Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1993, p. 25

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Whitby Frao Prase, Wecfrsday, December 22, 1993, Page 25 THE CHRISTMAS TXE Thora once was a beautiful Christmas trea. It was se beautiful that averybody wantod te oea it. Every momning, knocc, knock, knock; the peope wanted te sea the Christmas trea. Ha bad a cat. Her namo was Candy and sho broko a bulb from the tree. Sho got a cut on ber paw and thon she couldn't sioep the whole day. One morning they woke up and Candy wanted te open ber resents, but ber <ad said ne. efr dad teid ber te wait until ho woke up. Candy disebeyed her <ad. She wont ehead and epened one of bor gifla. It was a bail. Sho plaiyed and piaiyod until se broke tho window. She got in treuble frem bor dad. Thon ber dad teld her thait she could net open ber gifts. Thoy lived happiiy ever aftor. The end. Stephania Rogers and Yara Abbas RLA. Sennatt Public School J uan U nwraip A ngol N icholes Juan Mile Grade 4 Palmerston Avenue Public School CMHSTMAS One day I id my Christmaes tree. I liked that. Wo bad the Starebip Enterpriso decoration. Ho kopt spinning it. It was good. The reindeer are getting ready for Cbristmas. New it was Christmas Day. I put my stocking up on the firoplace. Santa came te sea mo. I get a space sticker book. I liked it. .I fait happy about Christmaes because I got Jts of presonts. Devin Vibert Kindergarten E.A. Fafrman Public School THE BEST CHIUMAS EVER It was one more day until Christmnas. I was oxcitod. I couidn't wait te, open my prosont and oat ail my candies. I went outeido and made snowengals and built a snowmen. Finally it was bed time. Santa came whon wo wore sleeping. Finaily it was merning. I woe up my mem and <ad. Thon I oenad ail my presents and ate al My candios and that was the best Christmas ever! tho end. Bronwyn Dr. Robert Thornton Publie Sohool FATHER, AUSTIN students assemble candygrams for delivery Iast week. They sold more ihan 4,000 of the sweet messages, raising about $700 toward mailing costs for the school's Amnesty International student group. Photo by Mark Reasor, Whtby Free Press I OBITUARJES ANMIEGAINE Annie I. . (Ena) Gaine died at Sunnycreet Nursing Home in Whitby on Monday, Dec. 6, 1993. Sha was 87. Sha le survived by son Derak and hie wifa Mary and grand- daugbter Karen. She was pro. deceased by ber bueband Ernie. Sha rested at the W.C. Town Funaral Chapel in Whitby. Cre- mnation. WILLAM SIMPSON William Horace Simpson <ied at Whitby Ganoral Hospital on Novamber 26, 1993. Ha was 77. Cremation at Mount Lawn Mamoriuai Gardons, interment of cremated romains at Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust e Farmily Monuments * Granite or Bronze Markers * Cemetery Liettering *Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 66,9-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appovininenta gladly amrnged TUE MAGICAL CIIISTMAS One Christmas I didn't have a Christmnas tmoe. We had waited tee, long te pick eut our tree and now thora weren't any loft. On Cbristmas Eve Santa surprised me. Ho brought me this giant trea with beautiful decorations and a star on top. The star was se bright. Thon big and littie présents appearod. I climbed up the chimnoy te meot Santa. Santa said, '7%y don't you come with me te <liver prosents." I had iots of fun in bis sleigh. Ho brought me back whon ail the o teye re delivored. He asked me if I would liko a shiny bell off Rudoif the lRed Nosod Reindeer, and I seid, ,*Ys.,, i got te pet Rudoîf. Whon we got homo I said good bye te Santa and said thank you for the bell and I hope Fi 500e you again next year. I gave him a hug. Rudoif and ail the other reindeor sai<l, "Tbank yeu for the carrots." I told them they are very welcome. Thon I went to bed. In the morning I eaw present.s in my stocking and under the beautiful tree. It was a Christmas te remember. Bradley Mdllwain Grade 3 St. Mark the Evangelist Catholie Schoai THIE 24TH NIGIIT 0F DECEMBER The night ove of Christmas haid nwbgun, Tho moon was up but down wais tho sun. The night wae silent and I set off te, sloap, On this cold winter night thora was net a peep. Thon I hourd belle ringing thait disturbed my enore, I looked eut the windew and reindeer galora. Nino tiny reindeer were heaving ai sloigh, And a man dressed in rod with a beard thait was gray. The team aiighted on the roof high ebove, And Ianded se, gently, ais soft as a <love. The stops of the raindeor who stood ovrhead, Made a swoet iuilaby thait dancod in my head. From inside my chimnoy I heard -ai loud clattor, I paiused, thon aigain I hourd thait patter. I rushed te, the roc room and Santa I saw, Ho had a red coat and fuzzy groen paiwe. A morry werm chuckie, Santa id make, Followed by a Ho! Ho!. Ho! thait did not soem fae. Yes, for certain it was, jolly old Saint Nickr, It took me a while te actually cick. Standing in front of me was a man from the polo, And