM NATU.RE ta Needle Crat. Cross-stitch kits and needlapoînt patterns tram nature photagraphs. Caît 1-600-567-3353 for your FREE Introductary brochure. MISCELLANEOUS VOLUNTEER HOST FAMILlES NEEDED. Australien exchange students irrlving January for schoot year in your cammunily. Pease open your home and heerl. Cal: EF Foundelian: 1-800- 263-2825. "ENOUGH' REFORM MINDED PEOPLE ets contest the next Provincial Election. Contact. Social Credit. 2014 Entelton Roed. Huttonville. Ontario LOJ 1 B0. Phone 905-454-0599. Fax 905- 451-2208. POETRY CONTEST $12.000 in prizes. Possible r ublication. Send one original poem 20 fines or ega' ta: National LUbrary Of Poetry, Box 704-ND. Owings Mita. Md 21117. ADOPTEES, BIRTH PARENTS, siblings. Looklnq for each other? Cait "The Lang-Lost Conriectlon Monday - Fridlay, 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. et 1-800- 668.LOST. Not yem ready? Keep this ad. GREAT SEX noae limit. Overcame erection problems caused b y dIabetes, prostate sur9ery etc. Gel he tacma m ram: Performance Medicl. BOX 418, Valemount. 6.C., VOE 2Z0 1-800-663- 0121. REAL E5TATE GOT A CAMPGROUND rnembership /tlmeshare? We'Il ake Il! Americas argesm, odest resale clearinghouse. Resori Sates Inernataonal 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. cati 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Winter Specil. Keep the tactory busy durlng te Winler months end laIte celivery in the Sprlng. Save UP ta 25%. Call 1-800-668-8653. BESI BUILDING PRICES - Steel Strailwail Type.- nom quonset - 32x54 S7,899; 40x72 $I1,924. 50s90 $16,954; 60x126 $25.803 other sîzes available - Miscelaneous clearance- Paragon 24 Hours 1-8000-263-8499. ALI STEEL BUILDINGS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICESI 20x3O $1.723.00. 28x30 $2353.00. 34x40 $3,550.00, 40x44 $4704.00. 40x50 $6,530.00, 40x100 $13.064.00, *50s00 S16.402.00. 56xl20 $24.106.00. Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Top qualimy Slraighlwalt. wood/steet & ail/steel buildings. CSA certilled. workshaps, barns. arenas, stables etc. Large or amatI. contracting available. 24 hours 1-800-561-2200. A - Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Farm, etorege. commercial industriel. New Types. sleeVwood. quonset. cledding. For true value, action & answers - WalIy (416) 626-1794. FREE brochures. Clip-Save. Vua d cut ppear In communhly newopapera ln Ontario. or rtght acroaa Canada, Or any ndividuat pro vince. Space tu Lmited, sa Cati This t'ewaaaper Todayt J1 @#CROSS CANADA MARKETrPLACEOO To reach a wrnraref. adfferiso throughouit the regonatmembeshp ai the Ontario andf Canain Comm un#ry Newspap. r Associations. Central Ontario 55 newspapers -S160 lor 25 words - AR Otaro rewsp.çers - $350 for 25 wordjs c Att Canada 572 newspapers - $1.121 for 25 words For further Information please cati the Whitby Free Press Cîassifueds - 668-6111l Whitby Free Press:* 668-111 Otl Hours: Mnclay bFridy,-O00an b :00pni * Fax.668-0594 .~e.. oe......E..A. i j 1