Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1993, p. 9

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BIRHBRKCANOE Long ego when the land was still young, there lived a noble native namod MWachange. Even lovod and admlred Wahnabecause ho lied a good heart and ho was a good provider. Ho could go out into the forest and chop enough trocs te, provide the town with firowood and building meterials for their humble huts. He could sing ie exe and etrike down any troc in the foreet with four single blows. Hie nome soon beceme Wachenga the "Striker." Even thougli he was handsome and micc, and could win eny womens' heart, ho would stick te hie job. One day hievwes heding out te cut wood and ho heard semnething. It seunded like eplashing water. Liko the eound ho heard when ho wes near the brook! No matter how hard ho tried te get the seund eut of hie head, ho could net. When ho sterted chopping trocs, eventually the eoumd dissappeared. When ho got beck from cutting wood, ho esked the chieftein what the seund meant. Ho said that a God will grant him a gift and te ho patient. W'achenga did what ho wes teld. Soon enough semething happened. une day Wachanga headed eut te cut some firewood for the village. It was spring, but the niglits still got froety. Ho knew the perfect epot for plenty of firewood. Ho gezed acrose the rippling etreain that wes etill icy cold, and saw a beautiful patch of white birch trocs glitening in the suni. This would make many a fire for those frosty nlghte. Ho carofully weded acrose the streeni, hoping net te get hie axe wct. Thon ho cemne faoe te face with a beautiful gant bircli. Now ho cen p ut hie naine te the test. Four sti\*kes and the troc should ho down. Ho roadied hie axe, eimed and swung with ail hie miglit and ... not oven a chip was in the troc! This heppened twe more times. On hie fourth swing somthing heppenod. Ho hourd a crack and ail of a eudden a huge pieco of bark foul off into the water. Ho tried te reach out and grab the piece of bark fromn the water but ho lest hie balance end feIl. Ho suspocted te ho knocked eut instantly but instead ho didn't oven get wot. Ho foul inte the piece of bark end sterted te, float te the village. By the time ho set up, ho thought ho was on hie way te hoaven. Littlo baye and girls thet wero playing on the bank looked et Wachanga end tarted laughing. Wachanga finaelly realizcd that ho wes alivo and floating in the pioc of bark. AUl the poople in the village carne te sec Wechanga floating on the water. One of the mon through te use it for fishing. Ono woman thought te use it for wasing and the children theuglit te use it for fun. That is how thc Birchbark Cenoe was introduced te the natives. Brout do Smit CoL J.E. Farewell Publie Sohool QSuity RiepacmernVWindo0ws rom Alcan Buildng Producssmet INCRE0113LY LOW INSTALLED PRICESI mý Ca fur a lu ouum, k MGE WINDOW S< E CHRISTMAS TEST It sure feels good te finally be out of that box and on te the Christmas troc. This yoar rmn higher on the troc thonn lest year, because lest year was my firet yoar on the troc. This year Fve eneniyplace. Lot me tell you a stry hatstarte Decomber 9, Hanuklahmy birthday! I was on display et a gift store. "Excuse me, excuse me, someone said, but the person could not ho hoard with ail the noise of peoplo Christmes shopping. "Excuse me!." the person eeid again. "Yos" replied the saleemen "Cen I help you?" "How much je that ornement in ý the window?" the person asked. "Why it's threo dollars"replied the saleemen. The person bought me and that night I wes put on my firet Chrietmes tree. I was at the bottoin of the troc with al the other new ornements. The oldor one wero at the top. hero wes juet one ornamnent tatwes old and et the bottoin of the troc end that wes the tre estend (he's efreid of hoights). That wcek I made some now frionds the Snowman, the Bell, the Senta Claus and the oldest and wiset ornement of ail, the Star. Ho was at the very top of the tree aIse I met my beet friend the blue bail. That week was the ornemnent test, the test which decides if you could move highor on the troc or if you had te etay at the bottoin. This test had three different roquirernents. The firet requiremont was te corne alivo and move. This could only ho donc at midnight and took alot of concentration. The second requiroment was te telk, which takos even more concentration and the third roquiremont (which cen only be done if you could do the second one) je te enswer a surprise question. That day was the big test. My friend the blue bell pessed the firet and second roquirementa with ease. For the third, the wise Star asked nme why I liked te be an ornement. I told hlm because I like te, make people happy. The blue ball's question wes different but ho stilI answered the question. The Star liked both our enswers se much that wo were both moved up on the tree. Now me and the blue bail are both higher on the tree. One yeer I hope te reach the highiet point. les great being a Christmaes The end Michael Panacci St. tee Catholie School SPECIALTY CLINIC at DUNDAS MEDICAL CENTRE wishes to announce the joining of DRM M UMINNAM GRADE 6 ANSWERS TO GRADE 1 LEIERS Dear Sente, Dear Sente, I have been a very g.ba.ehop myinom with tho dhs.Soon 1 am going te save up monoy for Christnlas presents for my main and dad. I will save up my money frein my allowence end workcing around the lieuse. This le my list: Sega gaines. Super Nintonde gaines, end Nintendo gaines and maries. 