Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1993, p. 28

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Page 28. WhYFM rO iessüOneSc1Y, DeceMber 22. 1993 HOW TO BM KYQUR CLASSIFIED AD... PI b 6680594 Plese esur Pres, Bx 20, /N~ Wre open 9 arn to 5 pm, monia Monday at nFax your66-054. a a us aPrMail yor ad0ta:Whitby, Ontario, ta Friday. Pac our ad by Monday ~u~etai Wednesclay. you provde ail pertinent Li N 5S1. Ads should be mailed at noon for Wednesday publicatin Prepay by 5 pmtIo save information, and a ta arrive by Monday at noon. If your cant make it in dudng office moneyl Or, prepay with your jj number where we can You can enclose your payment, hours, we have a mail siot ta thé Ieft - ~ VISA dard when placdng the ad. reach you, if necessary. or' provicle b<Iling information. of aur front door. TRMNIG I CLL.A...HIL.CAR COMPUJTERS COMPUTÉR ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTINO, LOTUS 1-2-39 D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSINO I BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKING SERVICES ACCOUNTING HOSPITALITY %- TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS SECRETARUAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE, REtEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING Financlal Assistance May De A valable AS..OU ORf IG OUSE 2 Campuses in Durham OSHAWA OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1163 PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2'at Valley Farm Rd. 420-1344 .. ........ PARr-TIME LEGAL SECRETARY required Immediately. Experienced In ail areas of law. Advanced expérience ln W.P. 5.1 & ACCPAC. Bilingual applicants préf érred. Reply to Manager wfth Résumé nl ta: 103 Dundas St. W., Whitby, LiN 2Mt. S..BR. ENTERPRISES. Good attitude good enaugh. No expérience necessary. Maaers & Manager Tranées wentéd Full lime positions. Start immédiaely. CalI 428-015t. EARN UP TO $346/week ta assemble Christmas and holiday décorations y eer round, et home. Work evailablé acrass Canada. For mare info. send a self addresséd stemped envelape ta Magic Christmas, 130 Slieér St. Ste. 750, ext. 353 Otawa, Ontario, K1P 6E2. WANTED. Permanent pant-lime. Mon., Tues. 9:15 am. - 4:15 p.m. ta look elter 4 children in my home. Ages 8.5. 3 &2. References requiréd. Please cati 430-2207. EARN $576/WK from homel Maiing letters, assembIing praducts. lpW g lbes.Canadian companles. 24Nhour jobline: (416) 631-4791 Réf. 16 F. HELPI I néed a jobl I have a Bachelor of Arts dégrée and 5 yeers Exécutive Sécrétary/Office Administraor expérience. I'm reliable, independent and respon- sible. Wordperfécl, Lotus and Quatropro, as weil as 60 words per minute typing speed is what I have ta affer. I you havé any positions availabe in yaur arganizatdion, I'm thé employée for you. Pléase contact me et (905)430-2532. HEALTH MY WAY. Neways Inc. needs distributors now - C hinése Herbai Products and Personal Care. Set your awn hours - set your own goals. Pleasé oel 619-1318. EARN EXTRA MONEY and be y aur own boss selling beautiful lingerie & Ioungewear. For more information cati Sar ae 436-6399. WE DEUVER FLYERS The Whltby Free Press 668-6111 1 C OSHAWA (I O DRIVINC Full Drivers Education Courses DECEMBER 27th-3Oth Chrismas 4 day course JANUARY 11lth Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course JANUARY l5th Saturdays 4 week course PRIVA TE LESSONS REGISTERED & APPROVED BY THE ONTARIO SAFEIY LEAGUE PRIVAE TUTORING available. Qualifiéd teacher. K - 6, ail subjects. To enroîl cali 666-0633. GUITAR LESSONS. Beginner and advanced. Acoustio or electric. CatI Lau ai 666-1979. COMPLETE KITCHENS, bath- raoms, Réc-rooms. AIl your drywal needs plus téxlured ceilings. Guarantéed workmanship. Cati Dieter al 430-1207. PAINTER with* 23 yéars of expérience Ioaking for residentiai work. Cal Clarence for fre estimate ai 668-5562. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Ré-upholstéry of antiques. AIl kinds of recavering. Your fabric or mine. Fre stimates. Ovér 40 years' expérience. 