Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1993, p. 2

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Page 2, Whitby Free Press. Wecfresday, Deoember 151993 Trustees want more work done to imiprove student writing1, By Mike Kowaloki Whitby echool board trustees have mixed feelings about the performance of Durhamn Region students in a province-wide Grade 12 writing test. Trustees Allan Gunn and Tanya Gulliver cgre that more work needs te be dne in improv- ing the wziting skills of Durbamn students.' They both note that measures have already been taken in Dur- ham Board of Educatien achools in ligbt of test results whicb indicate that many students are net writing at acceptable levels. However, they aise question some of the criteria used te detommine the level of preficiency expected of Ontario students. At a pross conference iast week, Durhamn officiais announ- ced local results frein the two- year-oid test, details of which had been released the previeus weok by Education Minister David Cooke. Altbough the perfermance ef Durhami students in basic and general level prograis was judged «excellent" by a board stffreport, the results of advan- ced level testing foul short of provincial standards. Only 58 per cent of Grade 12 ndvanced students obtained the standard expected of tbem, the report stated. INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE Located In Popular Area, Walking Distance To Do wntown 'tThs lgal & Situated On A Private Fenced Lot Thslglduplex is ideal for owner to occupy the fully renovated main *floor, and rent the cozy self-contained apt. on the second f loor. This projerty features: forced air gas furnace with central air conditioning, u ltdwiring with 200 amps & soparate meters, newer shingles, afurninumn fascia, soffits, eaves, detached garage, large private interlocking brick patio at rear and beautiful gardons with mature trees. Jj PRICE - $165,000.00 JFor further infonnaton on this propcrty, please cail 905-668-3011 .1%'s #0s'___________ NRS REALTY ONE INL. Bnauliily upgraded 3 tudroolm oeeu-i kilchen hi orecIbarand wA*M oiAtaprwiu*m pW4hqW kg la. oak iwdwod hliving roam à diig aon Wluge foyerwkh halm cWIieamtoeurt beglin VEDOrs&V.RV MOTIVATED. REOUCEO TO SELL AT $126.90W. Lh.~I ..BE OF'TE R - - mm M Ibis figure was 22 per cent below provincial expectations and six per cent lower than the provincial average. "I think this deflnitely shows us what we have te do now," said Gulliver. "A lot of work bas te be done at the advanced level,» she said. However, Gulliver wonders if somne students may be taking classes at a level byond their capabili ties. We bave a lot of advanced students in Whitby. Are tbey being placed at the right levels?» she asked. Gunn concurred with bis col- leee's assessinent. 'e need te, measure tbe eut- put of wbat we are doing. I think it's good that we're moving in that direction,» bie said. But Gunn expressed concern about the «complexity» of the provincial testing criteria and wondered if «educationias» b ad possibly skewered tbe findings. The Vacuum Man CORRECTION Due to an errorpinted Dec. 8/93 in an ad in the Whitby Free Press for The Vacuum Man, mhe adveriised special offer on the complete vacuum system installaton included, should have read Free Instladon '"Most Homes f . We apologiweforany inconvenience mhis omission may have causeL. «We need te qualify it. How relevant is the information?» hie asked. Altbougb tbe province roquired only three Dufrham socondary scboois te participate in the pro- gramn, the board paid a fee te have all 17 bigb scbools take part. Students submitted two pieces of writing -- an assigned piece complem under controlled con- ditions (werk compieted ini class witbin a set turne period) nnd a 'best piec' whicb they hs frm eithir writing portfolies. A pae composed of approxi- mately,"tbee sanie nuxaber ef edu- cators and non-educaters judged tbe work against a six-point scale. Levels 4,5 and 6 were con- sidered acceptable for advanced level students, wbile levels 3 and 2 were deemed appropriate for goneral and basic lovels respec- tively. The panel determined that 80 per cent of advanced students should be performing at level 4. Gulliver wondered if the stan- dards may bave been unrealistic te achieve. «I can't write at level 6 and rma a good writer. I