te, visit every bouse was bis main goal. Ho laid down the presents by the trea with came, and veniebed up the chimney and left me te, stare. I hoard the seunds of footetepe depart from my roof, I heard the stumble of roindoor waik with thoir hoofs. I ran te my window te wavo Santa good-bye, Hie vaiediction was clear aind soomed very nigb. Sky.high Santa wont and ho v anishod withilight, And a largo flash of it as ho said good-night. The ove of Christmais haid coma te, an end, To wish ail a Merry Christmas is what I intend. And a Happy New Year would aise be right I would then liko te wish you ail a good night. Benson Fong Grade 8 St. Paul Catholie Sehool NMMYS iHBIgFmA Once, a long time ego, on a cold Decombor night, Santa was busy reading latters from little chiidren. Ha read a note frein a littie boy naed Tommy. I the note, Tommy asked Santa if ha couid rida in Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve. Santa was vary surprisedl Santa quickly sent a note te Tommy inviting him te ride on the big red sloigh. Tommy got right te work making a Santa suit. Ho maasurad himsef, cut rad fait and startad sewing. After many heure Tommy finished maicing bis Senta suit. Now ha was roady te go with Santa. But back at tho North Polo, Sainta wes in bed with a favar. The elves were comforting Santa with hot blankets and aspirin. The aives taiked te Santa about Christmas Eve. Santa knew just what te, do. The elvas quickiy wont and loaded the sleigh. Mrs. Claus calied Tommy on the telophona and told bim the situation. Tommy dreppod the phone, grebbed bis Santa suit and man te the airport. Heaerrived at the North Polo on the North Poe airiine at 3 'dlock in the eftornoon. It was Christmais Eve. Tommy hookod up the reindoor te tho seigh. Thon Tommy went inside te say good-byete Sainta and the elves. TVommy ran outside, jumped inte the sleigh and was off.Ha could net balieve Rudolph wvas actuaily flying. Tommy's parants haid a sign on their hosenmade of Cbristmnas lights, which said Merry Chrisatmas in diffarent colours. Tommy could read it from a distance in tho sky. Ha was boping that his parants could see bim. As ha got ciceor ha saw a bis fiands and famidly chaoring for him on the ground. Tommy waved te thom and yelaed Merry Christmas to acU ad ail a good night, ho, ho, ha. Thon off Tommy went with a swish te daliver ail of Santa's presents. Santa's magie Cbristmnas dust flow out of the back of the siaigh. Tommy was se happy thait ha got te ride in Santa's sieigh that night. Santa got, botter and Tommy remembored that night always. The end. Lindsay Christine Kraus Grade 3 St. Mark the Evangalist Catholie Sohool CHRISTMAS Mary is the mother of Jesus. Joeeph is the Father of Jésus. The threeidnga brought gifte for Jeans. Christmna Couture Grade 1 St. Mark the Evangelist Next week enyo my resaer wlIberokingefrecways tenci use UP every scrap of the Christmas turkay. As turkey can be a substitutsefor chieken in most recipas there are lots of dehicious ways to enjoy the bird. IPe Glad 'Use-it-Up' Cookbook suggests adding choppad turkey te a can of creamed oeiery soup. Aise add sautéad omion and cooked peas, and heat. Serve over biscuits seasonod with 1/4 toaspfo urrypowder. oo'bRuhJnsnoer 'TheoCeative oo 's Recyciing BokyRuhJnsnfer the foliowing Boxing Day Paté: 1 cup (250 ml) turkay bits, put through meat grindor 1/2 cup (125 ml) butter 1 tbsp. (15 ml) dry sherry 1/2 tsp. (2 mi) sait pch each of ground cloves and black papper 12tsp. (2 mi) lemon juice 2 drops liquid hot pepper 1/4 cup (50 ml) butter, melted Mix ground turkey with butter, sherry, seasoning and lemon juice. Blond thoroughly or purée. Put in mouid or individuai pots. Pour meited butter ovor the surface. Chili. Serve with melba toast. Anyone interosted in ordering 'The Creativo Cook's Recycing Book' can eaul 444-6183. Last minute shoppers may tind the perfect gift in the anvironmentai shop, o-arthdlanco, iocated at 8 Mxdtown Dr. in Osbawa. Vidoo guides showing step-by-step procadures for croating and maintaining an organic garden may be the perfect gift for anyone interested in bocoring lees reliant on chemicals, pesticides or artificiel fertilizers. Owner Karen Giles hais a wide salection of herbs for cooking and healing. Complote kits for starting a window herb garden couid be a good way te introduce frionds and famiiy te the world of herbe. Kits contain organic soul, thrae packats ofsooeds, threo pots, dip tray te prevent water damage and decorative wooden planter. Another idea is 'TMe Incredibie Paper Mekaing it.' One cen have fun recyciing junk mail, newspapers, lettere, fyars and aven Lgiosey magazines into usahle paper in just baif an hour. The drections will axplain how te create ail colours and textures of carde, note paper, docorative paper, invitations and anveiopes, etc. Those are many other unique idoas that may fil your Christmas neode.

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