Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1993, p. 18

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page le, Whiy Fiee Prmss Wednsday. Decebr 15. 1993 __'~BROOKLTN ___ PROVIDING BACK-UP vocals for three songs on 'A' Dream-FllIed Christmas,' a newly, released cassette by former Bowmanville resident Madeline Ottorino (Ieft), is the Brooklln Klds Ensem- ble >made .,Up of Brooklln 11 -year-olds Katherine Scott (rlght),, Jennifer Cater (second' from rlght), Krlstln WilIIamson (middl e)- and Danelle Bryers (left), along wlth Tara Lee Hockin-Ricclo (second from Ieft) of Port Perry. Tapes, $12, are available by calling 655-8818. Phto by Marke Piftw,. Whltby Free Prasa 'Bay' blessing at Christmas 'r Brooklin Master Gardeners Bay leaves, in addition to their wonderful scent, will blasa your dining table. .Anyone who is seriaus about herbe (and cookcing) should have a small bay laurel tree, or maybe not se, small. Grow it in a container that can be brought indoors for the winter. Bay laurel (laurus nobtilis) is an evergreen tree which ia sensitive ta frost. When mature, ita raots are hardy, but the leaves will dia ini freazing winds. Maka sure the bay laurel's container is big -- bigger than that of a houseplant cf the sanie size, and be sure it drains well. Bay prefers filtered sun with rich sol in a cooi spat, indoors or out. If you're fartunate enough ta, have a emali potted bay tree, dresa it up for the holiday. It will look magical with tiny, clear twinkling lights. If you don't already have ona -- Christmas is coming. But bay laurel is just one of the tender perennial herba that will flourish ail winter long if potted and braught indoors. Others such as rosemary, lemon verbena, scented geraniunis and german myrtie, as well as the half-hardy curry plant and the hardy santalina, will aise do well. In addition, they are ideal subjects for tapiary. Topiary is simply the art of pr nsd trimxning Smuitble pats inta shapes. lInthe case of herbe', usuafly inta a standard (or tree) shape. It takes tixne and patience, but the resulta can be fascinating. Several herb topiaries grouped in a fiat basket or ather suitable container with gold 'or silver beads as decorations makes a stunning Christmas table centrepiece. Choose a amail plant fram the nursery, one that has astraight, single stem. Stake the stem and tie it loasly with raffia or soft twine, leaving raom for stem growth. Let any leaves that grow cirectly from the stem remain, but remove sida branches. Do this until the plant reaches the height you wish. Then pincli the top growth, remove the leaves from the stem and feed the plant erganic fish fertilizer ance avey month. After the top branches have develaped two ta three sets of leaves, pinch aut the tips se two more sets of branches wiil form. Pinch and prune until a gaod crown has formed. The shape can be whatever yau want it ta e A gift suggestion: This can make an absorbing hobby for someane who can't get outaide ta garden. Members of the Brooklin Master Gardeners will be happy to help you with your gardeming ploblems. Write . to Braaklin Master Gardeners, Box 695, Uxbridge, Ont. L9P iNi. Youth club sefls trees The Brooklin Octagan Club is selling Christmas trees this December as part of their fundraising effort this year. The tree lot is set up at 9 Campbell St. in Braoklin, ars from the post office. Bazartreat DANIELLE BAZINET, 3. reaches for one of thie many items found at thie reoent Brooklin Day Nursery bazaar. Phob by JeomM Dmaw,. Whiby Fiee Piss THE REG IONAL IMUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM DURHAM REGION EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO . EXPROPRIATELAND.',< lN THE MATTER 0F the proposed expropriation of imited interests in certain larnd by The Regional Municipality ai Durham being Part of Block A, Registered Plan No. 69, in the Village ai Brookiin, now in the Town ai- Whitby, in the Regional Municipality ai Durham, for the purposes ai constructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting, repairing and repiacing a trunk sanitary sewer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for approval ta exprapriate a permanent easement for the construction, aperation, maintenance, Inspection, repair and replacemert ai a trunk sanitary sewer on, in, across, under and through the land describad as iollows: Part ai Block A, Registered Plan No. 69, designated as Parts 5 and 7 on Plan 40R-15046, in the Village ai Braoklin, now In the Town af Whitby, in the Regional Municipaiity ai Durham; and for approval ta expropriate a temporary easemnent ta enter upon, cut into, break up, flii in, use and occupy the land described as foliows: Part ai Block A, Registered Plan No. 69 designated as Parts 4 and 6 on Plan 40R-15046, in the Village ai Braokiin, now in the Town ai Whîtby, in the Ragional Municipality of Durham; for and duning the construction of a trunk sanitary sewer and related works and unclertakings. This temporary easemnent will expire on the 31st day ai October, 1996 and prior ta such expiration the lands wili be rostored as nearly as possible ta their previaus condition. A copy ai Plan 40R-15046 may be sean in the,0ffice ai the Regional Clark at 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontaro. Any ewner af lands In respect ef whlch notice la given who desires an Inqulry Inta whether the takIng ai such land Ila i, 8aund and reasanabiy necessary In the achievement of the objectives oi the expropriating autharlty shali se notify the appreving authaîlty In wîitlng, <a) In the case ai a registered awneî, served personally ai by îeglsteîed mail wthin thlrty (30) days after ho la served with the natice, ai, when he sa served by publication, wlthlr. thirty (30) deys aller the fiîst publilcation ai the natice; <b) In the case ai an owner wha ls net a registered awneî, wlthin thirty (30) deys after the fIast publication ai the notice. The appraving authority ls: The Cauncil af The Regianal MunIcipality ai Durham 605 Roseland Raad East Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3 The expropriatlng authority ls: The Rgonai Municipalty ai Durham THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM C. W. LUNDY, REgnai" Oerk This notice frst pubiished anmte 151h day of Deoemnber, 1993.

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