Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1993, p. 30

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Page 30, Wbltby Froe Prose Wedne&hay. Doembo 1.5. 1993 BABY GRAND PIANO. $5.000 firin. CalilAI et 725-0314. MATTRESSES and boxsprings at hait price.- McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. FULL LENGTH sîlver fox coat. Excellent quality. Worn once. $1200 or best offor. 666-9433. WELL SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale. Dry. hardwood, kindling, hait face cords, face cords, bush cords. Pick Up or deluver. 905-649-3183. WEDDING DRESS, sizo 12. EngagementlwOddllg -band set. Besi offers. Gell 668-5512 afler 6 P.. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haIt price.u Large select ion. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. FIREWOOD. Excellent quality hardwood. Soasoned, veryF dry. epit Hanes measuroment. ire up 9th o5-753e246. Free delivery. MATERIALS - Unused 8" concroto blocks, .85 ea..Treated wood 'r x 6". 1" x 8w x 4', rod oak from 3' to 16'. «r & 2" thickness. Satellite - used 6 mo's., make Chaparail. 683-5905. PIANO - Varnaha upright Ebony. Excellent condition. $3,500. Cal 668-5104. ONE CONTEMPORARY STYLE day bed, f lai black. Including mattress, bedspread & skirt. $200. 666-3592. BOOKS, 18,000. New used rare Romance Fiction, Best Sellers. Mysteries, Fantasy, Cook, children, femly, text educational, Psycholoy, self help, art, music, craits, hobbies, autobiography, roligibus, non-fiction. history. war and too many more to mention. No comics or pornography. $1.75 to $7.75. Corne meet the publisher for a coffee, sandwich or glass of wine. A Family Store. Boks Pets Flowers Cralts & Thns14 Dundas St. E., Whitby. hns 1 WHITBY. 3 bedroom townhouse for rent. $875/month + utilities. Excellent location. Near schiool. 5 lece bodroomn set. $200. Single bos $40 each. CaIl 430-0766 eter 5 p.m. 3 AIR CONDITIONERS, 1 - 1%200 sq. ft. $8W, 2 -500 sq. ft,. $30b.o. 2 lee fficial ,hntma -teesé$29e. assIf0 ARTICLES I F~II%5M~P"] i __________ FOR SALE AUT9IITWFSI s*rns HENRY STREET IIGH SCHOOL is offering the following machine shop. weldinq. automotive& aa icjgei qipmntfor sale: llng machine, presses, radial JiîM, heai troaing ovens, arc wolders, drafting oquipment, typseting equlpmo t, etc. VIewng will bo durlng the wook of January 3 - 7lby appointment. Ploase contact Hienry Stroot High School for a detaloed liai of eâuuprnent and bidding information. ANTIQUE Ex-player Bell piano. Circa 1907. Ecollent working condition. Beatifully carvedi. $1000. 430-354. INGUS almond washer & dryer. Ver 2gI28.condition. Availablo Deê 2728.Askçing $250/pr. Also, sectional, asking $0.Cal evenings 666-8648. 1 WHITBY SE WING pirs toalal makes INDUSTRIAL & DOMESTIC FIBERGLASS CAP. fis Mazda shortbox plckçup. VBr o8 condition. Asking $325.402 . 1985 CHEVETTE. 4 door hatchback. Automaiic with overdrive. Deluxe intorlor. Certif iod. No ruai. $1.700. 65-4019. Need a car - Credht problems? - We have lase take-vers (repossess!ons> LEASEGUIDn nyaE AUo LdEIN * base ot owne -iny akor mqotas cEas fo brde AUTn Or LiESINGe I 683-6230 - Jeff 1 . 1TR~S ADAMSON: John and Kaireen & Brother Tommy welcome with love Ste hon EarI, tom November 24. Il993. Proud grandparents are Dorothy.& Joe Cooke and Biddy & Bill Adainson. fI .... BRADLEY: William Lorno. To the memory of my husband Lamne who assod away Docember 16, 1992. Ie think 0if you ln silence, we often speak your naine. Our hoars stilî ache with sadness. Our silent toars still flow, for just how much wo miss y ou no one Aill ever know. Forovor loved always rom emberod. The Famnily. I 103 Dundas St. E. ~l5 ___________ I comrof Hwy. 12 & H 2) Phone 430-8900 j________ N UR k ;MY SINCERE THANKS toth person who fund rny key bunch, "A iu iUU*hi% uuuuyiwda t% ram~~ir*.