Whitby Free Press, 8 Dec 1993, p. 29

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Whitby Frue Pros, VWechisdaY. December 8.,1993. Page 29 Peewees beaten iim senu-final Z The Whitby iner peewee AAA toaxa, sponsored by Elacint Canada, played five out of a possble six gaines in the silver stik tournament held in Whitby Nov. 25. In the first gaine againat Chinguacousy, the Whitby teain Wednesday night dart leagrue LABATTO BLE UGHT DIVISION 5tasddkfflm of Duc. 1 W L PTS Sauer FwnleFiiIlg 5 276 0odS~erBrmI 5O 0 3050 Whitb Trophy House 47 33 47 Fe rielfg Tct* n! a.45 35 45 CtwemetolctrCu 38 42 38 GayCpkServices 38 44 36 PeraFarInternatIon 30 50 3D ayl NotonSemiones 30 50 30 Camnesplayed Whtby Trophy 7 Perrna Foam kIt. 3 Fixlcetlng Tech. 6 Baker Fwrnkue 4 Oodd &Soulr 8 5Dwyl Norton Ser. 2 Gauy Coppis 8w. 5 CWwemdn Colec. 6 Top lecorr John MoPtirson 276 AlPindar 190 Mica Niuetiof S5 George Ifiliard 172 TOMGan"ie151 Todd Barbocir 149 David Bcyd Sr. 137 Mark Paing 134 Bob Ansley 127 Grum Soigwrn 126 wv d Poyer of the. weak LABATTS CARLSBERG DIVISION (&xad) Stanns t tDer. 1 W L PTS RoysEnterprise 34 14 34 Deiralta Office Services 26 22 26 in-Une Store Fixturee 22 26 22 Naional Trust 14 34 14 Gaines played Roy Enterinae6 I-e Store 4 Ce=rata Ofc 5 Nationa Trust 1 Top ô scomer Scot Lorim 107 DavkiReid si Wayne Thomn50 Joy Husak 49 Susan Corrnier36 Sherry Lorlmw 34 o uskPoyer of tou.ws.k Whitby men's hockey Se* ae of Dec. 2 Broflierae Pizza 1 Jkn Davidson 0arvnywp and G Ian Ferguson Wayne Colon> Nat ional Trust 65 NRS RSsy Cul Vickers 3 SoattMmez Bucky Croucli Murray Ratna Rudy van drsia Hery Urmin Custoin Ato Radio 5 Nuirse Cliev OlU Ras Browrridge 2 Ted Batt Jo. Ferry Dennis Brdmors H-arold Huena Pate Van Aston Tom Osier Oueens fMoe Grert Museman Rus aiucle Ed PrzytWa WayneWsidcic AI 4Mrutd CXAtobodV ChresBalley2 Don Raench Victor Daait. jac adcekerze Raya Ererpie won 5-1, with goals frein Kyle Crouch, Gil Vanplew Mike Hamiilton, Case Dupont and Paul Goldsmith. Assisting on goals were Nick Owen (two), Mike Heffering (two), Matt Jardin, Dupont Vanplew and David The teamn played well i front Of excellent goaltending by Daivid Chant. The second-gaine saw Witby lose ta archrivals Central Ontario Wlves by a score of 6- 1. The lone Witby goal was scored by Owen, withasita frein Vanplew and Glen Mayer. Ini the third gaine, Whitby regained cempôsure and defeated Stoney Creek 4-2. I front of stellar goa]tending by Shari Bryska, the markers for Whitby were offered up by Hamnilton (four) and Goldsmith (twe), with assista frein Crouch (twe), Owen i (twe), Scott Beegan and Jardin., The win enàbled Whitby ta qualify fer the quarter-final Whitby figure club SUN UIFE EASTERN ONTARIO SECTIONAL COMPETITION RESULTS. TRENTON, NOV. 18.21 .IUVENILE LADIES COMPETITIVE Laod Pcica Figures 8th mimial Fre lst ini Ilht 3rd in tri Overal 4th ArnandaMeek Free BIh intflight PRE-NOVICE Miranda Gregoire 71h in light COUPETITION RESULTS, COBOURG, NOV. B JUVENILE LADIES Lindaay Moloney Alana Coacarela Lsa Coedy rd in Ilgh 2nd in Ilight lth in final 4th in îight JUVENILE LADIES COMPETITIVE Lori Rioca ist in flight 2nd infinl PREUIINARY LADIES Christina Jen 7th in light PRE-NOVICE COMPETITIVE Miranda Gregoire 11h in tight JUNIOR LADIES Eri Cameron 3kd intia Doug Wmur Gary Burgesa Jim Mcîkoy Mika Mckey Jim Snith Plsysir() of " Ws.k Gmg Mals. C. Aalobodly. 