don't know if the standards are to bigb,» she said. Gunn noted that teachers at both Henry Street High School and Anderson CVI have mîitiated steps to address tbe problem. FAor example tbe sanie set of rules that are fYolowed in writig an English essay will b. appliMd te a science report, Gunn said. Education director Pauline Laing said achools will be put- ting a renowed oniphasis on writ- "'Wýe feel that writing is a skill that sbould apply across the board, not just in Englisb,»" she said. Altbough she also bad reserva- tiens about soine of the provin- cial testing criteria, Laing viewed the rosults as a char- «fethink schoels are, being asked te do botter in every area and te perform at a higher level. As an educater I can accept that,» she said. $..0. .k ... Durbamn Rogionni Police con- tinue te, investigate an incident in wbicb a man fraudently obtained $500 frein the Bnnk of Montreal at 1615 Dundas St. E., Whitby on Thursday last week. Police say that at about 1:40 p.m., a man sbowed an instant toIler card at the bank to witb- draw $500. Ho thon produced a Master- card te, witbdraw more nioney. While bnnk employces learned tbat the card wns stolen, the man left the bank. It was inter determined that the cards were stolen frein the Durbamn Squash Club on Hop- kins Street in Whitby only 40 minutes earlier. The man is described as a white maie, five foot eigbt in- ches, boay set, in bis late for- ties, grayish bair, witb gold,,thin wire rim glasses worn on the tip of bis nose. Ho was wearing a burgundy bomber-stylo coat and dark' pants. Anyone witb information caîlcali Crime Stoppers at 436- TIPS. From Ieft to right: Annette Deschamps, R.M.T,C.S.T., Christine Elsto, R.M.T., Linda Swoet, Reflexologist, Leeson Clifton, R.M.T., Gail Sherrington, R.M.T. Give the gift f therapy There is an interesting pattern emerging in the ninetios. Society's stress level is on the increase and se are the alternatives te deal with the resulting negative efects. One enly need look in Durham Region te witness this phenomenon. Peeple are being laid off, and the work increases for those left behind. There are more cars on the road, more car accidents and more whiplash injuries. Increased computer use is causing poor posturq, fatigue and headaches. The days et ignoring the body's signaIs or supprossing the symptoms with painkillers and muscle relaxants are quickly beceming the days et the past. People et the nineties are tar more *body knowledgeable" and are taking back control and responsibiliy for their own health. These same peopie are often regaining and maintaining optimal health through such naturai therapies as massage. cranial sacrai, rot lexology, exorcise and relaxation. These therapies have been pr4cised at the Whitby Massage Therapy Clinic fo the ps six years. Because people have tound these herapies te b. beneficial, they otten roter or buy gitt certiticates for family, triends and co-workers. A t urther testimonial te the benetits et those therapies is that many et the costs are covered through automobile or private health insurances. The Whitby Massage Therapy Clinic has a ftuil- time receptionist available te help with appointments. gi certif icates or further information. We are opeon until Decembor 24 at 1 p.m. and between Ch ristmas and New Year's Day. WHITBY MASSAGE THERAPY CLINIC iNCe 519 DUNDAS ST. E. SUITE #7 WHITBY e 430-2183 advertisemont OTTER CREEK - JUST LISTED Wonderful 3 bdrm. detached homo - main floor tam rm., fireplace and w/o to largo western exp. dock, above grnd. pool, cent. air and vac are only some of the features. $159,900. Gail Daniel, Sales Representative, 436-1800. f3 (ir Budianan EXCELLENT FAMILY HOME! 4 Bedrooms, main floor family room. Closo to public and separate sohools. $151,500. Blair Buchanan, Broker/Owner, 436-1800. "FREE HOW'r COZY COUNTRY DECORI 3 bedroam 2 bahrmtoe«4oflW hiluge E«xob<ivue in Sue 2.300 eq. L 4 bodroa lww edtoanud groove pliemc rmne«- haiTe. bge e-i hn. flua min bmaunrya i umce and vuNout to lenced yud. ChmI. ta fnly mon. t uittar>b~ close t ail Wau a&M GO stathin Lktedmi 143.900MauîtnMAlng $199,=0 CALL ROSEMARY BROWN 433-2121 J 1 JUST qp LOVE GVING AWAY FREE AIR MILES.,aEA N Dundas St. A Fu Mac aY oe An" mnc EWhhby Massge >h Th.mpYCllj i 1

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