* *j ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE the V.O.N. office in Oshawa. I amn NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F DOROTHY MAUREEN POLLARD laie of the Town ofWh lIn the Reglonal MunicipalityOf Durham, deceased AIl dlaims against the Estate of DOROTHY MAUREEN POLLARD laie of the Town. of Whltby, ln the Reglonal MunlcIpality of Durham, who dled on or aboùtïthe 2Oth day of Mardi, 1993, must be f lIed with the underslgnod, duly vertfled, on or bofore December 22, 1993; there- after, the assois 0f tho above-named estate wiII b. distnibuted having regard only to the cla;ms thon filed. DATED at Whitby thîs 24th day of November, 1993. SIMS MAZAR & BRADY 117 King Street East P.O. Box 358 Whitb Ontario M.S4f Solicitors for the Executors In-home service avaibable getting auto insurance because oft IIIU eL plu-u,. ,.iU _______________ 1i DUNDAS ST. W.. WHITBY age, poor driving record ori Peter 666-12283 suspension of license? Perhaps we s cen help. Phone 666-2090~ I~~~~~~~ __________tTANKS TO THE HOLY spirit, ....._«__USA_________ofSignature HaLI sacred Heart of Jesus and St. - V. '.' & M -.*.: '.Studio would liko 10 arînounce th. e fo ausreevdRS TradÉ in vur Granu'tODeninn of her nwn shotn unwanted items for anything in~ my q uaint and unique store. Books Pets Flowers Crafts & Things, 114 Dundas St. E., Whitby. 1 WILL BUY your unwantod items. BEFORE you throw out or hide them in your basement. Oel 728-8485, beave a message. WANTED. We pay cash. Good used fumniture, fridges, stoves, VCR'Vs & T.W.s. Cail My Dad's Store, 430-0561. 116 Broc k St. S., Whitby. GRANITEWARE -MOULDS, be peils, etc. chikls wicker cr7e & sleigh, small wooden boxes, baskets, pair of folk art dolls-m.ed more. Call 427-6977 - Sat, or Sun. 10 amn. - 5 p.m. FOR SALE - Diecast metal toys crS, trucks, buses). Collectibles. Coi, ecbox, Dinky. imited Editions, gift sets. Gr"e as Chrismas gifis -AIl New. 579-2869. . .A.TS.I..R..F.S . I BEER. NO TAXI $6 per 24. Al ingredients.- equiprnent and knowledge availabie ad Brewski's 'Omoe Brew, 1204 Simcoe St. N. 404-062t Opnl7daysa week. SAVE LOTS 0F MONEY on your noxt vacat ion or business trip. Frees dotails. Write to: SAVE, 48 Michael Blvd., Whitby, Ont. LUN 5p9 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. Mobile homes, clubhouse, heated pools, hot tub, tennis, twenty minutes to Blue Jays and Phillies basebail camps, N.H.L.hockey, doq hos tracks, beaches. Chîldren wolcome. 683-5503. "LEAVE VOUR GARES et home with us." Professional p et/home sitters are tully bonded & insured. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. 1on the sai that you consume. 668-9006 St. John Ambulance called La 1 e28-o435. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN LJ FRIDAY DEC. 17 AT 6 P.M. 3 MlLEb EAST 0F LWTTIE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 9 pc. walnut dining room suite in good condition, new pine corner cupboard, oek sideboard, ginger broad dlock. 4 x 8 pool table, heavy carved cofi oe table, chesterfiold, oak office desk, freezer, victrolla, parlour chairs, elmond Beeumark 2 door rot rigerator & 30 in. eloctric stove, 4 drewer motel filing cabinet, qty. handmade quifts, 8 h.p. Crefisman snowblower with electric start, 22 Merlin semi-tomatic, 35 Marlin lever action. 12 gauge shotgun, Mearlin 22 magnum, 22 Winchester semi-automatic, CVA 32 cal. black powder gun. 30-30 Winchester seddle gun, qty. of ammunition & gun case, qty. new hardware, f îsh hut, small achool bell, qty. chine, plass. collecteble & hoshold items. This will be the lest sale of the year. We would ike to extend to everyone A appy Holiday Season & Thanks toEvzeryone for their paronage throughout the year. Chck your peperf or the f irai sale in mid January 1994. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183. F BAHAI'S BEUEVE. The essence of love is for man to turn his heart to the Boioved One, and sever himself f rom ail else but Him, and desîre naught save that which is the desire of his Lord. For information and discussion cal 668-8665. cyrnn<ecticdns 24 HOUR PERSONAL AD DATELINE - Frea To Cail Poq* # Free To Ladies Seeking Cents - Me;l As Low As 970 A Day 430m-7060 AUCTiONEERS Th. people of Whltby and aurrounclng ara mnjoy atiendlng auction maies Lot trnm know about yoJu flext sals by adv.rts8ifg i .n emsi wkjdy read pagmln Whilby - Th. Whitby Fr.. Presa. Ciasselkds. Cad: 668-6111 ndiay to Friday1, 900 arn o 5009pm* Fax,,668-0594j -Whitby Fr eeAFreSs 668-6111 - Off ie Hours: M AIl sizes. Installation and Computer Balancing elso available WHITBV TIRE m 1 1 j 1 il 1

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