4 mosamt »sof Dec. 2 Oueens otel 4 Custom Auto Ralio Jlm 0avirlson Mtois OCX. Atobody Dodd & Sauter Attersley Tire Brohers Pizza 3NationalTrut R oya adsIna. RlysErterprise Nuise Cher Gala 3 NRS ReaIy LTY 2 1 2 1 4 1 4 2 4 2 5 1 5 1 a80 8 0 8 2 9 1 130 3 GF GA 66 39 56 38 49 42 61 49 47 33 59 52 48 44 52 57 37 43 42 47 32 48 34 87 La spa - m of Dec. 2 Jim Smilth. Attersley lTre 5 Royal Woods Un. 2 Don French, COK. Autobody Tom eBlucaan Grant Mcaaernan. 0Oulens Motel CherS Blatmere Rosa Bromridge. CuetarniAuto Neil Faqulirn. Oueens Hotl Mica Maclcey. Atlerslsy Tus Greg Màla. C. Auiobody 6 Dod &Sottw 5 SrseSandfoud. Dodd & Sauter SteomA Sauteor 2 Cer f kers Naional Trut Stee Sandord 2 wHome.Dodd & Sauter GayL* Enzo Finaldi. Brothers Pizza KU ent k ck dBwckyCraucK .National Trust KeritMoCaiWayne Colormb. Junm Davimn 2 Atersey ire~ .u*Jack anue. CX. Autbo 2 Atersly'rie 5 Jon Pal... Royal Woods Lin. gie .agunst Oshawa, a teain Whity had fot yet defeated. In a close-checking match, Whitby won 3-2 with goals from Crouch, Hamilton and Sean Haynes and assista froin Crouch and Mark Lamera. The win put Whitby up aganstSt.Catharines in the senifna gie. The final score was 4-2 for St. Catharines, with Whitby goals, by Jardin and Haynes and assista from Crouch and Mayer. Other players on the Whitby teain are Danny Cowen and Jamie Giles., ihe team's coaching staff is made up of Ray Baker (coach), Dea ltng (assistant coach), trainera Kyle Lange and Brandon Wall, and manager Robbie-Lynn Wall. Win,loss for Wh itby niidgets In a season plagued by numerous injuries, asat Wednesday's gaine against Markhamn was only the second time Whitby AAA midgeta had al teani members together, and they soundly defeated Markharn 6-3. According to coach Stan Wells, "the offence really clicked" and certainly it did for Ian MacNeil who ended the gaine with a hat trick and an assist. Other goals were scored by Jei Griffin, Mark Vanderlip and Andrew MacLaughlin. Brad Newport had two assista and Jef Bremner, Brad Lee, Adain Shields, John Liriano, Mike Wye, Josh Thompson and Janije Hogel, the goalie, each had one assWs. On Sunday, Whitby lest 6-1 to York-Sixncoe. MacLaughlin scored the only goal for Whitby, assisted by Shields. The Whitby min or novice AAA hockey teain rolled over Richmond Hill-Vaughan Stars 10-2 on Nov. 30. Whitby>s defence of Kyle Branson, Joshua Francis, Cameron Langlois, Scott Morrison, Kevin Mangoit and Justin Sawyer kept the pressure on while the forwards dominated the goal-scoring. Kyle Percewicz (two), Kyle Musselman, Aaron Maguire, Kyle Vanderloo (two), Derek McTeague, Grog Williamsa, Jeif Freeman, David Arnold and Cam VonEschscholtz scored. Devin McLeod and Bryan MacKinnon shared the goaltending. On Dec. 4, Whitby defeated Bonwmainville AA 5-2 in an hSou pcifer fSalad members f The Ao r do.l ICaesar Salad, BowI ofSoup & Drink 4 w AVAILABLE AT: Whitby Dairy Queen 1003 Dundas St. E. 668-5342 Fbeeda famiyof four for only ( uInclwks: 4 reg. burgers. 4fries, 4soft drink & 4 swdae I With ihis coecqxx. .hiby Lx)caion mly. - mma - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------~1 $1OFF iFOOTLONG SUB * WHLTBY ~ QHW * 117DundasSt L~LIhD30OParkBdN. - - ---- ---- às Footlong Sub At Regular Price GET ONE O f Equal Or Lesser Price For Withthe purchase of alarge sofldfl* OSH WAOne coupon per csomr per vs it fet expires Jan 1 U094 M 30 Park Rd. N. WHIIBY O QHAW * 404-1249 1017lDundas s L~.~.hW30Park Rd.NK -1 1 de e-

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