Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1993, p. 30

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Page 30, Whtby Free Pres. Wednesday, December 22, 1993 ARTICL S WANT D A..........AI.. FO R SA E ___ __ __ ___.___.__.___......__ __ MATTRESSES and boxsprings at haIt price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. FULL LENGTH silvor fox coat. Excellent quality. Worn once. $1,200 or bost off or. 666-9433. WELL SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale. Dry, hardwood, kindling, half face cords, face cords, bush -cords. Pick up or deliver. 905-649-3183. WEDDING DRESS, size 12. Engagoment/wedding band set. Best offers. Caîl 668-5512 ater 6 p.m. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haIt price. Large select ion. McKeen Furnit ure, 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. 2 FUR COATS, sizo 8. Excellent condition. Brown sheared mouton and taupe brown nutria. $100& $125. CalI 668-2213. STANDARD WHITE DMORS for bedroom, etc. (32a) Sliding beige do<qr with hardware, $10 ea. Poach b"lroom valances with velcro - strip, marré material, difforent widths. $10-$40. Child's tont, blue and red. $10. Whito aluminum venotions, 72w x 4001.$25. Little Tykes troohouso. Excellent shape-$65. 3 Floral picture trames. Grey, pink, aqua. $8 for 3. 1 light oak headboard. Excellent condition - Pailisar trom Leons, $80. 668-4173. 23.6 CU. FT. G.E. side-by-side tridge. Water/ico dispenser. Excellent condition. $800 o.b.o. Exorcise biko. Brand new. $75 o.b.o. 571-7219 after 4 p.m. FIREWOOD. Excellent quality hardwood. Seasoned, very dry, split. Honost moasuromont. Fire up with cozy heat. Free delivery. 905-753-2246. HENRY STREET IUGH SOHOOL is offering the following machine shop,. weldinq, automotive & Eraphics equipment for sale: ~ate, m illing machine, presses, radial drill. heat treating avons, arc welders, drafting equipment, tpeettinq equipment, etc. Viwing will be during the week of January 3 - 7 byapintment. Please contact HenyStreet Hugh Schaol for a detaibed list af equipmont and bidding information. 618-273L SWHITBY SEWING MACHINE epairs to ail makes INDUSTRIAL & DOMESTIC In-homie service available 1i DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY Peter 606-1228 "I had nover usedi the Whitby Free Press classitieds before, anid1 was dolighted with the respnse ta my àad.Tho cas t was=a lt laesthn 1 WILL BUY your unwanted items. BEFORE you throw out or hide themn in your basement. Cal 728-8485, beave a message. AU.ftqo: K FIBERGLASS CAP, tits Mazda shortbox pickup. Vory good condition. Asking $325.430-2075. I Need a car - Credit problems? We hava e !ase take-overs (ropossoss!ons) Leasa ta own any maka or miodal Cash for trada - cali now for Ioea quotas LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 683-6230 - jeff r Al sizes. IInstallation and Computer Balancing also avaîlable WHITBY TIRE 103 Dundas St. E. (comero01 Hwy. 12 &Hwy.2) Phono 430-8900 ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090. BEER. NO TAXI $6 per 24. AIl ingrodionts, equipment and knowlodge avail ai a Brewski's 'Orne Brew, 1204 Simcoo St. N. 404- 062 1. Open 7 days a weok. TOY POODIE PUPPIES. Available for Christmas. Cal 655-5441 or 655-3217. FREE ta a good home. Back, springer :spariiel. Ail needlos, spayod, 2 yrs. aId. Ownor passed away. Call 683-2984. kuirosales Fnesoal Servces >Amoements For Ravt k*p»s, Ait Gage &YaudiSales & Cdectties HaçpyAils Apartooa Ir Ravt H*~Wate Apoaaes HM"k eslrdn ktdes ble i, mn aes i AnsdHobbes ki mmam Actns kis.wwe >daelrnds la Same Lmâdcaping S"ces MoIS Legi Boa&Sà &&ss Lost àFa*vil BxÀnmess Owujrdes mWesave Buinàess Senices Mavigago Cal a Proossai MoociciesAys Cent 01 Thurla perslis Caes PUS"m Services ChîdCarsve Saces Peb&slaoà &S.isup Comrvg Evenos RaiEs»ai Coameei Space R*wdniSAuces kg RmnoSile Rý ortoROM Darce kuructon Saed Accarvnooeu D"ft Sage Eàbcab"e Services Tendurs Eroçicmut Werbd Traing 5*es Famluage TravdNaiam, Fam Sjs Vâiss a Eqipset Wmrbd OUTSTANDING BOXING DAY AUCTION ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES SUNDAVI DEC. 26, 12 NOON (VIEWING 10:30 A.M.) ORONO TOWNHALL, MAIN ST. ORONO (TAKE 401TO 115/35 HWY.