1 work liard et echeol and I sharo with others in the clees. What je the North Polo 1ke? I will have seinethirig witing for your reindocr. I hope that yeu have e sefe trip. I aise, hope that you have a happy Christmaes end 1 hope that you cen dliver all the prosents by morning. Jeson C. St. Marguerite D'Youville Sehool Dean Jason C. I am one of Sant' e lure. Sente waese busy rneking al the prosents thet ho got ail the elvee toether end aeked us te write hie lotters for hlm. Wo got aIl the letters teday and youre was on top. I amn very pleased you'vo been a geod bey. I talkod te saine ether elves and a lot of other childron asked for the saine thing as you did. Se Ill try te goet you ail your prosente but ne promises. Remember te, save your allowonce for your mom and dad's presents. Ralph the cif TillE BEST CH1USTMAS PRESENT EVEBI One day a little boy wanted te, have the beet Christmas present over. Hie naine wes Tommy. It coste 89.99. Ho asked hie ded but hie dad seid, "No way Tommy. It ceets tee, mudli!" O.k. dad nI ask my mot, Pin sure shell eey yes.,' Se ho asked hie mom and hie moin seid "No Tommy it ceets tee, mudli." Tommy was very sad. Ho wented thet present since Jenuary lst. Tommy wishee ho had that prosent. Hoeid te, hiiseif I wish my main or my dad would buy me that present." "Tomorrow le Christmaes day." Se that niglit whon ho went te hod ho dreeined that semebody would buy hlm that prosent. The next day ho woke up and sew e present lying down on the floor. Ho opened it up and saw that p rsent ho wanted. So ho said min whe gave nie this present." "Oh well thank you who over gave me this." Deisi.Kwok St. Mark the Evaugeiet Cetholie Scheel There are an abundance of ico-melting ý oducts on the market today, aldaining tD However, there are some significant differences in the performance of the producta. ROCK SAIT is the least oxpensive and probably the most used of ail the do-icing products. Used prnnapally as a highwayde- icer it requires hoat generated bthe Mfncon of the car's tires and the road te work effectively. When used on sidewalks and entrance ways rock sait is only effective ta +20 F. UREA, the small white pellets are a re aiv l new arrivai on the d - a g s e e Uepincipaily as a fertiizel)r,%:hy are extremely slow working and are only effective to +25 F. Bath rock sait and urea Whltby Free Prose.Wecfriedey. Doember 22, 19S3. Page 9 LUCIA ROMERO, 9, takes a whack at the pinata at the Spanish-Canadian Cultural Society's Christmas party held Iast Wednesday at Henry Street Hïgh Sohool. Photo by Mark Roosor, Whltby Free Press Dear Saute, How je Rudoipli? 1e hie nase etill glowing. Meyho cen you send me a picture of Rudolph. If you ceuld meybe bwild these presents I would like thein, I would like a McDone LDS machine. Thank you. Alox St. John the Evangelist School Toee like ico, Everyone pays thet price, The Christmnas books, The Christmas looks!! The balle and bowe The stuffy nase, Theees what I like Christmnas. Melauy Shol Gr Wet Lyndo Publie S Dear Saute, I know that 1 wiil net get everything I esk for because you are busy. Here are saine ideas. Sega Genises, Mortel Combat, X-men and Colder Blester. Christopher St. John the Evaugelist School about- -- pherd r2 e10%Wil Wetm r3 il, PIZZA SHELLS Ico 1 gl.l. M A A I n Roiular White 2.89 Wlhoie Wheat 2.89 Lut3 dozen per wustooner withhicom o LOfrexpires Tuu, January'4,99 - - j SMINI DANISH J &MINI MUFFIN d 16/ OnIy 89Reg. LM*t3 dozen per wstoni wiih thicoup LOffer expires Tuesday, ianuary 4,19 - - : 1OEN UDY 1380 Hopkins Street Whity 666-1 177 leave a white powdery residue when dried, which tracks into y aur building. To neutralize this white film lefh on your floor from these pr oducts - we recommend Swish Wvinterinse. This product wiII restare your shine anid reduoe th slip hazard created by the fllm. CALCIUM CHIORIDE PELLETS wfwct, we market under the name of Swish lce Rid is the best solution ta c sidewalks. They are designed speaificaiiy for do.icang waikways and stops in residential, commercial, i nstitutional and industrial applications. Swish Ice Rid leaves no powdery residue and doos nat track inta buildings. Most importantly it works effectively all the way down ID-25 F. Try Swlsh Ice Rld Pelles and Wftetime Ncawr hr cud!a oy lup CLEAN-IT CENTRE 500 Hopkins Street, Whitby 666-1 224 rEVERYTH-ING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT ICE MELT1NG PRODUCTS 1 r-

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