430-7568, Whiby. HANDYMAN for odd jobs, yard work, baeménts cleened up, garbage removal. Home répairs inside or out. Book now for snow rémnoval. 571-7182. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive q uality portraits. Studio or in home. Babies, children, families. Packages tram $29. Also: weddings, christenings. groups. boudoir. copy & restoatian, exécutive, pramotionai. 427-9164. INTERIOR PAINTING. Fast dlean service. Free estimates. Cali Mike et 655-3791. ..................... ........... IÏI 0 se 0. ront ho 1 of Busmess Specializing in Early Childhood-9 Education. For Peace of Mnd. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Pérr St., Whltby 668-9476 REUABLE DAYCARE available in mny home. Full or part-timée. Walking distance tram Palmerston Public School. CalI 666-5909. MOTHER 0F TWINS willing to babysit any ma-eRossîand and Brack area. (McBién Court). CalI 430-6394. SERIOUS LADIES "C" slowpitch teamn Iooking for players for extrémely compétitive league. Please phone Dan 430-3656 leave message. BROOKUN. Close ta ail amenities. Available now. CalI 655-5539. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - tén minutes tram Whitby. between Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms available for rent. Low weékly rates. Caîl 655-5308. ROOM FOR RENT. Furnished, share kitchén, laundry, parking Brock & Starr area. Working aut anly. $90 weekly. CalI 430-298. BROOKUN - 1 bedroom, kitchen & f ull bath.* Parking, cabie. $350 inclusive. Suitable for matdure persan. CalI 655-3012. 432-7375. COMING EVENTS Il C4!14 PAR il Cail 668-6111 Il S~RVK~5 Il Il AFTE R SCHOOL SITTER REQUIRED for aur 2 chiidren 5 & 6 ln our home. 3 or 4 days per week. I-ours: 3:20 p.m. - 520 p.m. Rassiand & Anderson area. Whitby. Cati 430-0619. WANTED - lmmediatety, reliabie, dependable caregiver for 2 girls in my home or ouilside. 3 - 4 days per wéék. 6 arn. - 4 pm. Phone efler 5 p.m. 404-0680. REUABLE., LOVING MOTHER wi pravide an en1ayl.. non-smakin niomntoryu child. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Lots of crafts & story lime. Lots of TL-C. Cali 430-7474. i A ewbayIn #iswod, there's aways CALL VOUR WELCOMEKj WAGON HOSTESS NOW . * f e 668-653 SNE 90 I WHITBY ' FREE PRESS will be CLOSED on Thurs., Dec. 23rd and Fr1., Dec. 24th. DEADLINE for placlng or cancelling ads is Mon., Dec. 27th at 4 pm. HANDYMAN. Clean yards, baséménts. Cul trees. T.V. tawér rémovai. CalI 655-3004. FURNUTURE MAKER/CABINET MAKER. Custom designer and buildér of fine furniture. Specializing in Early Canadian Reproductions, 'Armoires and Entertainmrrent Centres. Over 15 years experience. Qualit work- manshipg uarantee. Références supplied. For a free q uatation calI Gary et 666-1913. ARTIST AVAILABLE. Custom artwoik - ail painting, charcoal sketches, etc. Family or pet portraits, landscapés. Gréat for Christmas présents. Reasonable rates. 723-6610. CINDYS ALTERATIONS has moved - still in Pearson Lanes. 133 Byran St. N. Came sée us for al your. séwing neds.33 yéars expérience between -us. Tues. ta Fri. 10 - 5:30, Set. 10 - 3.430-6550. HANDYMAN - SmetI moving jobs, rubbish removai. Besements, weshroams, drywall, palnting, doors, ceiling s, sheds. Snow rémavad. Cal Daug et 436-0398. CUSTOM DESIGN and dréss- making. Wedding and evening gowns, bridesmai ds & grads, suits, etc. Renovalion and altération. Garments also made tram a picturé. 723-3259. LARGE MOVING VAN with driver for hiré. Privete or business. Phone 430-1080, léavé message. HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES - Repairs. improvéments, yard & basement clean-ups or any other jobs around thé home, big or smail. Very réasonabié ratés. Cal 666-0288. VOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Séwing machiné repairs. AIl makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complété lune-up tram $29.95 + rarts. Factory trainéd technicians. il

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