& NORTH 10 K.M.) Our Boxing Day Auction features a selection of some of the t inest pcs. of furniture in orig. & rot. condition & rare & unique collectables that we have had t he pleasuro of seîling in the '93 season. Partial Iist includes Bowmanviîle pump or g an, Victorian couch, oak pcs. include sideboard, corner cupboard w/Iead glass door, hall seat w/mirror, china cabinet, hat & cane stand, 7' pine church pew, secretary desk, grain scales, oak tea wagon, 2 ice boxes, 2 table top gramfaphones, brass & glass tea cart, misc. old dressers & chests of drawers, tables (parlour, occasional, kitchen, tavern, oak, etc.), settee set, blanket box (c- 1825), hoosier cupboard top, tin rocking horse, misc. chairs & rockers, ets & inbdividuals (pesaks, captain, chicken coup, etc.), several trunks & blanket boxes, washstands arig. & rot. (oak, pine, ash, etc.), spinning wheeî, walI phono, quiîts, rugs, pocket watch, violin, gramaphone cyls, oil lamps, old pictures & trames oiî by Drummond & Donein (c 1790). Also, an exceptional seloction of aId glass & china including, 12 place setting of Royal Ider MCountry Rose), 6 place setting of Lomage (Elito Warld), Willow, Mason's, Paragon, Wedgeweod, Depression, etc. These are only a few et the many eutstanding pcs. ta ho auctiane in aur fast sale of tho year. A must attend event for one & aIl. Terms: Cash or choque w/ID. MACGREGOR & WEST AUCTIONS MIKE MACe4lEGOR 905-987-5402 JUNIOR WEST 905-983-5556 "HOLIDAY AUCTION" BOXING DAY, DEC. 26 - 12 NOON PREVIEW 1t30 SUNDAY KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS CLUB 133 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY TO SETTLE THE "PARSONS" ESTATE AND FOR OTHER LEGAL PRINCIPLES Antiques, reproductions, etc. including antique rot inished "Chatham* cupboard, aId pine cupboard, pine wardrab)es, deacons benches, bow front china cabinet, wing back chairs, round oak table and chair set, 9 pce. dining roemn suite, open dish cupbomard, pino corner cabinet, oniental carpets, pnebenches, I-arvest table& chair sot, hand made quits, country decorator pcos, washstands, pîne and oak bookcases, footed and othor linon boxes, glasswaro, china. brass and cast iran pces, loveseat, pine stools, variaus lamps, q uit racks, carved walnut qrandfat h or cock, oak treadle sewing machine, oak sideboard, tomn stands, milk cans, postmastor's desk, trunks, slope front desk, Victorian tables, 3 pce. pine coffee table set, prints, ail paintings, parlour and eccasianal tables plus much more. Terms: Cash, cheque, (Visa, W/C, 3% Prom). $1 bid cards. Deîivory available. AUCTIONS UNLIMITED 519-345-2426 * Tlt CORPORATION 0F THE ~TOWN 0F WHITBY FORM 1 Mi-E PLANNING ACT NOTICE 0F THE PASSING 0F ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITIBY TAKE NOTICE that the Counicil of the Corporation otfthm Town of Whitby passed By-law No. 3393-93 on thue 22nd day of November, 1993, under Section 34 af the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13. AND TAKE NOTICE that any persan or agency may appeal ta the Ontario Municipal Board un respect of the by-law by lling with the Clerk of the Corporation af the Town of Whitby not later than the 11lth day ai January, 1994, a notice af appeal settin9 out the objection to the by-Iaw and the reasons in support of the objection. The purpose and affect af By-law Na. 3393-93 Is ta amend Zoning y-law No. 2585 ta introduce a new definition for a boardinq and lding house into the by-Iaw, and further, ta introduce a minimum separation distance ai 120 metres tram any ather boardlng and Iodging hue and tram any 9group home with six or more residents .T'ho comnplote by-law is avaîlable for inspection in my office during regular office hours. FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THIS MATTER MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACI1NG THE TOWN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENT, 668-5803. Dated at the Town af Whitby this 22nd day ai December, 1993. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 2M8 P~RONAS PfiS85L SKINNY DIP Thigh Cream - As seen on T.V. Now availablo thru Neways lnc. - Health my a.Caîl 619-1318 ta order. Visa, MC, AlMEX acceptod. THANKS TO ST. JUDE for favours rocoived. P.D. BAHAIS BELIEVE. True remombranco Is te mako mention 0f the Lord, the AII-Praised, and forgot aught else besido Him. For informatlon and discussion cali 668-8665. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heait of Josus for favours recorved. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus ho adared. gblriiied, loved and preserved throug haut the world new and terevor. Oh, Sacred Heart ot Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker of miracles pray for us, St. Judo helper ai the hopeless prayt for us. Say this prayer nine times a deay. By the eighth day your pFrayer WI be answored rgriess et how hopeless your siation seems. Publicatdion must ho premised. D.W. y hitby Free Press 6-11 Ofc or:Mrdy.QFia.90 r o50 r Fax 668-0594 c9nnectiîdns 24 HOUR PERSONAL AD DATELINE J..W. -Free To Cail eFree To Ladies Seeking Gents Men As Low As 970 A Day 430.706

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